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Posts posted by Media1

  1. 50 minutes ago, greenchair said:


    That's the thing, in almost all of these cases to yingluck and some of the other political corruption cases, the law of the time had to be changed in order to prosecute and convict them. Which I find hard to understand because there is a law that says if a law is changed after comitting an offence, the law that is most favourable to the defendant shall be applied. Technically she and others could not have been prosecuted with the laws that they had. 

    Easy to understand there cowboys

  2. 8 hours ago, Oxx said:

    Perhaps Customs has spotted that you're illegally importing medicine without a licence?


    Maybe if you go and pick it up you'll be arrested?

    What stupidity. He obtained it for personal use and was simply targeted as a farang. 3rd world operations 

  3. 22 hours ago, i claudius said:

    It was not medication but some foodstuff my brother sent .they had it in customs and wanted me to go to just outside Bkk to collect .kept saying i had to pay import duty.far more than the stuff was worth .in the end i just told them to keep it .not worth the hassle. To be blunt they were a pain in the ass

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    To be blunt there border line thieves 

  4. On 10/28/2017 at 12:27 PM, mercman24 said:

    WHAT HAPPENED to the not riding in the back of pick up trucks i'll tell ya, nothing, Thais arrive here at Jomtien beach weekends with 6 to 8 kids and adults crammed in the back of pick ups right in front of the toy town cops, not a word is said.

    It's laughable and the government had 3 years to strike down and reverse these simpletons into civilized humans. No bother we like a numbers cull. They look at it this way. People of worth don't behave like idiots. Therefore we are winning. Let them be.

    Mai Pen Rai

  5. 12 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    No problem until you apply for your next visa.

    Do you have copy of your marriage certificate? If you were married here you could take that copy to an Amphoe and they would certify that copy and attach a new Kor Ror marriage registry to it. 

    Edit: Reporting your marriage certificate as being lost does not cancel your marriage registry. All you need is new proof of it.

    Please correct me if I are wrong. If your on 12 month marriage extension and you cancel your marriage mutual agreement at the Amphur. You really have 7 days to leave the country. 

    But in saying this immigration will not know and you can use the 12 month stamp.

  6. On 10/24/2017 at 3:00 PM, seajae said:

    about time they started to fire all these criminal police elements, hopefully he will get jail time and have all his assets seized but they need to do it to all of the corrupt ones. Would definitely stop a lot of the crap as well as show the people that they mean business and that they are not a protected species


    Can we start with a general JUNTA autopsy lol

  7. 7 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

    I had 5 things shipped from 4 different countries not get through in the past year....It was all good/unique/quality camping stuff that can't be found here - (one was 2 sets of LED off road lights I wanted to give my FIL &BIL)....


    The little inconsequential stuff has breezed through....


    Same, unchanged address....


    On another forum it seemed to be a quite common complaint - for farang ordered/bound goods not ever delivered.....


    Draw your own conclusions....

    Thai custom's simply keep it for themselves. This is the wild west and Thailand 4 is a pipe dream.lol

  8. On 10/11/2017 at 2:45 PM, observer90210 said:

    The golden rule in Thai Bars....never let the bill add up...always pay each time you order.


    In fact in restaurants however, I also always openly write down the amounts of the dishes or drinks ordered on my phone or on a paper and make sure the employees see what I am doing...it avoids the temptation to overcharge on the final bill...


    The farang will never be in his right and is just a walking ATM for many such venues....


    Keep that in mind, be safe with common sense and enjoy the chicks and the booze...

    Yes stay on top. Ride them.like they were made for

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