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Posts posted by james.d

  1. 2 hours ago, robblok said:

    Yes I would blame her father too, if the gun had been locked up there would not be a problem. Guns have no place lying around in a house. So yes Id say the dad was more responsible then social media.

    How very patronizing, where does it say that the gun was lying around the house? Please point out that detail to me.

  2. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    Lots of stories of posh cars killing people on m/cs recently.

    I'm guessing the BMW driver was going too fast.

    Poor old chap, hope it was quick.

    Rather more stories of pickups and non posh cars killing people though. All boils down to the driving techniques IMHO.

  3. 1 hour ago, Khaeng Mak said:

    Never seen these two products in either a Tesco or Big C.  And I have been here for decades and always go on the shopping trips.  Where are you located?

    If may say it depends where you live...they are available at the superstores in BKK not the mini branches near me. However, my local superstore at Laski might not have them for a week or two whereas the ones nearer expat areas  (On-Nut for example) may/will be better stocked on a more regular basis.

    This is for tesco's BKk and I'm not sure about upcountry.


    Where have you been shopping for decades?





  4. On 2/20/2019 at 10:56 PM, chickenslegs said:

    Tesco Lotus has (not always) Tesco brand dark chocolate, which I like too much. To me it tastes like Cadbury's Bournville.


    Big C has (not always) the Casino brand chocolate from France. I don't like the milk chocolate, but the dark chocolate is very nice.


    Both brands are inexpensive, compared to other imported brands.

    Yes the Tesco's own chocolate is really great taste and value. I bought the dark chocolate with orange today.

  5. IMHO, l would not buy them either stainless or soapstone. If your friend uses an ice cube with his drink at present it may be to cool the whisky and slightly dilute it. As he drinks only top-shelf like blue label then he may have considered buying them himself earlier.

    I have tried the soapstone ones before in a Laphroaig and did not enjoy it as much (possibly the sight of a black stone in the glass didn't help)


    Just my personal thoughts.


    I have seen them on Lazada BTW.

  6. 3 hours ago, eyecatcher said:

    Yes James I also speak from the cheap charlie experience. I didnt want to pay for the proper stuff and just used some woodstain mixed with something else.

    The result was good but as yours over the years heavy rain eventually gets under it and lifts it off.


    I went over mine with a woodetect product that cost 970 or so for a gallon.

    Should have used it from the start really 


    Really appreciate you uploading that product, I shall check Homepro for it. Many thanks.

  7. 20 hours ago, eyecatcher said:

    Just go an get the proper fibre paint for conwood, shera, dura, which is not cheap, will cost you about 1000bt and give it two more coats after you clean it.

    those areas that have worn away will soon blend in.


    A tip, dont panic after the first coat that it looks too thin, the colour enriches as it dries.


    If the correct paint was used originally you will not get it off, its leached in.


    Get the blow torch idea out of your head!

    Thanks for your advice I will sand it as Andrew suggested and use conwood paint in this section.


    Sadly conwood paint was not used as we have about 150m2 around the house and the conwood paint was / is 1,750Bt per tin. Hindsight etc....


    Thanks again for recommending not to use blowtorch.

  8. The conwood at the front of our house needs repainting. I was going to remove the old paint using a gas blowtorch as in the photo. Conwood is apparently fire proof but would it warp or lift?

    I prefer not to use a grinder as it may get pitted and nor use a paint remover.

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated before I go buy the torch and propane.


    Many thanks.







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