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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. For years I used dedicated account for the 800k extension based on retirement at CW. All immigration required was photocopies of my bank book pages. Last year they told me that due to some months of zero entries they require bank statements. I asked to see supervisor. She accepted the application after some polite chit chat. Then was asked to write on my paper work that next year I would provide bank Statements. Edit: the above is regarding savings account. I actually have a FD (600k) and a savings account (200k+) They did not require bank Statements for the FD account. BTW: This was the first time ever that they wanted my TM47 receipt. They make up rubbish as they go along
  2. Thankyou for replies. Just went to Kasikorn. Same day and cost 200baht. Mod can close thread
  3. Explain how you entered Thailand. Visa exempt sometimes referred to visa waiver. Or Visa on Arrival. Assuming you entered visa exempt then with your travel pattern you could obtain as many visa exempt entry via air as often as you like. It's the time spent out of Thailand between visits to Thailand that's important. Folk can run into trouble with too many consecutive back to back entries
  4. Don't do it. Having stated that I have given Thai partner (10yr+) 3 condos and a townhouse (in her name) That sounds like big note myself it's not. The reason is that buying real estate in Thailand can be for various reasons. My example is to provide income for her when I depart. Buying for investment is (mostly) crazy. We rent in Bangkok same place 10 years, wouldn't dream of living in one of the purchased properties. Those properties will probably be worth the same in few years and difficult to sell.
  5. Agree. Thinking the OP is asking about countries were you can live ongoing. One example is Vietnam. AFAIK Vietnam does not have a "retirement visa" aka in Thailand non O retirement with annual extensions. Long time ago I stayed in Vietnam with back to back 3 month multiple. So meant 4 visas per year with exit and reentry every 3 months. Thailand does not have easy options for those under 50 or married to Thai.
  6. Your posts are just so incorrect to the point of ridiculous. Your example in this post of VOA is just one example. "Visa on Arrival" is available for some countries. There are counters airside that issue the visa on arrival for those nationals. VISA EXEMPT entry completely different animal as is available to 64 countries. The terminology is important. We see many posts stating along the lines...... "I entered visa on arrival how do I obtain a visa extension" The answer to that question is ... VOA can only be extended by 7 days. What the poster may have been meaning is "I entered Thailand visa exempt can I obtain an extension" Answer: "Yes by 30 days at immigration office" Nothing "smarty pants " about it.
  7. Just bumping your thread as no replies. This is from Thai gov web...... "Travelers from Korea, Brazil, Peru, Argentina, and Chile will receive permission to stay in Thailand for up to 90 days under Visa Exemption. This applies to both airport and land border entries." From reading the whole article is appears that the two border entries per calendar year applied to Brazilian nationals. Thinking she can stay good length of time. Hopefully someone with first hand experience can reply.
  8. Thankyou. However they are wanting 12 month bank statements. I'm aware Bangkok Bank requires a number of days for this whereas some banks can do it on the spot.
  9. So my last extension CW using "money in bank method" the io advised that next time they wanted Bank Statements. So my question ...is it possible for Kasikorn Bank to issued the bank statements at CW same day as attending for extension? TIA
  10. So rather than vague rant better to outline how you had issues at your immigration office. Also include specific details. From my experience most often it is farang not preparing correct docs.
  11. Thanks but was almost rhetorical question. The agents in Pattaya seem to have more options. Anyway....all a bit off topic The OP has not indicated use of agent or his immigration office. Also the OP has not provided exact dates for planed trip and expiry of current permission of stay. I asked earlier in thread. Without proper engagement from OP,s in any thread then it's pointless.
  12. Correct. Dont know how many years back. Maybe @BritTim has an idea. Back to this OP....if for eg the financials are changed I think it will applied to those perhaps other than the group you mention. Personally find this thread jumping at shadows.
  13. There are two threads regarding applying way early such as 90 days. Both are using agents and both are at Jomtien immigration. Your experience provides good advice for that office and doing extensions using agent. Does narrow the field for others not in Pattaya. Maneerat so approx 13k. Shows another added bonus using agent.
  14. Which agent and how much did it cost. This is not a new situation regarding desire to obtain extension early for various reasons. The most common one being need to travel prior to the 30/45 days prior. Then you flop out that you had it done 90 days early. Never read of one post remotely similar.
  15. Doesn't seem to apply much in Thailand. When the changed to insurance requirements for extensions from a non O-A the only immigration office that provided grandfathering regarding changes to insurance was Phuket. If there are ever changes to any aspect of (for example financials) then I would not for one blink think grandfathering comes into play.
  16. The guy you are quoting would be returning to own country every year or two if exit just prior to visa expiry and obtain a 12 month stamp. Does not suit many. If you do not return to home country you can obtain 12 month extension at immigration that has financial requirements along with insurance.
  17. Have read all your posts. All of which are incorrect. Here is pic of a non O. It has two dates. Issue date and enter before date. When you are stamped in you are given a 90 day permission of stay. The non O is stamped USED. Granted many examples of misuse of term VISA. Thing CW at the L desks have sign VISA EXTENSION. Most of the time there is no confusion. Sometimes there is.
  18. BitTim has pretty much covered it. Added point to consider staying in Thailand on tourist visas and border bounce is LOCATION. For example staying Samui is fine for tourist visa stamp + 30 day extension. From there it's better to stay in locations that have more easy border runs (visa exempt entry) options. No good options for ongoing stay in Thailand for unmarried under 50. Just a suggestion ....Spending half the year (cumulative) in Thailand and other 6 months in places like Vietnam is possible.
  19. Good news you're a good bloke. FWIW thinking agent was best idea and seems you had good service. HB to pop.
  20. You will not require any insurance for a non O obtained in Thailand also none for 12 month Extensions
  21. For once disagree. It's more a warning notation at very best. Immigration at airports and land borders would be aware of that. Minor infraction.
  22. How on earth does this thread belong in Visa forum. Even in pub forum it's suspect. Rather vulgar OP post. Just one person's opinion. 2 pages of rubbish..
  23. You left out important word in your first post that was included in this one "AGENT"
  24. Exactly what dates of exit from Thailand and expiry of current permission of stay.
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