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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. I just can't stand it anymore , all that lying ... what about 10000 dead women and children ...?
  2. Phuket , being packed already , is definitely becoming a place to avoid for people wanting a quiet and peaceful holiday ... A few km up , on the Andaman coast , Khao Lak etc , it is much better .
  3. When having the right name and connections , no need to climb up the career ladder , nepotism .
  4. Keeping Thailand's foreign policy in ' balance ' is the right thing to do for Thailand . Better not to take sides , but stay ' neutral ' , if possible . Thailand has a lot of internal problems that should be solved before it's foreign policy gets out of balance and drags the country into a conflicting situation with another country . You will not hear a word from the Thai government condemning the war in Israel or Ukraine . Thailand still is a ' holiday destination ' and , as such , desires the best of all what foreign countries can contribute to Thailand's economy , their money , of course . Not matter if it's yuan , rubles , dollars , euros etc ... money is what counts .
  5. Another reality is that Thai people , once threatened with a loss of ' face ' , seem to have not much of a psychological resistance to actually use it to kill somebody . I try to avoid any aggression with Thai's , in Thailand it is better to be ( play ) the victim , than ending up in jail and being deported , or dead . Clear self-defense is an exception , of course . It is good to have something on you ( when you go out ) that you can use to protect yourself in case of ...
  6. He'll be at his home soon , playing with his grandchildren , advising the government on how to rule the country , preparing the return of his sister and trying to figure out how to effectively prevent the Move foreward party to win the next elections . Agenda quite full , he will have no time anymore to continue to be ' sickly ' . A miracle cure ...
  7. Insurrection , terrorism , public unrest ...? A bit heavy for just organizing protest marches . What about freedom of expression ? ( this is a purely rhetorical question , of course )
  8. “The same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie?” “The same procedure as every year, James.”
  9. I know at least one country where people could sue the government for not maintaining security standards and endagering pedestrians .
  10. Don't you think of belgian tourists as ' humans ' ...? But , all tourists are ' aliens ' anyway ...
  11. I thought that a fire extinguisher is standard equipment on big tour buses ... but , wait , not ' thai ' standard . Welcome to some exciting ride in the country of ' adventures ' ...
  12. Thaksin's exile , his ' homerun ' , the ' stolen ' election , the new PM , broken pheu thai promises , ... all this is nearly good enough for a nice HBO series a la " Sopranos " ... There is everything , Crime , Corruption , Nepotism , evading prison , only some Sex is still missing ... May be when Yingluck comes back ...? Could just be called " The Shinawatras " .
  13. 100 days already ... he must really be very , very sick for such along time in a Hospital . The taxpayer , who pays for his stay , should at least be given a credible explanation for this ... but the truth this time , not another lie ... Won't happen ...
  14. https://www.bbc.com/reel/video/p0gwr9wz/an-inside-look-at-the-near-death-experience What do you think about this ?
  15. Of course , she will be back soon ... her brother will take care of that . Reunite a happy family . It would be funny ...
  16. The parents of the boys should pay for all the damage caused by their offspring . And apologize officially to the woman .
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