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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. More misery being heaped onto his happiness to the people campaign.
  2. Isn't it necks that are being picked and not pockets, BiB get it wrong again.
  3. To the Thai justice system, this is what real sentencing is. Not a poxy 8 years for murder or a wai and envelope to cover up crimes that devastate people's lives.
  4. Well done to the Muppets in charge, so it's not only DUI but SUI as well now. Amazing Thailand.
  5. Just another job for the Boyz centre. It will have zero effect on the current crop of corrupt Muppets raking in the dosh at will. And they need a centre after 18 billion has gone walk about. Talk about shutting the door after the horse has bolted.
  6. The usual BS from the usurpers of democracy who much prefer not to stand in front of citizens and present their case but would rather get nodded into their taxpayer funded jobs by their cronies without a ballot. No wonder the recent report showing young people's dissatisfaction with the dye the hair black mob is at an all time high.
  7. So you consider 5 months a reasonable period ahead of time then. I don't and consider it a disgrace. BTW my passport doesn't expire for another 2 years. I was asking a legitimate question of the consul/embassy on behalf of others whom I have discussed the subject with as we fund the so called service through our income taxes.
  8. Fares change daily or even hourly on different consolidators sites. I was quoted a fare BKK-SIN-LHR return with Singapore Airlines for 29000 baht for next month with no more than a 2 hour stop in SIN. I suspect it wasn't around for long, you just have to bash the keyboard on multiple sites to get something reasonable. A bit of effort can save you a considerable sum.
  9. A blow to the 'use a visa agent' brigade. Surprised it doesn't happen more often. The visa lottery continues in the hub of scams.
  10. Ferrari Joe was just the tip of the iceberg in the hub of corruption.
  11. Sitting in the Aircon scrolling on their phones.
  12. Have you informed the Thai authorities that expats here are having to wait several months to obtain a new passport? In a case I know it was 5 months.
  13. That's if you think he's done any work other than for himself, corrupt Muppet. I do notice that he's stopped promoting his ganja business following the chaotic decriminalisation law implementation which is now being walked back, in the can't do this and this is banned etc.
  14. Probably the best customers at these dens are in fact the BiB, which is why they are operating nationwide with impunity.
  15. I have a dashcam in my car so film the police at check points on a regular basis and have never had a problem in several years.
  16. The rest of us knew he couldn't run anything efficiently just after he took over 8 years ago and it's gone downhill on an almost weekly basis ever since. The man us a miserable dullard with no IQ so what would you expect.
  17. The hub of scams and fake shirts scores again.
  18. I thought all budgets in Thailand were murky, including the national one. Transparency is not a virtue in a corrupt way of doing business.
  19. The current crop of ministries is unable to be efficient let alone a new one. Just another layer of incompetent bureaucracy and jobs for the boys scheme from jaba this time.
  20. Don't be silly this is Thailand, the pre requisite for a job in government is that you are unqualified and can march up and down a parade square all day while listening to a barking dog telling you what to do next.
  21. All passports requests from overseas are processed at the International Passport Office in Liverpool UK including Thailand.
  22. Something most of the rest of the world has known for a considerable time.
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