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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. You have to deposit a certain sum for security , in my case it was 200.000 and I got an thai visa card . no problem with SCB ...
  2. Start checking the mental health of some politicians , or wanna be politicians first ... There is at least one who clearly expresses symptoms of a dementia in it's early stages ...
  3. In a more liberal , less autocratic country , this ridiculous defamation law would not even exist . In this country it is nothing but a tool to silence the opposition and opinions that differ . Here , you can , and will , be jailed for just expressing your personal view , even if that is correct and supported by facts . Shame .
  4. I would not drink something that appears to be not clean . Had food poisoning a few times here already , the sanitary standards are often simply non existing .
  5. Come on , a little empathy with the handicapped ... he is blind now ...
  6. Above all , Thailand is a Monarchy and a ( pseudo ) democracy . Pita is regarded as a dangerous person to the ruling elite . There will be no peaceful change to that if the MFP , ( or the party that follows MFP ) , will win again ... The one(s) in power will not peacefully resign . Just look at Thailand's political history ... Srettha can try as much as he wants to lure foreign investments , but really , if you were an investor , would you invest in an unstable country with a history of violent coups ?
  7. It is them who are responsible for the surge of antisemitism around the world , nobody else .
  8. False loyalty to someone who proofed to be a traitor and pathological liar . Will they ever get real ? Probably not .
  9. Lucky that nobody died . There should be no more BIG bikes for rent in Thailand . What is that good for ? Far too dangerous .
  10. I understand you very well ... It is hard to see a good friend suffering if there is no cure ... To humanly put it down to end it's suffering is asked too much ... I am in a similar situation , and when I see that there is no more help possible , and the vet's refuse , I will find and ask someone who has a gun . ( most have one ) . Very sad , but a bullet to the head is painless . When it is time for me to go , it would like to take the way Tom Petty did at 65 ... ( overdose of heroin )
  11. That might be a mistake and the reason why you are not a happy man ... " We " are all products of our upbringing and education what leads to our values in life which are , at least partly , responsible for our actions . That is different in other parts of the world , in people who have a different philosophies or even religion from what we have . A fact is that to make a better world , it would be nice to see people overcome their cultural differences and work together to develop a strategy that enables our species ( that consists of many different nationalities and races ) , to survive in a rapidly changing world ... May be social networks and even AI can help achieve this ...
  12. This thread is too full of generalizations . Statistically seen , a certain percentage of Thais see foreigners in a specific way ... others do not , or think different about foreigners . It all depends on the individual , and the personal experiences this individual has or had with " foreigners " ... Foreigners : Again , statistically seen , a certain percentage of foreigners are troublemakers who do not respect Thai culture or even care about ... Of course , in general , Thais become upset with this kind of disrespectful behavior . So would you if you were a thai national . But that is a certain statistical percentage and does not necessarily relate to any foreign individual himself . If you live within a thai community , you are ' checked out for your behavior ' , if you do things in a good way , in general Thai people will like that and respect you for what you do and the way you behave . Being able to speak thai , or , at least , know a few thai jokes , is of great help ... The statistic does not fit on an individual , therefore thinking that all thais or farangs are the same just shows a very limited mindset . In the community ( if you can call it a 'Community " because they are all different ) where I live in , people judge me for what I do and how I behave , not just because I am not thai . Some like me , others do not , but they do not interfere as long as I do nothing wrong .
  13. Expert Outcry ... And me , I always thought that being stupid does not hurt ... Apparently , it does . Let them cry ...
  14. Stoned - crashed his car , but smiled and played with his pets ... Drunk - crashed his car and becomes violent or unconscious ...
  15. I hope that they find somebody good who will take care of it . As for the Swede , knowing he was on overstay , he should have kept his mouth shut ... Not the brightest candle on the cake ...
  16. He is distorting the truth . Again . If he becomes POTUS again , Chaos will reign ...
  17. Obsessed with economic growth , they do not realize that eterrnal economic growth is neither sustainable , nor achievable . King Bhumiphol ( may he RIP ) had it right with his sustainable economy theory . Pity that it died together with him ... they should have listened and acted consequently , but , as usual , greed overtook morality ...
  18. A reincarnation , clearly ... Did they all masturbate in the underwear ?
  19. Wow , How much did he pay for ...? May he be happy with it ... But , still , it smells like nepotism or corruption is involved ... ? So , he is a doctor of public health by now ... what does that mean ?
  20. They just pushed him away in his wheelchair . While wearing masks , not to be recognized ...? Welcome to Thaiiand .
  21. ??? ... Dr Adinun Kittiratanapaibool explaining that staff acted with good intentions to protect patient welfare... Not being allowed to talk to the press is helping the patient's welfare in what way ? Sounds like a blatant lie . Most probably the hospital was trying to avoid any criticism and was worried about it's reputation ...
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