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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. I was thinking about investing in an EV , but , after refection , I'll wait for Fuel cell cars ( Hydrogen ) , to arrive . https://www.motor1.com/news/690289/2024-honda-cr-v-hydrogen-fuel-cell-plug-in-battery/ A hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle uses the same kind of electric motor to turn the wheels that a battery-electric car does. But it's powered not by a large, heavy battery but by a fuel-cell stack in which pure hydrogen (H2) passes through a membrane to combine with oxygen (O2) from the air, producing the electricity that turns the wheels plus water vapor. What this means is that a fuel-cell vehicle is technically a series hybrid, which is why they are sometimes classified as fuel-cell hybrid electric vehicles .
  2. Where is the sustainability in this ? Talk is cheap ...
  3. Fearless is good , careful is better ... That's what the elephant probably did as well ... conflict of interests ...? But the forest is the natural territory of elephants , not humans ( normally ) .
  4. more late , more drunk customers , more easy to rip them off ... good for the economy ...
  5. Definitely not real friends ... Sometimes you have friends only until they get what they want from you , then they're gone , or you ...
  6. .... and thought nobody would trace him down ...? Sometimes it is difficult to believe what you read ...
  7. ... even my wife got a few call asking her to invest ... she blocked the numbers ... one must be really stupid or blinded by greed to get into this trap . But wait ... this is Thailand ...
  8. Not an air pistol ... a modified blank gun .
  9. The writer of this article does not seem to know what happened ...?
  10. Just leave some glasses with a bit of beer on the floor ... Cockroaches seem to love beer ... they go into the glass and drown in the beer ... dead happy ...?
  11. Torture of animals is against the law . More bad if it is rare . Officials should take it away and free it .
  12. Not enough . Need to raise the price of their rice . In local Supermarket I pay 150 baht for 5kg . 30 baht a kilo is still damn cheap . They all should refuse to sell their harvest if a minimum price is not offered .
  13. What I think ,,, really ? This link leads to total BS .
  14. FF has adblockers for Utube . But my OS is Linux . Others I dunno ...
  15. ... a soul ? Some , apparently , do not have one ...?
  16. It is the dominant one . And the most destructive . Therefore not the most intelligent one .
  17. For the same reason you do it here ...? Btw , I like your topics . I found nothing annoying ... stay here in Thailand , find yourself some good female company ... Never give up .
  18. If your IQ is so high , I am sure you can define what intelligence means ...? Your own definition of it , not ChatGpt 's ; Intelligence refers to the ability to acquire, process, and apply knowledge and skills in order to adapt and solve problems in different contexts. It involves the capacity for logical reasoning, critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, and the ability to understand complex concepts and learn from past experiences. Intelligence is not limited to academic or cognitive abilities but also encompasses emotional intelligence, social skills, and practical intelligence in everyday life. I would define it as the ability to find relation between apparently unrelated facts or objects ...?
  19. ??? Who knows what would have happened to the human genome if there would not have been any sexual interference with more primitive races ...? Me too ... No more nationalities , no more racial differences . Equal , good education for everyone at the same level . All humans work together to build a better future ... Naive , ok , but apparently much too difficult to achieve as well . Le soleil donne la meme couleur aux gens ...
  20. Are you a happy person ? Do you have everything you always wanted ? No ? So , may be you are not such a genius then ...
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