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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Just shred the buds ... shredded buds are not recognizable as buds anymore , but only the appearance changes .. the rest stays the same .
  2. Coral bleaching is part of a chain reaction due to global warming . Difficult to do something that prevents this .
  3. Classical server problem . Just wait ... later it will get better ... may be .
  4. Right , he is not mad , but he is evil . (Ukraine )
  5. A nuclear war is always possible as long as mad leaders like Putin , Kim Yong Un are in power and control of their autocratic regimes , Can happen anytime that one ignores the deadly consequences and decides to press the button .... for whatever reason ... But , I think that , after the Coronavirus , Scientists in isolated underground laboratories somewhere are busy creating a more lethal version of it that will be released when they think the time has come . The vaccine against that only available for the ' chosen few ' . It would be a cruel , but relatively clean way to get rid of the human overpopulation without destroying too much of the biosphere and keep the planet in a livable condition . Only that would mean that the present capitalistic , profit based system can be replaced by a system where robotic workforce and AI take care for the wellbeing of the survivors ... But , in the moment , a nuclear war is more probable . Thailand won't have a choice , just as any other country ..
  6. Had to repaint as well ... did not do it , covered the outside walls with nice tiles instead , looks good , was not much more expensive and lasts forever ...
  7. Sure , money will be made , but the quality of life for residents will degrade ... if you don't like the crowd ...
  8. Probably checked for unauthorized illegal construction or encroachment ... ? Annoying , I agree ... may be get a thai rocket ...?
  9. Oh , come on ... Just because one is an idiot and behaves as such , it does not mean ALL foreigners are the same . Prejudice is everywhere , on this forum as well when some people talk about " Thais " ... Never ' throw all in one pot ' ...
  10. NFP - New Future Party or No Future party ...?
  11. Would love to ... Never found a good one .
  12. Up just 80 km and you leave earth's atmosphere and Gravity ... Just wait for some country putting nuclear bombs there that are able to attack from space ... People are so ingenious when it comes to means of destruction , but solve the many problems here on this planet ... No .
  13. With Thailands defamation laws and article 112 , he was walking on thin ice ... I hope that he was clever enough to avoid being sued in Thailand on his return . Free speech , even when telling the truth , can easily become a crime here .
  14. They returned to Singapore ? They were originally headed somewhere else I recall ...?
  15. Thanks , I am scared to go with the bicycle because of the cars , Swim a lot with the dogs everyday in the lake behind the house ... nobody else there , I see otters , all kind of birds , snakes , beautiful ... one reason I am still here ...
  16. Well said . Never did . While still in Dubai , I guess he read Trump's book " the art of the deal " ... Than he struck his ' secret deal ' , but with whom ...? I guess with someone in a higher position than the generals ... Anyway , he does not seem to know when it is time to just shut up . He seems to try to climb up a ' slippery slope ' ... that could make him sliding onto thin ice ... and breaking it ... Pardon the allegorism ...
  17. At least , he kept his pants on ...
  18. My step daughter graduated ( she says " finished " ) university a few years ago ... when she came to visit us , I asked her about her philosophy in life . ( The values she bases her decisions upon ...) Sadly she did not know what ' philosophy ' means ...
  19. I remember that Thaksin , while still in Dubai , said all he wants after his return , is to play with his grandchildren and stay out pf politics . Another lie from a professional liar . Please , put him behind bars , that is the place where he belongs . There are much more than just one reason to do this . But any attempt to do so would probably make him sick again . After his miraculous recovery when released from the police hospital , that would be no surprise anymore ... Only good thing is that many Thais do not want to be fooled by him and his cronies anymore and will hopefully vote for another party on the next elections ...
  20. Mint 21.3 is the best . ( in my opinion )
  21. They really planned to overthrow the German government and make Germany become kind of a " kingdom ' ... They should all go directly to a mental hospital . ( after their trial ) .
  22. Artificial Intelligence . once well set up ( programmed ) would do a better job than them . Program it to find decisions for the best of the population , ( Thai ) Politicians only find solutions they can profit from . ( MFP may be less so ... )
  23. Sure . Confidence is a fine thing . Trying to figure out lies that are difficult to contradict ... a politicians job ... A lunchbox ... given to whom ? To the supreme court ? That consists about more than one person . Thai corruption is omnipresent in the current and former governments ... may be Prajut not so much ... but still ... Prajut was better than these corrupt clowns .
  24. https://edition.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-05-21-24/index.htmlFrance’s support for court’s decision to seek arrest warrants for Hamas and Israeli leaders marks a split between its position and that of allies including US, UK and Italy
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