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Posts posted by Media1

  1. 22 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Perhaps you are not a Thai basher, sometimes it is difficult to remember who has said what, we have one here who most definately is, I could have mistaken some of his comments for your own, if that is the case then my apologies for that, but you are now trying to say I have said things that I have not, so if you want standard debating methods then at least try to follow your own rules and not make things up.

    Kieran we need to get you a job at government house. To ensure no farang enter the kingdom 

  2. 2 minutes ago, tropo said:

    Yes, we know where you're coming from.


    You think:


    1. The punch was weak and there was no chance of him dying, despite the known fact that many people much younger than 77 die from one-punch attacks. It's so common in Australia that they introduced special "one-punch" laws to try to prevent these deaths. I was recently following a case in Brisbane where a young guy in Fortitude Valley died from such an attack.


    2. The Thai was run over at high speed and was very lucky to escape death or serious injuries.


    3. The Thai was nearly hacked to death by machete.


    What did I miss?


    Oh, yeah... if anyone says anything negative about the Thai man or tries to defend the foreigners, that person is a Thai-basher.

    Then I are a Thai basher. Send a few OK.  Preferably the gold shop gongster his not worthy of Gangster. Also there was not a mark on the dopey Thai. But he deserves plenty and one day he will run into a well skilled machine and get eaten. :)

  3. Just now, tropo said:



    The family will not be taken into consideration. Many expats with family and kids have been deported.

    Yes but the evidence is not there. The Thai is on the chopper. Blocking roads being a gangster. Intimidation  tactics..All exposed at the end. Even came back to kick in a second time.  Thai judges are 50 50. Depends which rat lands the case

  4. 6 hours ago, elnet1 said:

    @Tropo, you missed what I was replying to:



    Which is why I suggested that if what AGareth2 posted is correct, then the Aussie/Brit should self-deport himself

    He won't be deported his married and the charges have been exaggerated by the incompetent RTP. There was no assault against the Thai.  Other than the dumb Thai trapeze act via a bonnet

  5. 15 minutes ago, Thai Ron said:

    It's just "one those things"??

    What, running down the road with a machete in broad daylight?

    What, driving directly at someone and knocking them over the bonnet of a car?


    That's not "one of those things".

    Deport the tosser and blacklist him for life.

    His family can come visit him in Oz..if they'll have him back

    Thairon do you like the Thai soapies by any chance. The crime is a serious assault. The Thai knew exactly what he was doing. He chose to be a hero. There's many Thai just like him. He could have moved. His a goose. And KARMA will catch him. As we say " you can run but you can't hide "

  6. 23 hours ago, overherebc said:

    Walked behind one guy who had one stuck in his gob and had to stop to let him get further ahead so I could then see where I was going. It brought to mind the old Navy movies when the order ' make smoke' was issued. 

    Why do the user love to produce those huge volumes of the 'smoke'?

    Just askin'


    Yes we need more info

  7. 6 minutes ago, tingtongtourist said:

    It look to me like the Thai seeing him coming and delibratly turned around so he jump up and land on the bonnet on his butt.


    He planned to do, cos If you watch afterwards he lands so well on his feet and doesnt loose 1 second in chasing the car to do more damage.


    Both idiots need to be charged and fined seperately or their own deeds,

    but if you ask me, having the knife and then having the intent to run Thai down in his car, the old fellow is the worst.


    Most probable IMO:

    Both have big WAIs


    500baht fine for the Thai  



    Pay for damage to Thais car

    20k fine for multiple offences


    Dont think they should deport the old guy over this, its just one of those things


  8. 2 hours ago, Russell17au said:

    Kieran00001, get your facts right. This did not happen in front of the school and the children. What happened in the school in front of the children was the assault by the Thai guy in front of the police officer. Attempted murder is when a person deliberately plans to kill someone. If you want to use the murder charge then it could also be laid against the Thai guy because he deliberately coward punched the Brit so that the Brit would hit his head on the pavement and die.

    Your arguments do not stand up.

    Attempted Manslaughter is if there is the possibility of a person dieing

    Thanks you saved me the typing 

  9. 50 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    But a need to bring a machete? 

     And if you really concerned for the kids then you would also be concerned for the poor kid in the car while the crazed Brit was chopping at it with a machete and seeing their father ran over in front of them, just a little more scary than wittinessing a punch.  You're making no sense and only revealing your racism by applying completely different rules for the Brit to the Thai.  

    Bla bla what family have a Thai father out there looking for trouble with a new born. His a scum bag. Joke and a oxygen thief.

  10. 24 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

    Question 1: What happened before the Thai guy suddenly stopped his car in front of the British guy?

    Question 2: Why did the Thai guy stop his car and not keep driving?

    I think that this must come into this case as there is no video of even the Thai guy passing the British guy.

    I have driven in many countries and used many different Dash Cams and I have never seen any resulting in the rubbish quality of this video. This video has been doctored because at the start of the video it shows the Brit driving with the machete in his hand, and then it shows him get out of his car and get the machete out of the back.

    What is the true story of events in this matter, unless you were there and witnessed the whole thing with your own eyes and ears then it is all supposition on your behalf and from what I have seen on here it has brought out a lot of racial hatred both toward farangs and also toward Thai's.

    To me this is a case of road rage by both parties and they are both guilty of attempted Manslaughter. The Brit by using his car and the Thai by using a coward punch.

    Coward punch in Australia mandatory 5 years for attempted manslaughter

    Yes correct my old mate and champion Danny Green. These Thais are constantly assaulting foreigners freely. They should be heavily sentenced jailed. 

  11. 22 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Have you actually seen the video filmed from the front?  That is one strange jump, backwards while he was moving forwards, how exactly do you do a physics defying move such as that one?

    Don't stand in front of vehicles trying to move forward. His ego gotbtje bettervof him. The dimb Thai. Bird brain. Your not superman. You are also not permitted to stop traffic..As I said you can't teach me anything. 

  12. 9 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Utter nonsense, there is video evidence of him attacking a car with a young child inside with a machete and hen running a man over, it is not corrupt to charge that man with attempted murder and take bail money instead of keeping him on remand.  The Thai sucker punched him, he was the first to be arrested and plead guilty to the charge of assault, he will not be getting a custodial and so no bail money, not even a hint of corruption there.


    And if you want to talk about cowards then try the man arming himself with a machete and running people over, that is not how brave men fight where I come from, but then you wouldnt know about that as you think he should have reveresed over him, you two are alike in that respect.

    Thai brain operates on a it can't loose system. Police love me and hate farang. I have been back and forwards here for 20 years. Trained here and know many police.  There all the same the Thai will never be fully charged for any assault.  The old man was trying to shake the Thai off. Who was pursuing him. His 72 wake up.

    You can't teach me about these Thais. That kid never had a fight and wanted to be tuff in front of his uneducated wife. Very simple racist country. 5th world policing that actually most belong in jails themselves.

  13. 28 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Go jump in the ring with some Thai cowards if you're feeling brave enough, what a ridiculous comment you made.  And I doubt his bail was 200,000 for common assault as it will not lead to a sentence, it is the attempted murder charge that could lead to a prison sentence so it isn't that charge that needed bail, quite simple stuff and nothing racist about that.  And I really wish stories like this did not make the news as I don't want Thais to know what falangs are REALLY like, not good for any of us.

    A man takes it away from the rest of the backers. Face your fears head on. No need to bring your taxi friends and police protectors. The low maggot even came back when the old man was down and the young kid will be scared for sometime.  His not only a coward but a piece of garbage that belongs in the dumpster. As for the police laughable rubbish. None of these people are men.

  14. 15 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Go jump in the ring with some Thai cowards if you're feeling brave enough, what a ridiculous comment you made.  And I doubt his bail was 200,000 for common assault as it will not lead to a sentence, it is the attempted murder charge that could lead to a prison sentence so it isn't that charge that needed bail, quite simple stuff and nothing racist about that.  And I really wish stories like this did not make the news as I don't want Thais to know what falangs are REALLY like, not good for any of us.

    Yes his a coward and please spare me the Thai superman Mauy Thai stories. There slower than Texas. Bottom line is as the OP states a coward and a corrupt law enforcement agency

  15. 9 minutes ago, Jeremy50 said:

    All these scams have been around for decades, and are well documented all over the internet, especially on Youtube. You would have to be gullible, stupid, and extremely naive to fall for them. People should be told what airline this muppet works for, so that it can be avoided for obvious safety reasons.

    Yes all easily avoided. My dumb Mrs brought a massage machine. 3800 whopping baht. From a lady walking to shops.

    On the Internet there 1500 baht.Buffaloe

  16. 21 minutes ago, tropo said:

    Of course, they will try to go for "attempted murder", but there was no intention to kill. It was merely 2 guys getting angry and out of control.

    That's correct. Let's get the killer cop kids in for a example shall we lol. They butchered a disabled boy and walked free lol. This country has a rotten non reformable police force. It should be allowed to die period.

  17. 13 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    It is up to the court to decide if the attempted murder charge is appropriate, but I do hope that Sumeth is also going to be charged. The punch he threw was pretty dirty and I do not feel it fair that he can just walk away from that without some repercussions.

    He snuck him side on. Like all Thai do. Only with there breed close by. Standard procedure here. Always best to launch first. Works for me

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