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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Why steal a phone that is surely password or fingerprint protected ? He would not have been able to use it anyway ... Did he not know this ? Stupid .
  2. From your link : ... have attracted considerable interest as putative medications in pathological conditions such as, but not exclusive to, mental disorders. Here, we provide a summary of cannabinoid effects in support of possible therapeutic applications for major depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, and schizophrenia. There are several lines of evidence suggesting that a promising pharmacotherapy may be based on drugs that target the endocannabinoid system, which in itself appears deregulated in psychiatric patients. Cannabis has been used for millennia for therapeutic purposes, and there are several anecdotal reports of its consumption as a form of self-medication for the alleviation of psychiatric symptoms (eg, anxiety, depression, and mania). May be you should try it ? It will help you .
  3. How can CBD be used to benefit health? Lowering blood pressure. ... Reducing inflammation. ... Preventing relapse in drug and alcohol addiction. ... Treating anxiety disorders. ... Treating gastrointestinal (GI) disorders. ... Preventing seizures. ... Fighting cancer. https://www.jwu.edu/news/2021/09/7-potential-health-benefits-of-cannabis.html https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320984#What-are-the-medical-benefits-of-cannabis? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK425767/ Systematic Reviews Using the committee's search strategy only one recent review was found to be of good to fair quality (Rocha et al., 2014).3 The review focused exclusively on the anti-tumor effects of cannabinoids on gliomas.4 Of the 2,260 studies identified through December 2012, 35 studies met the inclusion criteria. With the exception of a small clinical trial, these studies were all preclinical studies. All 16 of the in vivo studies found an antitumor effect of cannabinoids. https://www.healtheuropa.com/health-benefits-of-cannabis/92499/ https://www.businessinsider.com/health-benefits-of-medical-marijuana-2014-4 Read it , interesting ... I am a busy man , do not have much time for Asean now ... You know whats the difference when I had my Ganja tea ? I still have to do the same things , but i do it with a smile ...
  4. Not using it causes brain damage as well . Many people show signs of this . Anyway . living in Thailand , one is used to constant U-turns ... 0,2 mg of THC is allowed ... I wonder how the police will check this without having it examined by a lab first ... Cannabis was always present in Thailand and will be in the future , only it has been legalized now . This reduced legal procedures only , and let the police focus on other things . The legalization did not cause an unprecedented upswing in crimes etc . it only caused cannabis shops to appear everywhere . That harmed nobody . Only led to a more liberal society ... If criminalize it again . the next elections will show if the Thai people really appreciate this .... A shot in the own foot of the politicians . I have to go now and cure my brain damage with a ( mild ) Ganja tea now ... good morning everybody , peace and love ...
  5. So she went to the police to complain about the student who published the photo of his meal ...? How could he dare to do this ? He did not know who she is ( was ) ...?
  6. Thailand is still an exotic and attractive country . Many like to see films ( partly ) produced here ... Many dream of being able to live the good life here ... Expats , be happy .
  7. It would be “very unsuitable” for him to allow this after he was so well paid for his service .
  8. Well said . ALL is done to prevent the Move foreward party to threaten the old ruling elite . No , before I see the MFP and new ideas taking over the established government , I see a new coup . They are experienced , they know how to do that . ( in an autocracy that is only disguised as an democracy . ) Good luck Thanathorn , they outed you once already ...
  9. The current 2% rates are very low already . Inflation definitely is here , and I do not see it disappear any time soon .
  10. The government does not seem to understand that the burning is the easiest way for the farmers . Easier than harvesting what can be hard work ... The farmers do not want more work , they want more money . A solution would be a small fleet of automated harvesters . https://www.testing-simulation.com/post/automated-trucks-for-sugar-cane-harvesting Better than a submarine .
  11. 7000 only ...? There are more out there , I'm sure ... A rehabilitation programme for 7000 ? will be packed ... Need more .
  12. Just invite some high ranked thai politicians ... that will fix it ...
  13. https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/politics/40024355 555
  14. Dear Mr. policeman , I was drunk and drove too fast just because I have a depression ... not my fault . Another mental health case running free ...
  15. Better he sneaks back to his hotelpital before that then ...
  16. Saw Palmetto . That stuff really helped . Now back to normal . Try Lazada .
  17. This planet back in time about 200 years , without pollution , but with today's technology ... and only 500 million human inhabitants .
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