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Posts posted by Media1

  1. 4 hours ago, RWA said:

    yes, the Thai guy is good ... was it there any other guy, in front of the Ozzie's car, to get hit straight on whilst looking side-wise, he'd be probably either dead or crippled

    Well we were unlucky that the Thai could walk. Thai visa report the attack as a nice hook shot. As a trained boxer I can assure you there was no hook. The retard just ran into him. Blindsided him. On the street we call this rat a dog. Which is to kind a word

  2. 1 hour ago, heybruce said:

    Financial disclosures, starting at the top ranks, are essential.  However any elected government (if that ever happens) with real power (not under the military constitution) will be wary of tackling police or military reform until democracy is well established. 

    YES correct because this regime is a act. Here only to earn. They don't even know who owns RTP. It's a country that's truly lost.

  3. 14 hours ago, elviajero said:

    It's the responsibility of the House-master (not you), or Owner, or Possesor (probably you) to submit the report. 


    Usually immigration would be looking for the owner owner of the condo or their agent to report.


    Any3one responsible for the report could be fined if a report isn't made.

    True on paper but some offices try tout put it back onto the alien

  4. 5 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


    Bind future governments to their plans, BUT accept no responsibility for them.


    “Power without responsibility – the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages.”


    Eventually the JUNTA will overturned 

    They broke international law and a real PM will see that binned and investigate many former and current generals.

    In boxing there's a saying. You can run but you can't hide. They will get there day but not the Thai people's money 

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