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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. The country is ruled by an elite that stands behind politics . If they feel threatened by the outcome of the election , they will do anything they can to eliminate the threat to them . Look what happened in Burma . I do not think that it will end up in a civil war in Thailand , but I do not think that the transition in power will go smoothly ... Curb the power of the monarchy , like proposed by MF , will not be favored by some " persons of great influence and power " .
  2. If you are interested in Astronomy , you can subscribe to the daily newsletter of https://spaceref.com/ . Astronomy provides a lot of answers even to non-astronomical questions ...
  3. Go and see a psychiatrist . It's urgent . By the way , you are ' comestible ' , ( fit to be eaten ) , as well ...
  4. Thais can do movies too ... but , in this case , they are not wanted to ... Hypocrisy ?
  5. Greed can make people become monsters . Humons . Killing another living being for personal profit is not human . Let her rot in a cell ( hell ) .
  6. I know one , but better not tell ...
  7. Cyanide = Rat Poison , same they use to kill dogs ... avaiilable everyywhere
  8. Another dinosaur waiting for extinction ...
  9. Never , never transfer big money online . You need to have at least a signature and the proven identity of the beneficiary .
  10. Staring at someone for a some time is considered to be rude and unpolite , not only in Thailand .
  11. A good punch may deliver enough satisfaction to the one who punches to be worth 1000 Baht . Srisuwan could make a business out of this ... ( a painful one ) ...
  12. Yes , sure , who still believes a politician ...?
  13. Yes , I know them , but they do not have wings and are not endangered , it seems ...
  14. Looks like she has to hold her face that she does not lose it ... it might fall off ...
  15. Surely died of a Cannabis overdose ... don't vote for Bumjaithai ...55
  16. There are many much more dangerous drugs openly available in Thailand ... Thai male drinking groups ( Lao Khao ) seriously damage their ( mental ) health by this drug that is available everywhere , even in Supermarkets . I never heard about some doctors complain about this . Hypocrisy , or financial interests involved ...
  17. Cyanide is Rat poison that you can buy about everywhere ... A horrible death .
  18. Sooner or later , Kama get's you .
  19. Sure , People first ... did they not do enough damage yet ? Soon there will be only people left , because they destroyed everything else ... and what is left for the so important people to eat then ? People eat people ? The world is overpopulated by a destructive species . Much less would be better .
  20. So many problems , so few solutions ... a master plan to solve all ? Yes , but who will tell them what to do , at what time and where ? Talk is cheap .
  21. All of the thai men close around him are his bodyguards , I presume ... At least at this occasion he is allowed to shoot ... Lot's of fun ...?
  22. AI can be a useful tool and as such be efficient in reducing confusion among people (( politicians ) , who just do not know what is the best thing to do ... It all depends if it is biased or not . If AI is neutral and objective , it can be useful to solve a lot of problems ...
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