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Everything posted by StayinThailand2much

  1. Talk is cheap, but I trust more the flight management of the airlines; they know when their planes are full, or only half-full... On what does this Maybank analyst base his optimistic projections; last night's cannabis intake?
  2. Yes, not to mention international tourists worrying about free parking...
  3. Yes, paying the fee beats sitting there for hours, waiting for one's number to be called.
  4. Yes, it's possible. Deposit my 2,000 baht, but pay 50 baht for the deposit with another bank. (That's what I paid last time when I deposited cash at bank A's CDM for my account with bank B, both in Bangkok.)
  5. It's a headache. Till earlier this year, type in number, put money into CDM. Keeping four bank accounts, but only a debit card for one, I now have to go with my bankbook and passport to the branch during opening hours, waiting 30-120min. just to deposit a few thousand baht, as banks don't issue ATM cards anymore. (I don't need four debit cards, but only one for the account I use regularly.)
  6. Seconded. Before Covid-19, it was clear that Immigration at the borders didn't want me. Right after the pandemic I went travelling to other countries for six months (spending money that I would otherwise have spent in Thailand). No problem returning after half a year overseas.
  7. What a stupid BS rule. Is that only for Penang? Fun fact, I fell victim to such a 'rule' at the Penang consulate about two decades ago. Never bothered to apply there again after that.
  8. They don't worry about water, and they don't worry about tomorrow. All they care about is $$$$...
  9. Don't know about the U.S., but I have seen a lot of homeless in recent times; Bangkok (and I don't mean the bused-in Cambodians, but middle-aged men down on their luck), Australia (Darwin, although many are Aborigines; one asked me: "Can you give me 10 dollars?", Melbourne, Sydney...), New Zealand, esp. Auckland: many middle-aged homeless men in the highstreet (hundreds of NZ families also live in garages or shipping containers, or sleep in their cars)... And yes, returning to my home country in a few years, I'd be homeless too, if it weren't for the fact that I'm planning to stay in hotels for, I dunno, at least two years... With massive mass-immigration to my home country, but very little housing construction, things will only get worse. I even, recently, tried to get a job back home; first question was: "Do you live locally? No? Then we cannot hire you, as you won't find a place to stay in this city."
  10. I doubt that people at the TAT have a clue themselves. Thais are always surprised to hear what long holidays we Westerners have, or what savings. I'm convinced they really think that most tourists can only come to Thailand, and afford holidays lasting 2 to 4 weeks. At the same time, they seem to think that tourists fly halfway around the world for a week-long temple tour of Thailand... No wonder that, post-Covid (with higher ticket prices), they mostly just attract short-time tourists from nearby countries (Malaysia, India, China, etc.), while others don't bother thanks to short VFE terms, and more and more requirements when applying for a visa overseas.
  11. As I wrote: "Really loved Pattaya, esp. the great attitude of the girls back then..." (BTW, I have way more money now, so this got to count for something. LOL) And yes, same problems there too; eye sores (e.g. beach and beach promenade!), pollution much worse, etc., and the (better looking) girls work online, and are in a hurry... If I wanted to hire such a kind of working girls, why should I travel half-way around the world? (As I can hire the same category, incl. Thais, back home.) Nowadays I'm more likely to spend my money sightseeing in Hanoi, or travelling in Oz, with Thailand just being my tropical hub.
  12. So?? I liked Phuket back then because of the beaches, mostly friendly people, and reasonable prices. Why should my age make a difference? Is it my fault that, being 25 years older, there are more scams, rude people, eye sores, and pollution on Phuket today? LOL But I guess, I was lucky. If I had travelled there for the first time recently, no chance that I would have ventured there again.
  13. Same here. Loved Phuket when I went there about 25 years ago. Really loved Pattaya, esp. the great attitude of the girls back then, first time I went there 23 years ago. - Nowadays, I don't bother travelling to Phuket, and Pattaya isn't great anymore. The only thing that excites me these days is travelling to other countries (Vietnam, Oz)...
  14. In other news, not much has changed since then for 98% of the population, except for accumulation of more household debt.
  15. Not to worry, as they all get recycled. Extending my visa at Immigration the other day, I had to sign a two-page form that 'I would not overstay'. On the flipside of the two pages I saw a passport copy of the personal data page of a pretty foreign girl, and also a copy of her latest visa stamps on two of her passport pages. (No, phone number, sadly.)
  16. When I was in NZ earlier this year, a hotel complained that I had booked via Agoda rather than in person ("You booked with a company in Singapore, rather than in person. And we have to pay the commission. Blabla...") That was after they had charged me in cash (as stipulated in the booking), and, hours later, also charged my card, i.e. charged me twice! It was quite a challenge to get the extra payment back. Minus 15% due to the lower exchange rate. No sympathy from me for those properties, as sometimes it is too risky to book directly. Also, while hotels and hotel groups often claim to have 'lower rates' if one books directly with them, a quick website check then reveals that rates are, in fact, often well above the rates offered via booking sites.
  17. "I just run the place like a kindergarten..."
  18. Followed two days later by: "Chinese visitor arrivals jumped by a staggering 100,000% compared to May 2020!" (when there were 800, or so)...
  19. Parking? How about speeding across zebra crossings while pedestrians are using them?
  20. Like three or four travelling on one motorbike, but none of them wearing a helmet...
  21. You haven't been to Thailand, if you weren't struck by a motorbike while crossing the road, as it suddenly appeared out of nowhere... (Was hit twice; once in Pattaya and then in Bangkok, despite looking left and right.)
  22. So, you're not going to accept the Thai "lady" might have made an offensive comment, which could have sparked the confrontation... you have a "protect" the Thais at all cost attitude... yep, I stand by my assessment of you.. a troll Some Thais have a short temper. I wouldn't be surprised if the Thai woman slapped or hit the Indian woman after a verbal exchange. Maybe some other Thais then joined in, prompting Indian bystanders to intervene. (Not saying it happened exactly like that, but having seen a few physical altercations between Thais, as well as between Thais and foreigners, I wouldn't be surprised.)
  23. Thailand wants to see far more US and Canadian t̶o̶u̶r̶i̶s̶t̶s̶ dollars (if necessary with the accompanying foreigners)...
  24. Maybe the ones who don't fall for the numerous scams...
  25. Before that we will read: "Pope gets married".
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