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Posts posted by Media1

  1. This is a perfect example of a completely failed government who does not give a toss about governance or the safety of its people. The DLT are a absolute joke and should eat with City Hall. There all not on the program of civilization. This cowboy is a danger to the community and should be jailed for 3rd months and his licence permanently canceled. Prayut every week I find another reason why your not the right man to lead these people to a better life. Hey buddy how are the people's new buses going lol. Joker 

  2. 3 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    Yet again, more questions than answers. If four of her passports have been revoked, on what passport is she travelling? If  it was acquired from another country then that is the only destination one she could possibly have entered without her arrival details being recorded on a computer. This should make tracing relatively simple. 


    Why hasn't a blue notice been issued - and why are the Thai authorities, after a month of shilly-shallying, not insisting that this is done forthwith, to increase the chances of the fugitive former PM being apprehended - if and when a red notice is actually issued.


    The whole sorry saga, including putting all the blame for Yingluck's vanishing trick on a lone "rogue" cop, reeks of collusion and  bid to sweep The Yingluck Affair under the carpet away from further public scrutiny.


    Eventually, the truth will out - probably in a year or two when Yingluck publishes a "tell all" book to help her recoup some of the 30 billion baht bail money and other assets she sacrificed by doing a runner.

    They talk crap. They have trouble finding the bathroom  at night. How's the FB meeting going lol. Please go buy a Leggo set.

  3. 5 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    There isn't a blue notice issued by Interpol for Yingluck.


    The reason for this is a lack of information from the Thai Police supplied to Interpol to issue the blue notice.


    Let's stop the obvious lies, misdirection and obfuscation right there. 

    Yes the standard I are Thai and professional liar and my account number is ...

    Interpol are merely a directory service.

  4. 56 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

    Oh Oh........ You used a 'Black' word in your post...... LOL.... Just kidding......LOL......


    OR............. another idea....... I think they have some infectious diseases in Nigeria so upon entry make them get an injection in their 'buttocks' where they can't see it (in the Back-room in Customs/Immigration).......... BUT instead of a real injection plant a 'tracking device' and track them until they are caught in criminal activity (highly likely) or leave the country..........LOL............

    This is not 100% sincere but maybe 'food for thought'...... LOL.......

    They should not be able to enter at all period

  5. 3 hours ago, steven100 said:

    Very good priority.  Khun Prayuth is addressing the serious issues as priority, such as the flooding in the north, and now the poor.

    This government is doing the correct things with Thailand and it is focused on continued economic stability.

    Of coarse there are the farang expats who are not happy with Thailand and the Junta's progress, however they will whinge and whine all day long so you can never please some folks.  It must be sad living in a place you don't like or don't like the way it's governed.  Better to leave and go to Laos or somewhere you can be happy.

    Lol 3 years of 0 reforms no basic ground work. Talking crap spending big. No new buses no nothing. Close all bars. Shut down entertainment hours. 

    Last minute ditch buy some votes with some small helicopter money to.the peasants which he diskikes

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