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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. All foreign investors ...? What about granting land ownership to foreign investors ...? What about easing the overstay rules ? Thailand is not a liberal country with a functioning democratic system . Too many coups as well to be confident in investing here ...? He just wants to paint a picture of Thailand that is not ( yet ) true .
  2. Everything back to how it was before ... another Thai U-turn . Sad to see , nothing changed , even the general election only resulted in the same old dinosaurs still sitting on their asses in still the same chairs as before ... no move foreward , only backwards ... As Trump said : "They stole the election " .That clearly is the case in Thailand as well . They will destroy a lot of small businesses , leave more thai people deeply in dept as before , and do nothing good for the economy at all . ... and is strongly opposed by the public ... = prove that !
  3. Philosophy for beginners . Life matters , evolution is essential for the survival of the species , what an individual does in the few years it has , can become important for the survival of everything . Life is nothing but a test if a species is intelligent enough to ensure it's own survival by keeping or restoring the natural balance of ecosystems and biosphere .
  4. Anyway , you're alcoholic or not ... who cares ? Up to you ... But Bob is a talented writer who is able to create a certain ambiance with just a few words ... Lots of famous writers did drink too much ,,,, anyway , live YOUR life as you feel it ... Don't care what others say .
  5. It is not about the location . Phuket airport is saturated , and it is not possible to construct another new runway . They want to develop the Andaman coast into some kind of luxury holiday destination . Infrastructure is essential for that . A new , 4 lane road to Phuket has been constructed already .
  6. Yes , Master , Sir , I will follow your advice ... BTW , WHO are you to tell me what I have to be ? May be u r the judge here ...?
  7. And YOU are their Judge ? They will get what they deserve , they are neither rich nor influential to evade judgement , but there are people much more competent than you to judge them . Your comment as such can be placed in the ... bin .
  8. Humons . Human monsters , a subspecies of the homo sapiens , can be found everywhere ... but mostly stays unrecognized until something evil happens ... Animals don't do things like that .
  9. If it would be a simulation what would it be good for ? If you do not know if you are real , just smack your head against the wall , if you feel pain , you are probably real ...
  10. Miss ' Beauty Queen ' ... no thanks , not even beautiful , more just like interchangeable dolls . Beauty comes from the inside , not from the ' Make Up ' .
  11. At least , THEY do something to reduce the number of soi dogs . They don't only talk and complain . The dog haters here should support them . What they do significantly reduces the number of strays . But killing , culling , poisoning dogs with antifreeze or rat poison etc , seems to be so fashionable to some posters here on this forum . Sorry for their kids , if they have any ...
  12. I see the story of Thaksin's return being followed and commented by some of the big news channels like CNN & BBC an Aljazeera ... Well , their headlines to his liberation should be like : Thailand gave proof to the world that corruption is omnipresent and normal for the wealthy ... Convicted Thaksin manages to escape prison by corruption ... Thailand , the country where the rich and famous stand above Justice ... Ukraine is in the process of eliminating corruption in their country , as that is required for a candidate of membership to the EU ... The political system in Thailand is still of 3rd world standard , even if the politicians here try to paint a different picture , all these projects planned by the gov may look shiny and good , but inside it is rotten to the core . It will not be easy to change a system that , traditionally , includes the acceptance of corruption by the general population since centuries . But they call this a democracy , and , in a democracy , the results of the election are to be respected . Let's hope for the next election , and that the Thai electorate does not forget who betrayed them ... the people who are members of the new government . Here , in Thailand , all this is just a farce , they just pretend that they have a democracy here , in reality is it just a corrupt autocracy that they try to disguise as a democracy . As it is shown to the world by now .
  13. Corruption seems to be one of the pillars thai society is built on . Eliminating this would lead to cracks in the foundation . That could eventually be repaired , but thailand has to move forward to do this . MFP
  14. Buy it with the chinese engine ( I think they already agreed on this ...? ) . Wait for that it will be delivered , organize a big inauguration ceremony , put the thai flag on it , play the national anthem when it is launched , and see it going down , and down , and not coming up anymore ....
  15. Money , money , money , that's what they all want . Nothing else matters anymore ...
  16. Classic . If they would have done a little background research , they would have found some examples other thai women fell victim to ( Dubai ) . But greed was the main factor for them traveling to India . Stupid as can be ...
  17. Timeout 02 Aug 2023 23:06 Message:Dispute was raised as seller did not respond Comments:Seller did not respond in time and dispute was raised. IF SOMEONE WANT TO RETURN AN ITEM , THE SELLER NOW HAS TO AGREE ON THE RETURN if he does not answer in time , a Dispute is raised .
  18. Do you have to pay taxes in Thailand on items bought on Aliexpress ?
  19. Before , it was like this ... Now : Customer Service 03 Aug 2023 11:57 Comments:Dispute team has requested to provide evidence by customer.: According to the customer wants to return the item for the reason that " Expired items " and you have mentioned that the product hasn't been opened Please attach photo/video proof of the product received in order to invesigate. You can inform the return information via Lazada Application or Lazada website at the "Returns" menu and select the status item which shows "Waiting to submit evidence" If Buyer didn't provide the infomation as Lazada requested within 48 hrs. Lazada would have to cancel the return of this item in the system. "
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