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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Ignore button works for me. Please update thread with the process of your experience tomorrow. Return to Penang. A report of holding room at BKK airport would be a bonus.
  2. No. You can obtain a Non O based on Thai child and subsequent 12 month extension and then buy multiple reentry permit.
  3. OP, you need to clarify the funds in bank requirement. You either had your own money in Thai bank account in your name or not. If the agent in fact obtained an extension based on retirement and "covered" the funds requirement then you will need to use agent again for extension.
  4. If you have been on continuous extensions then no need for a new TM30. Even if you exit Thailand and reenter on a reentry permit you do not require a new TM30. If you change address then you would need to file a TM30.
  5. If you have not previously used a 60 day extension to visit wife then yes that's an option. Not sure how the agent obtained an extension based on marriage and you not meeting the financials. Seems strange to me. So to clarify .....you did not have 400k in Thai bank account in your name only when you obtained your current extension?
  6. The next notification of residence (90 day report) provides nothing. It's simply a requirement. It's separate from your extension. Your permission of stay stamp. So you need to apply for 12 months extension prior to August 29. You can apply for that 30days prior to expiry (45 days at some offices) . With your dates the window for doing the 90 day address report is in window for extension renewal. You can do report on same visit as extension. Your confusion was partly due to previous history using ME Non O. You most likely obtained those from Savannakhet. You referred to 60 day extension to visit wife. How long do you plan to remain in Thailand. If ongoing obtain 12 month extension. Note. You mention the use of agents. Is your extension based on marriage or retirement. Did you provide the money in the bank or agent managed that.
  7. What is your status in Thailand. For example extensions from a non O etc. Which immigration office.
  8. Friend of mine (not imaginary) managed one. Cost him 15k. He didn't offer. Someone suggested.
  9. Have you considered offering to "pay a fine" and receive a "warning"
  10. Being refused entry even with a tourist visa is possible. True it's rare but has occured previously. They can ignore the 20k baht and still refuse entry. Almost certain to flown to airport where you departed and in most cases the person ends up paying for the ticket. Hopefully the OP will update at some stage.
  11. Bummer. I did an edit to earlier post adding a thread that outlines land travel from Penang to Phuket. You could use your visa at land border.
  12. Yes. 3 months out of Thailand would/should be fine. So you were flown back to Penang? Entering Thailand via land border would be best option even with a SETV. Surprised you were refused entry in possession of a SETV. Could you outline what occured regarding return flight. How long you had to wait at BKK etc Edit: you could consider entry via land from Penang with your visa. Here is very detailed instructions in the op regarding that option. https://aseannow.com/topic/879418-guide-travelling-to-george-town-penang-and-back-to-thailand/
  13. You do not have a one year visa That would be a ME Non O You paid for a 12 month extension of your permission of stay. Your 90 day reports are separate from obtaining your next extension. Just do your next report prior to due date
  14. The OP is not asking about overstay. He was inquiring about what happens if someone is refused ENTRY at airport. One would assume that he did not have a visa and was entering visa exempt with long history in Thailand. He could apply for a SETV at a consulate and if granted could enter Thailand with that. A land border entry would be best option.
  15. OP, you need to give more details for anyone to advise.
  16. In most cases the Non O visa information and any extension stamps etc can only to transferred at the immigration office where they are issued. I'm not sure how the OP can avoid a trip to Trang for transfer of stamps. Perhaps @BritTim has a solution..
  17. You have posted and reposted your experience opening a bank account. Several have pointed out insurance is NOT a requirement. Attached is just one of many where insurance is mentioned. This one is Pattaya specific. Suggest you read up in banking/finance forum or search threads on insurance. Yes often banks will mention insurance. It's a sales pitch. Your posts are incorrect information. https://aseannow.com/topic/1288655-opening-a-bangkok-bank-account/
  18. There are many solutions for the OP. I mentioned agent in earlier post. If the OP want to continue with based on retirement he could do a border bounce without a reentry permit to "kill off" his non O. Reenter visa exempt and obtain a new non O retirement and using TM87 then obtain subsequent extension.
  19. True. He won't have an issue. Your posts are so negative. The OP asked a simple question. The answer to which is that ... He won't have an issue.
  20. Yes. There were some refuse entry at DMK (in particular) during 2019. Prior to covid. You will be fine at Bangkok airports. Prior to covid I was flying out/back Thailand every month for several years. Not a issue as I had annual extensions retirement with reentry permit. However on some rare occasions I saw immigration question folk with stays based on SETV and visa exempt with history. A tip is to make up a fictional itinerary. Outlining your plans. Sounds ridiculous but for some reason seems to be good option. Even with a tourist visa have funds with your person.
  21. Don't understand any of your posts in any thread @Albaby summed it up perfectly. "What a braindead post. No point to it, just a bitter rant."
  22. The important thing is that you mentioned in your history "time spent out of Thailand" Not a day or two. Much longer. This is important. Also you have a visa. Can happen but unlikely to be be refused entry with a tourist visa. Bangkok airports will be fine.
  23. A tip for asking Nan immigration about "conversion" from visa exempt entry to a Non O retirement is to have friends take along a TM87 form. This is the form used for the conversion process. A simple google provides a download.
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