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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Learn from threads. In this thread attached have careful read of couple of posts from @BritTim and informative one from @Liquorice
  2. This thread attached suggests clearly that is not the case. Have a read, in particular the posts from ubonjoe. Also read reference to a 30 day extension in addition to 60 day extension to visit wife. Those two extensions are in different categories hence no problem. Suggest obtain the 30 day extension first. https://aseannow.com/topic/1130123-re-60-day-extension-to-visit-your-wife/
  3. There is very little information contributed without naming the specific immigration office. My office is CW. So which office did you state only allows one extension 30 or 60 days.
  4. Indeed there are rogue offices that have their own rules. The OP silly not to mention his intended immigration office. Bit the same way you have made posts regarding your specific office and yet did not mention which office. Bit of useless information. Your earlier post.... "Our local immigration office will only allow on extension per entry. Either 30 or 60 days." So helpful...Not
  5. Indeed the bank will want a certificate of residence in Bangkok. The issue in Bangkok is that a certificate of residence will not be issued without a TM47 having been done. The issue for the OP is him asking about entering with tourist visa and living in Bangkok and needing to open bank account.
  6. There are ~75 immigration offices. Not really interested what your imm office does.
  7. Think the later or perhaps insurance policy. You mention location Bangkok. Reason I ask is that of late it seems even agents are having issues in Bangkok. Siam Legal previously assisted with bank account. You could contact them directly. @ThaiVisaCentre also were previously able to assist.... currently I'm not sure. Edit: just checked SL. States currently service not available.
  8. Yes 400k in bank on day of application for the Non O. The money needs to have also been in the bank for two months prior to application for 12 months extension. After approval the money can be used. Then for subsequent extensions requires 400k in bank for 2 months prior for every extension. Here is where the problem arises. Its not simple to open a bank account on a tourist visa or visa exempt entry. You can use an agent. What area do you plan to live. The OP in this attached thread provided detailed list and update at end. Note he entered visa exempt so used TM87. For tourist visa entry use TM86.
  9. Yes. You can enter with tourist visa or even visa exempt and obtain a Non O You first obtain non O based on marriage. That provides a 90 day permission of stay stamp. In the last 15+ days you apply for 12 month extension. Do you have a Thai bank account in your name only. You will require 400k in bank on day you apply for the Non O. Do you have your marriage certificate.
  10. Extensions based on marriage have an "under consideration period". For frequent travelers that can be a nuisance. Can also include a home visit which some view as a negative. Using money in the bank method the requirement for marriage extension is very sweet deal compared to retirement however more paperwork.
  11. Hope mod see this as illegal and against forum rules. The term is fraud.
  12. That is rigmarole entry. Why not obtain SETV eVisa and fly direct to Bangkok.
  13. Does not work that way. If refused entry you will fly back to where you departed from. You need to obtain a visa to enter again. I would regard entering visa exempt via air very risky. Your visa options would be SETV or METV
  14. Nice post buddy. Hope you can work out what best all round for your family. At very least a cremation in Thailand and repatriation is one option.
  15. Excellent suggestions from @lopburi3 and @KhunLA Trust me coming from an old bloke (me) ...I have made it clear to my family in Oz that I want zero fuss and the most easy option for family. Cremation in Thailand and remains remain here. In Thailand you can deal with Temple and imo even repatriation of remains is optional.
  16. In your OP you stated the following .. "We would like to spend a year in Thailand for knowing better the country ...." So you don't need/plan to stay in Thailand for a YEAR. Post accurate plan to receive best advice.
  17. You actually entered visa exempt and received a 30 day stamp. That can be extended by 30 days. After that you can obtain 60 day extension to visit wife. Gives approx 4 months
  18. You should have asked this question prior to leaving Canada. Your options are now limited. Previously you could obtain a multi entry Non O retirement from Savannakhet. However that has become more difficult. Not familiar with current reports. You could enter Thailand visa exempt or tourist visa and change to a non O retirement. You would need an agent to open a bank account. You would require 800k baht in that account on the day you apply for the non O ... Couple of months later you could obtain 12 month extension. If placing 800k in a Thai bank is not possible you could consider use of an agent, however this option would be approx 30k. You could simply enter on a tourist visa and later exit Thailand and obtain another. Tourist visa provides 60day stamp and can be extended by 30days. So approx 6 months from couple of SETV. You can also do border runs and enter visa exempt via land. Those entries provide 30d stamp and can be extended by 30d. Hence total of another ~4 months. Suggest avoid Education visa. If you were still in Canada I would have suggested METV. That visa provides approx 9 months in Thailand.
  19. Think you are making easy into difficult. First up not all immigration offices accept combo method. Second even if you change to income method you will need to use money in bank method for your next extension be that retirement or marriage. The reason being is that you need to show 12 months of transfers. A dedicated bank account for immigration purposes is a good idea. You can transfer your monthly super payment from your Oz bank (using WISE) with online banking in under two minutes. Think you have couple of choices. Start income transfers from April next year for either retirement or marriage with view of moving to obtain extension using income method for 2025 extension OR Change to extension based on marriage using the 400k in bank (note only required for two months then can be used. The second option can be done for 2024 extension and imo simple option. The money is not locked up unlike funds for retirement. You can live off the 400k from the day you obtain final stamp. Transfer another 400k 2 months prior to extension in 2025. Wash and repeat.
  20. Just answering couple of points. Forget the "WE" bit. Yes obtain your non O based on marriage and upon entry to Thailand open Thai bank account in your name only. Transfer the 400k (as you outlined). WISE is a good option. As for subsequent extension a year later, to change to income method you will need to show 12 months of transfers of 40k/month. It can be from your personal bank account to Thai bank account. Some immigration offices may wish to see some evidence of funds into your UK bank coming from a "pension". You could check that out with your local immigration office when you apply for first extension. You do realize that the 400k only needs to be in bank until extension is granted and then can be used. Seems good option to me.
  21. They do not need to be ready to step back.... I stated that to settle anyone's concerns and mistakingly take your posts regarding this as having some credibility. Run off and find one report of anyone having an issue. The OP asked for advice re options and that has been provided. Your misinformation is just personal guess work commonly referred to as scaremongering.
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