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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Thailand once had a reputation for being the ' Land of smiles ' . That is long gone ... May be time to teach them how to smile and be honest and friendly again ...?
  2. The Virus comes in handy for the government to finish with the anti-government protests . 5 The Virus greatly helps ( military ) governments with autocratic tendencies to impose new regulations that help to oppress and control the masses . Just look at China . What will be the future ? Brainwashed and remote controlled ...? Personal infos incl. financials all accessed by government hackers and used to blackmail people ?
  3. They are probably referring to the anti-government demonstrations ...
  4. 21% is realistic it seems ... A fact is , that , if they want more short - term tourists , they need to make Thailand more attractive to them . Only families with kids who come from a country not far from Thailand ( China Russia , the middle east ) , will come for a short holiday . Tourists from other , far away destinations , will consider a short trip to Thailand as too expensive , dangerous and difficult ... There still is Greece , Portugal , Turkey , Egypt etc ... Better than focusing on farang short term tourists , it would be to favor the long term stayers as a reliable source of income . It is time for a new type of an easy visa for those people , no more annoying 90 day reporting ( that can be surveilled by the Morchana phone app ) . But they are all soooo scared about foreigners staying here ... they probably think , that foreigners will do some business here without the Thais profiting from it . A nightmare for them . Btw ... Winter is coming in Europe , Russia and the US , and with this a rise in Covid cases is to be expected ( and already happening ) . Not a time to travel any more ... at least not for a short stay only ...
  5. They did not register your new passport number in their system . Ask them to do that the next time you go there . After that , it should be ok ...
  6. Don't worry , AI and face recognition software is coming fast by now . In the future , your face becomes your ID , and you'll pay with a fingerprint ...
  7. will Bangkok’s nightlife scene recover even if Thailand’s tourism industry picks up? It depends entirely upon the regulations imposed by the government . Thailand once was fun , easy women , parties , not really dangerous ... In the early years , I slept all day , spend all night out . Now , the government needs to realize that a lot of tourists came to Thailand not only for the beaches , but for ' entertainment ' as well ... It was a place to spend a good time . If they kill the entertainment industry , they remove an important attraction that Thailand was famous for . If they want tourist money , they need to make the country more attractive , not less . But the old men in power here do not seem to realize this . They want Thailand to become a clean and boring country for HI-SO visitors . 55 . There are better places around for this clientele . But , up to them ... but they better not complain if not a lot want to come anymore ... ( Sorry for the big , bold print , no way to adjust ...)
  8. That is right and just shows how open minded foreign governments are . Thai government appears narrow minded and xenophobic by sticking to quasi racist rules regarding foreigners who , after all , financially benefit the country .
  9. Some people ask if there is a life after death ... Some people even have not got one before ...
  10. There is a fine line to be drawn ... What is still ' appropriate ' and what is not anymore ...? A father spending time with his daughter and playing with her should be ok , and necessary even for the development of a healthy relationship , but when does this ' playing ' becomes sexually motivated ? Up to every specific situation and the intentions of the male player ... but hard to judge ... When the child feels harassed and starts to cry or complain , the limit is reached for sure .
  11. Hallelujah . We will all be save and closely monitored as well ...
  12. The couple were asleep in the bedroom on the second floor when they were woken by the robber, who threatened them and told the husband to open the safe on the ground floor. Mr Wangdee refused and a fight ensued, during which the robber beat Mr Wangdee repeatedly with a piece of wood. The robber then went downstairs and stole several items of gold that were not in the safe, and fled ... Lucky to still be alive .
  13. That is a risky job . Every woman wanting to be a ' hostess ' , should know at least some basics of self defense . ( and how to stay sober ) Just like a ' bodyguard ' .
  14. Thai people regard Taiwan for it's economic power and it's reputation of being a country that is involved in high technology production . ( Most semi-conductors are produced in Taiwan ) . It's difficult political situation regarding Xi's ' one China ' policy is not so well known by the general thai population . That there is a risk of a potential war that is unfolding in the SCS , and the consequences of that , seem of not much importance .
  15. Don't go yourself to the cops , send your mia to sort something out with them ... " my husband is very sick and will become more sick from the noise , but he is willing to pay for his peace " .... It's all about money ... but need to be ' diplomatic ' ... Ask to talk to just one important police in private ... but don't forget the ' face ' stuff ...
  16. Looks like police or the ' bad guys ' will be the best then ... but police will be more ' paeng ' , 55
  17. Just give it a try to see his reaction ... Or negotiate a price with police ... they know what to do if the price is right .
  18. OK , Go and talk to him . Ask him how much it will cost you to live in peace .
  19. If you ( or your gf ) know some bad guys , or know somebody who knows some , you could pay them to ' teach him a lesson ' that he won't forget anytime soon ... Will come cheaper , and people will be afraid of the consequences if they plan to annoy you again . Must be careful that there is nothing pointing towards you ... Once you have a ' reputation ' , you live in peace and will be respected by the neighborhood ... take care .
  20. May be he bought it on purpose , knowing that a farang ' full of money ' is living nearby . If you want to live in peace , make him an ' offer that he can't refuse ' ...
  21. Probably heavily intoxicated by the use of Yaba and/or Lao Khao ... But there are people who are just evil , even when sober ... What to do with them ? He should be given a similar treatment to what he gave to the boy . And that should be recorded and broadcasted to serve as an example ... that those people come to realize what will happen to them if they can't control themselves . Or this :
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