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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Soi dogs chase and kill rats .
  2. Will be interesting ... to see if Biden thinks fast enough ... But somebody should tell him to get a new haircut ... this " tail of a duck " style makes him look old ...
  3. Intelligent post . You made it clear without directly saying it ... but this time , it led to the death of a young woman . Something needs to change here ... I hope they vote for it , next time ... again ..
  4. All top heavy to attract viewers , but still shows Isaan living and mentality ...
  5. She was deemed a threat to the security of the state ? Or to public order and good morals ? Shame shame shame ... RIP Nethiporn .
  6. ..." Her passing has ignited a storm of social media comments with the worst among us calling her death ‘deserved’ for her perceived slights towards the high institutions of the country. " ...
  7. Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. ... seems to be in direct conflict with 112 ...
  8. ... " Today, they granted a third and final 15-day extension " ...
  9. Check youtube ' Thai tale ' or ' thai head ' ... I guess that shows a little ...
  10. They will mix it with fresh rice and sell it for the normal price ...
  11. Yeah , no critics allowed , he is above that . Just another lying , watch loving friend of Thaksin ... Who believes a word ... they are all professional liars .
  12. This would look even more funny on a woman . ( the op is a lady ...)
  13. As does Alcohol , Yaba , Meth , playing video games , watching too many Thai soap operas , reading AN , falling in love with the wrong woman , trying to fully understand thai mentality , following thai politics , too much time on the phone ...etc , etc ... All can eventually lead to mental health problems . Too much of anything is a risk to mental health . It is all the usual blabla , and even that can lead to mental problems , too ... You want to eliminate risks to your mental health in our present world ? Stop breathing .
  14. You really think Trump will be better ?
  15. Hamas are terrorists . Not only they butchered the Israeli festival goers , but they sacrificed the palestinian population of Gaza for their disastrous cause . Stopping the slaughter of palestinian families , women and kids , destroying hospitals etc , is something different . Your question is wrong .
  16. Biden fears for his re-election . Public opinion in the US is at a tipping point because many US taxpayers do not want to pay for a genocide . ( Thanks to the students ! ) Ukraine needs weapons and military equipment to defend themselves much more than Israel . Stop the Hypocrisy and help who really needs help instead of spending money for political reasons only . Biden - be careful - your policies bring trouble to your own political party . One who is happy about this is Trump .
  17. Not her fault . The usual thai brake failure . Because it mostly happens in Thailand only . Something wrong with the brakes here ...?
  18. Preparing for a U turn on the U turn ... Clowns .
  19. Ask Stormy Daniels if he still had one ...?
  20. If you want to avoid headaches , best is not to buy this cheap chinese stuff anyway . The quality is often so low that it finishes in the bin after just a short time . And , to replace it , you have to buy another , similar item of better quality and higher price . Cheap chinese stuff is a waste of money and time . But , if you need something that bis not expensive anyway , like a water tab for 100 baht , it will cost you 107 baht in the future . Not a reason to become desperate . Same item often is for sale by local sellers , no additional tax will apply . Anyway , even with the 7% VAT applied , most stuff here is still much cheaper than in your home country , where it is often really excessively taxed .
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