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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. At a time when other countries seek to limit overtourism by imposing taxes and fees , Thailand wants more ( of the tourists money ) . May be time to realize that unregulated overtourism destroys the once beautiful " paradise " ...? That means , that , by wanting more and more , it is likely they will have less and less in the future ... And the damage done will be difficult to repair .
  2. Pity that link did not show much ... 500K thb and 2000km range ...? Sounds too good to be true ....
  3. These boys need to learn ' respect ' . As that is not taught in Thai schools , I would ask your daughter to clearly indentify them , and pay somebody thai to teach them a lesson that is not normally taught in school ... that does not mean that violence has to be implied , but they need to learn some respect . There are 199 ways to do that in a way they won't forget .
  4. Thaksin's fate seems uncertain in the moment . Thailand is ruled by the thai ' elite ' and nobody else . May be he stepped on some feet ...? Somebody in a central , high position , may not have liked his ongoing involvement into Thai politics . A little refrain was on the cards after he left the police hospital , but he ignored that and got himself " head first " into politics ( and trouble ) . After 15 years of exile he imagined probably that his return to Thailand would be " triumphant " and that all his " old friends " would kiss his feet , and that he would be welcomed by the entire population ... well , some people remember his broken promises , the stolen election , his secret deals that , definitely have not been for the good of the country , but for himself . Sorry to say , but , at 74 , he begins to show signs of a dementia and a certain detachment from reality . May be he better goes back to his villa in Dubai again , before he get's real jail time for lese majeste ...
  5. Al Qaeda , Isis , Hamas ... all fundamentally crazed muslims who believe in the ' holy war ' . Their religion justifies all atrocities that they commit , they believe ... Religious extremists who appear to have lost any vision for peace ... Fight against them until extermination is ok . Just leave the innocent kids and women out of that , they are no active fighters .
  6. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn44555ly8lo In what had looked like a grand bargain, his party was allowed to form a coalition government with some of his political opponents, in order to keep out the youthful reformist party Move Forward which had won the most votes and seats in the 2023 election. But the decision to indict the 74 year-old former premier under the draconian lese majeste law shows that he still has enemies in Thailand’s powerful royalist establishment. Mr. Thaksin’s lawyers say they are confident of defending him in court; but in the typically protracted period before he is likely to go to trial this indictment may force him to limit his political ambitions. He stepped on someone's toes ...
  7. Remember , Thaksin struck a ' secret deal ' that enabled him to come ' home ' ... With whom , we may only guess ... but , I think part of the deal was that he does not interfere too much into thai politics ...? Well , he did just that ... a warning was issued , and now the repercussions ... He may be not as powerful as he thinks ... Yingluck , better stay wherever you are ...
  8. It looks like you did not get the point ... If Thaksin is not convicted , that would seem like a blatant injustice to the many who are imprisoned for violations of the 112 , and that for less than what Thaksin did ...
  9. The young Thai couple that honked at a royal motorcade in BKK are still in jail after 3 month ...
  10. Lately , Thaksin was warned to slow down his political activity and to keep his mouth shut . Today , his indictment ...
  11. Thaksin was alleged to have defamed the monarchy in comments made during an interview with South Korea's Chosun Ilbo newspaper in 2015, during which he claimed privy councillors supported the 2014 coup that ousted the government of his younger sister Yingluck Shinawatra.
  12. ..." Thaksin has denied that he remains behind the scenes pulling the strings and insisted he returned to Thailand because he wants to enjoy his retirement and spend time with his family. .." ..."He could not appear at Wednesday’s hearing due to a Covid-19 infection," Back to hospital ?
  13. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/29/asia/thailand-indicts-thaksin-shinawatra-lese-majeste-intl-hnk/index.html " “The attorney general has decided to indict Thaksin on all charges,” spokesperson Prayuth Bejraguna, told reporters Wednesday. Thaksin will need to appear before the Office of the Attorney General on June 18, after which he will be taken to court. He could not appear at Wednesday’s hearing due to a Covid-19 infection, the spokesperson said. "
  14. Depends on the branch I guess ... just talk to them ...
  15. There is better hardware out there as well ... Mini PC's mostly do not allow you any hardware changes , Ram soldered etc ... I bought one once that did not even let me change the OS to Linux . Think very well before you buy , you get a good laptop for the same price ...
  16. You have to deposit a certain sum for security , in my case it was 200.000 and I got an thai visa card . no problem with SCB ...
  17. Start checking the mental health of some politicians , or wanna be politicians first ... There is at least one who clearly expresses symptoms of a dementia in it's early stages ...
  18. In a more liberal , less autocratic country , this ridiculous defamation law would not even exist . In this country it is nothing but a tool to silence the opposition and opinions that differ . Here , you can , and will , be jailed for just expressing your personal view , even if that is correct and supported by facts . Shame .
  19. I would not drink something that appears to be not clean . Had food poisoning a few times here already , the sanitary standards are often simply non existing .
  20. Come on , a little empathy with the handicapped ... he is blind now ...
  21. Above all , Thailand is a Monarchy and a ( pseudo ) democracy . Pita is regarded as a dangerous person to the ruling elite . There will be no peaceful change to that if the MFP , ( or the party that follows MFP ) , will win again ... The one(s) in power will not peacefully resign . Just look at Thailand's political history ... Srettha can try as much as he wants to lure foreign investments , but really , if you were an investor , would you invest in an unstable country with a history of violent coups ?
  22. It is them who are responsible for the surge of antisemitism around the world , nobody else .
  23. False loyalty to someone who proofed to be a traitor and pathological liar . Will they ever get real ? Probably not .
  24. Lucky that nobody died . There should be no more BIG bikes for rent in Thailand . What is that good for ? Far too dangerous .
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