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Everything posted by coolcarer

  1. Since when has Russia bought artillery shells from North Korea before? Maybe they could also ask NK for what’s needed to insert air bags into the cars their producing because they are currently manufacturing them without them. you’ve obviously not heard of guided artillery shells then, shame Ukraine are using them in the HIMARS
  2. But you said they had plenty in reserve, not only plenty but also more sophisticated, ok got it
  3. Is that why Russia had to go cap in hand to North Korea to buy its shells for their artillery recently?
  4. You should take a look at the Russian neo nazi Rusich group in Ukraine or the Wagner group who was also started by a nazi sympathizer. No it’s not all about NATO but go ahead and believe that nonsense, it’s about the evil little dictator thinking he’s Peter the Great taking back his lands. You should listen to his speech.
  5. You used to read? Hope you’re better at that than writing
  6. The Queen RIP got it right when she met Putin and a nearby dog barked at him, she said “Dogs have interesting instincts don’t they” She broke all protocol but spot on. Putin is a murderer and war criminal.
  7. They can’t be that short of money if they shelled out for accommodation, any tickets cancelled will also be refunded. If you have such a problem then go tell that to the Football League they are the ones who make the decisions along with other sporting associations. Nobody is forcing them to stop anything.
  8. The rainbows were yesterday, just as they announced the death, must have been very touching for those there
  9. Ladies and gentlemen, the Queen with 007 at the Olympics. God bless her soul, touched the hearts of so many people.
  10. How do you work that out? you think International schools run their mini buses full each day? They don’t. I work at an international school and all mini buses have a responsible driver and a teaching assistant who both do the necessary checks a part of their normal duties. What are the statistics in Thailand for deaths of this sort in an international school? The app is not even designed for this purpose, it’s a school transport monitoring system, I looked at your site, the issue you’ve raised here is just a by product of the app. All I see is you web design and app development company jumping in on this terrible death.
  11. You obviously don’t know what it means but hey, carry on whacking away I’m sure you’ll knock a nail in eventually….lol
  12. No just means that I lived in North London and didn’t visit South much, knock yourself out on the rest of you post….lol
  13. I don’t do south of the river much and your rejection of a so called buzz word is fine by me. Each to their own.
  14. That’s before my time so I can’t comment, I was only born early 80’s. You get what you came for in my opinion, The groups I have always been there with go their for the carnival, it’s sights, experiences, cultural diversity and food. In the evenings we head to Camden to one of the canal bars. Awesome day and one I look forward to doing again when I return.
  15. One of the highlights of living in London being the many festivals available and this was one I have attended half a dozen times. Amazing cultural experience and a real family atmosphere in the day. Working in an inner London school a few of the students were involved in some of the processions. Nightime as with all festivals is a little different and moves to the more adult theme and can be a little edgy if not careful but that is the same with festivals all over the world. There was a Thai truck/float last time I was there too with traditional dancers.
  16. Observational science with theory but without numbers can be just as credible, I’m a science teacher and perform these tasks regularly in experiments. Maths based science is also extremely important for other projects. A combination of both is used in climate models, maths and observation for evidence
  17. What about Holland? Lengthy up to date article here on what they are doing... The Netherlands and its biggest challenge: Stopping sea level rise "Sea levels are rising, the ground is sinking and floods have become a constant threat. Scientists stopped wondering about whether the Netherlands would disappear a long time ago – now the question is when. Forecasts are pessimistic, as about one-third of the Netherlands is below sea level." https://esthinktank.com/2021/04/06/the-netherlands-and-its-biggest-challenge-stopping-sea-level-rise/
  18. It’s not always about us and how fortunate we are, How Climate Change Fuels Global Hunger It’s a troubling prospect, one that is especially catastrophic for already vulnerable populations around the world. Climate change is a leading cause of hunger, second only to conflict, according to the World Food Program, and the deepening climate crisis threatens to plunge millions more people into food insecurity. With climate change, extreme weather events like drought have become more frequent and intense. The vast majority of people facing hunger—roughly 80 percent—reside in regions that are susceptible to these climate extremes, which can then impact food production, availability, and accessibility. If nothing is done, aid agencies warn, these populations could soon face widespread famine. Across Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia, more than 23 million people are currently confronting acute hunger; https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/05/19/climate-change-food-insecurity-hunger-drought/
  19. You may also look at all the evidence I recently instead of taking two words out of context
  20. If you admit humans are the cause then what is your point and what are your solutions?
  21. I fail to see your relevance and you fail to explain it so no I don’t see it unless you want to be really pedantic about the interchangeable usage of assume and presume.
  22. Ok grammar police so where is the grammatical inconsistency in the post I made? ”You presume a lot but are your assumptions right?”
  23. So now you think all foreign teachers are qualified to teach English, this just gets better….lol, I am qualified to teach science by the way.
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