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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. You cannot do an extension from outside Thailand. You could exit without a reentry permit and return visa exempt. Obtaining new non O at your immigration office
  2. Yes immigration can be late passed the report back date. For the passport owner No. Imagine if farang just start returning one week or more past the due back date. My guess is he will be ok but immigration certainly won't be saying ..."no problem mate we here at immigration happy to help. Have a lovely day"
  3. This thread contains some guesswork however also has couple of posts from uj. Also here. Problem is most of the threads post about couple of days late. Not 10 days. https://aseannow.com/topic/1187537-under-consideration-for-oct-26-can-i-go-a-couple-days-later/
  4. You misunderstood lopburi. Also cut what he posted. Clearly was referring to someone in Thailand can do the 90 day report early. I generally do mine at 75 day mark. As for issue with online report. Are you using this link https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/register/add
  5. Not all countries have eVisa. Regarding where to apply here is quote from ubonjoe from thread I posted earlier... "The non-ox visa can only be applied for at a Thai embassy or official consulate in your home country or country of legal residence"
  6. In this thread ubonjoe posts meaning not possible. https://aseannow.com/topic/1164674-non-immigrant-visa-o-x/
  7. Many folk post this The due date counts So it's actually apply 14 days prior to due date and 6 days after due date.
  8. I'm guessing you are applying at KL and not Penang. Here is a thread regarding tourist visa for Thailand from KL. Take note post @OJAS If you qualify for visa exempt entry to Thailand you could consider other options. Visa exempt entries can be extended by 30 days. You could enter visa exempt and extension and also do a border bounce and enter again do extension That's (30+30) + (30 + 30) How long do you wish to stay in Thailand? https://aseannow.com/topic/1267114-tr60-embassy-in-kuala-lumpur-wants-me-to-pay-my-entire-stay-up-front/
  9. That stamp basically states that your 90 day report was late and you were fined 2k baht..
  10. @TPDH many threads on process from visa exempt to non O marriage and subsequent extension Assume that you have Thai bank account in your name only. https://aseannow.com/topic/1252365-non-o-and-marriage-extension-questions/
  11. Happy to be corrected however don't agree. There are many threads re changing from based on retirement to marriage etc.... However for the very FIRST extension it must be done on the what the non O is based on. The OP entered with a non O based on marriage. It's my understanding that he cannot obtain an extension based on retirement for his first extension.
  12. Yes regarding airline requesting to see onward flight. Immigration on arrival will not ask to see onward flight. The critical thing when obtaining non O in Thailand is to have a Thai bank account in place. Re onward flight at departure I have suggested in other thteads.... try obtain boarding pas and if airline insists upon onward flight step away from counter and do online ticket with company such as "onwardticket.com" it's a 2 minute process . Screenshot of ticket is sufficient for airline. Obviously you need internet.
  13. Yes. The onward flight is purely for airline at departure. Upon arrival Thai immigration not interested in onward flight
  14. OP if entering Thailand visa exempt google ..onwardtickek.com The airline departure may/will require onward flight. Rent a ticket for 12 USD works fine
  15. Thinking you will be fine using TM87 to obtain non O retirement at that immigration office.. You will need 800k in Thai bank account in your name only on day of application.
  16. Regarding obtaining tourist visa over enter visa exempt is down to recent couple of posts of rogue offices not accepting conversion from visa exempt to non O using TM87. I mentioned this in previous post. @Red Phoenix has posted about that previosly Which immigration office will you be dealing with.
  17. It is best option given that you plan living in Thailand ongoing. There have been couple of posts recently of "conversion" from visa exempt to non O retirement being issue at couple of rogue offices. Thinking @Red Phoenix has posted re that. You could consider obtaining tourist visa for entry . Don't know if SA have eVisa. Bottom line is to live ongoing in Thailand forget the non O-A plan Many threads on this. https://aseannow.com/topic/1282251-visa-exempt-to-non-o-retirement-dates/
  18. You can do a "conversion " from a tourist visa OR visa exempt entry using a TM86 or T87 respectively. The main issue is need to have Thai bank account in your name only and ability to meet financial requirements. 800k on day of application for non O retirement How long do you wish to stay in Thailand?
  19. The permission of stay will only be issued till the date of expiry of insurance. Poor plan. You state that you wish to live in Thailand ongoing. Obtaining a non O-A is bad option. MANY folk living in Thailand having a non O-A have exited Thailand to kill off their non O-A and reentered with a non O based on retirement. EDIT: I posted same time as @biervoormij and he killed off non O-A as I mentioned
  20. You obtained a visa exempt entry. 30 day stamp. You can apply for 30 day extension. Yes best to apply in last couple of weeks of expiry of entry stamp. You do not have a visa. Where will you apply for extension,?
  21. Understand now. You do not have good options with 4 years shy of 50. Just one person's advice. I would lean towards marriage. Realize that not preferring option. If that did occur your then wife could obtain a non O based on retirement and you could obtain a non O based on dependant spouse. Many threads on that. It's referred to as "piggyback" on her non O retirement. Someone will be posting for you to obtain a PE visa (elite visa) It's an option but expensive. You can buy a 5 year option which being 47yr is a good option. It's all about what you can afford.
  22. When you apply for non O-A that visa has a validity of 12 months. This means that it's a poor plan to apply early. Yes every entry provides a 12 month permission of stay. However that is only for the validity of the visa. You may read that non O-A can provide almost 2 years of stay in Thailand. That is possible if the non O-A is issued shortly prior to first entry and you do a exit/reentry just prior to visa expiry. How long do you wish to stay in Thailand?
  23. So how old are you? Question is visa options related
  24. From your posts ....my advice if you can afford it is to skip marriage option and both of you and your partner live in Thailand on extensions based on retirement independently. Other option if marry is for one on you to "piggyback" on the others Non O retirement as a dependent
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