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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. Luckily I got my renewal done in January, I did have to ask for the letter, it was not offered voluntarily. Good luck to those pitching up with the attachment at their local IO.
  2. The only internal affairs the illegitimate caretakers are worried about is the potential halt to their cash from the burmese butchers who they are intrinsically linked to and often relate to the murderers as their brothers. Nuff said.
  3. As far as I am aware from the list provided with the Life certificate form, bank personnel are not listed. I got mine signed at the local police station, fee 200 baht including the official police stamp.
  4. Why on earth did they do it. This guy shows no respect and as far as I am concerned is a talentless Muppet.
  5. No bars are open in the new build between TT and 2nd road, I was there last week. I believe some may open in the next couple of months. The MiT bars at the Buakhao end are all open although some are very quiet.
  6. My last UK state pension did not arrive 2 weeks ago. Upon contacting the international pension centre, they told me it was stopped because I hadn't returned the life certificate sent in February. I never received it at my home address here in Thailand. It was all sorted out on the phone with a email sent to me enclosing the life certificate. My payment resumed a week later than it should have. I airmailed the life certificate back a couple of days after I got it as I needed the witness statement signed. Ironically the letter saying my payment was going to be stopped arrived a few days after my phone call to IPC, with another life certificate form attached. It took nearly 6 weeks to arrive here.
  7. Sounds like you got off lightly, good bail out. If you smell a rat and become uncomfortable it's always best to walk. Plenty more out there. Also 5k to eat at a Isaan restaurant is a red flag immediately. I feed a dozen on less than half that.
  8. What do these idiots think when they go into these places, it's a freebie. Dumb as **** If your not sure about the prices ask to see the list, or pay as you go.
  9. Hardly surprising as the slaughter of the innocent continues. And the corrupt, so called caretaker government, is inviting the equally corrupt butchers of Burma to a meeting in Bangkok. Well done the other ASEAN members for refusing to attend and poking another finger in the nose of the pathetic Too and his cronies.
  10. Bunch of jokers, how many previous orders to complete the work have been issued, with no effect whatsoever.
  11. Anyone who gets involved with crypto deserves all they get or don't get...
  12. Oh well, just another blow to the already tattered image of the corrupt buffoons at the BiB.
  13. I don't seen the word 'reckon' appearing in the rule of law. It was either sexual assault or not. Clearly the envelopes have been passed out yet again, another incompetent episode from the BiB.
  14. 168 is a well known Isaan pub not usually frequented by farang.
  15. How do you break in using a key...
  16. First and foremost they need to understand what retired people in other countries have to live on. Which of course they won't, in true Thai style they'll come out assuming all retirees are multi millionaire's and market accordingly as we've seen in the past.
  17. No doubt he's a trump supporter then. So glad the arrogant sob was shown the door.
  18. They are obviously having trouble tweeking the results in favour of the losers...
  19. What you described is entirely normal in the Thai health care system because you are comparing it with, I assume, with a health care system from your country of birth. Which in the UK is paid for by taxpayers, there aren't many tax payers here and the rate is low for those that do. The Thais don't get angry about this as they already know what to expect.
  20. I've used DHL, delivery was just over 48 hrs after hand over here.
  21. Only 2 Kms away. An easy walk. My nearest ATM is 9 Kms away at a PTT station and if that's out of order the next one is 13 Kms.
  22. I do mine in person and as a result enjoy a small holiday in Bangkok catching up with family and enjoying some nightlife entertainment.
  23. A fantastic show of humanity to fellow citizens. I sincerely hope all the money is properly administered for the upgrade of the house and the child's education.
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