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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. It's not really a legal matter. As you are over 50 you could obtain an extension based on retirement. I'm not sure if you will need to exit Thailand. I'm guessing here....you may need to exit Thailand and reenter via exempt and from that obtain a non O retirement. For that you would require 800k in bank account in your name only. Subsequently you could obtain 12 month extension.
  2. How old? You could consider extensions based on retirement.
  3. No wonder people opting to enter Thailand visa exempt. Will be interesting to see if the 45 days due to end March 31 will be extended.
  4. In the thread mentioned in first reply, I was basically saying that the evisa for Thailand should not be applied for while you are in eg Vietnam. Felt comfortable with that position Fast forward..,.I just obtained an evisa (SETV) for Vietnam. Oz folk need a visa for Vietnam. So basically yes Oz but live in Thailand and just now obtained an evisa for Vietnam. One difference with the evisa that I just obtained is that there is no requirement to upload flight details. You only need to enter you airport entry. Don't understand why eVisa (for tourist visa) is so difficult for Thailand. There are so many threads asking for advice on how to fill out the application.
  5. No. He can apply for a non O retirement from a visa exempt or tourist visa entry into Thailand.. To apply for non O he requires 800k in Thai bank account in his name only. He requires minimum 15 days remaining on his permit on day he applies. I outlined the steps and requirements earlier in the thread.
  6. He can extend his visa exempt stamp by 30 days. That won't help a lot. He requires 15 days remaining on permit to apply for non O retirement. Given his situation, eyesight etc, I suggest he consider agent for the whole box and dice Meaning 1. Open bank account. 2. Obtain non O retirement (without need for funds in bank) 3. 12 month extension. It's not cheap first up. Perhaps 35k. Ongoing would cost ~15k every year for extension. It's just an option. Personally I don't use an agent and not a big deal for me to have funds in bank and attend immigration office once per year for extension. When mobility becomes an issue for me it will be agent time. No problem.
  7. Depending on the embassy that can take some time to arrange. Also it's far from free. The OP friend would be best to use agent especially with the issues indicated.
  8. This isn't much help, however I have seen this discussed previously. I searched threads but could not find ones I have read in the past. In any event I recall that folk do exactly what you plan. They choose airlines that have the most cost effective check in baggage allowances. Vaguely recall one with 5 large suitcases. The plan works without taxes. Hopefully someone with first hand experience can advise.
  9. The OP stated this .... "It's high season and a friend is finding it difficult to find suitable accommodation ( he has specific needs) for long term stay based on a Non O based on retirement" Reading between the lines having "specific needs". The visa you refer to is a ME Non O based on marriage. Previously ME Non O based on retirement was possible. Currently don't think it's available in Savannakhet. In any event that one year visa requires exits from Thailand. Thinking not best option.
  10. How relevant is this to anyone doing a border bounce to Cambodia in the near future? Your charm and tale is nice story. Again irrelevant
  11. He stated earlier in the thread.. "French embassy"
  12. Added after thought.... Your friend is best served to obtain his non O at immigration office where he intends to obtain his subsequent 12 month extension.
  13. Just to clarify...I was referring to agent to open bank account. Difficult these days with a visa exempt or tourist visa entry. As for the non O retirement and subsequent extension he can do that by himself if he has the funds. Process not difficult. If he has mobility issues an agent for the entire process is certainly an option.
  14. You can lead a horse to water.... Clearly your not thirsty.
  15. He is better off using an agent as time is of the essence. Once he has the bank account and transfers the required funds obtaining the non O is not difficult. He will not be able to obtain a residence certificate in Bangkok without having done a 90 day report. Most agents can open an account quickly. Not expensive. You state... "In the meantime he is booking a hotel for a couple of months to give him time to find the right place, and to apply for the Non Imm O.". He is doing it back to front. 1. Open bank account. 2. Transfer 800k into bank account 3. With 15 days + remaining on permit apply for non O retirement 4. Consider/look for long term accommodation. 5. Obtain 12 month extension. Points 4 and 5 interchangeable.
  16. I went with agent and they advised me that one was sufficient. They are 200baht a pop in Bangkok. Perhaps I would have needed 2 if I went without agent. I used agent as it was covid times and que # was difficult. Using same agent in a months time for 5 yr renewal as still bookings (as I understand it) are still busy in Bangkok.
  17. Is that a Thai wife? You would be aware that you can obtain a 60 day extension to visit Thai wife if more time required.
  18. You would imagine with such vast experience you would be aware of the fundamentals of renting a property in Thailand. Does not appear to be the case.
  19. Yes and be aware that you have easy options to extend your stay. With each visa exempt entry you can obtain a 30 day extension and also a 60 day extension to visit wife.
  20. That is certainly an option for a tourist with (for example) plan to go to immigration and obtain a 30 day extension to eg Tourist Visa. No so applicable to someone living in Thailand. The OP mentions doing 90 day report. Perhaps even obtaining a residence certificate. For this situation best to have a lease or TM30 with address where you are living ongoing. I don't buy into his rental arrangements. We rent out couple of condo and townhouse. The agent does the TM30 (if required for non Thai tenant) and of course a Lease. Our minimum lease is 12 months however a zillion rentals available in Thailand that have much shorter. Bit off topic suggestion to anyone looking for permanent (ongoing) rental. We rent apartment in Bangkok. Low rise. No rooms are privately owned. We have one year lease. The place is extremely strict so no sub letting while you are away etc etc. I couldn't imagine living in condos such as View Talay 6 (Pattaya) or eg Trendy building Sukhumvit. Those type of places are mad houses. The OP chose poorly.
  21. Don't understand your post and point of thread. You ask about reentry permit. That you can do by yourself at immigration Or at airport by yourself Or at airport io doing the form (small fee) Or by local agent in Pattaya. 90 day report you can do yourself either in person OR via mail Or online Or by representative (your case daughter) What's so difficult. Choose one.
  22. Don't forget photo. OP be aware that if you are obtaining your extension in Bangkok that you will attend IT Mall Laksi and not CW.
  23. Your posts regarding terms visa , extension etc are all over the shop. When someone starts a thread on AseanNow now with statement such as ...." I have a marriage visa" and then proceed to post a question, anyone reading has no idea what they mean. In my mind they could have a 1. Non O based on marriage. 2. ME Non O marriage. 3. An extension from a Non O based on marriage. The first is a single entry visa that gives a 90 day permission of stay. The second is a multiple entry visa valid for one year it gives stays of 90 days then you need to exit Thailand (unless you obtain an extension) The third is an Extension of stay from a non O giving permission of stay of one year. Visa is very different to Extension. Forget English definitions. VISA EXTENSION which is a term used even by immigration and is on their walls in offices is short hand type. No such thing animal. The same goes for Retirement. The expression "I have a Retirement Visa" tells very little. Could be a valid non O-A. Could be a non O based on retirement. Could be an extension based on retirement. Could even be ME Non O retirement which is a multiple entry visa valid for 12 months based on retirement (not available in many countries)
  24. These threads come up often With zero cooperation from owner/manager and no lease what advice are you expecting. More often these posts are related to Airbnb etc. You asked for useful suggestions and you seem to want to stay put. I suggest you contact an agent to look for a "get around". Fortunately plenty of good ones in Pattaya. Hopefully folk read about these threads and check on lease and TM30 prior to commiting to moving in. We have a few rentals in Bangkok and TM30, lease etc is handled by real estate agent. Short cuts usually end in pain.
  25. A non O is 2000baht. All extensions are 1900baht. Apart from that you mention .. "....and the 90 reporting is 1900" 90 day reporting is free. Can be done online, in person and via mail.
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