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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. I stated "Also a signed copy of their ID card."
  2. Yes. A signed copy of the house book. Also a signed copy of their ID card. Also need a copy of the lease or rental agreement.
  3. Only the airline might look for onward flight. 1. Rent a flight. 2. Buy cheapest throw away ticket. 3. Take a chance and if challenged step away from counter and buy cheap ticket. You have a return ticket so explain to airline that you intend to obtain extension. You should be fine.
  4. This is what I posted above... "Unless you fly into Thailand with a reentry permit or same visa (eg ME non O etc) then you are required to file a TM30." An METV would come under reenter with same visa. No TM30 required. A visa exempt or tourist visa etc would require a new TM30.
  5. You need to have made 90 day report at CW. You should only need passport with photocopy of basic pages. TM47 receipt. Lease or TM30 not needed but handy to have. 200baht for mail out EMS. Can take up to 2 weeks normally one. This thread has link to form and various information. https://aseannow.com/topic/1257176-certificate-of-residence/
  6. Unless you fly into Thailand with a reentry permit or same visa (eg ME non O etc) then you are required to file a TM30. Obviously unless you have to deal with immigration many just ignore the TM30. You mention obtaining an extension to visa exempt entry. That will require a TM30.
  7. Indeed. Fortunately Thailand has some of the most flexible stays available . For visas there are the SETV and also METV. Then there are visa exempt entries via air and land. (land visa exempt limited 2 per calendar year) Most of these permission of stays can be extended by 30 days per entry. The sticky situations occur when there is very little time spent out of Thailand and fly out/in visa exempt is almost asking for trouble.. Recently someone sent their elderly mum to KL (flight) and return same day to obtain another border exempt entry. Nuts. Never understood the obsession with continuous living in Thailand. If I was young and single I would spend 6-9 months in Thailand and the balance elsewhere. Vietnam being my personal pick.
  8. Forget agent acquired non O volunteering. The non O R (religion) requires effort. ED visas still available. You state 3 years+ If unmarried and under 50 there are no continuous options. (Apart from PE) Best plan is to spend majority of time in Thailand mixing in time spent in other countries.
  9. Buddhism he means Non O R (religion) Muay Thai meaning ED visa. More common to study language.
  10. I wouldn't refer these as long term visas. Also you can scratch non O volunteering from that list. ED visa is available but has stricter attendance rules now and maybe gives a year unless it's university course. What's your idea of long term ?
  11. Obtain a METV equals 9 months and spend 3 months elsewhere in Asia For the last 15 years folk have been living in Thailand majority of time on various make shift options including the nonsense ones such as ED visas (in some cases) Indeed wake up....read daily threads.
  12. What's your point. I dont deal with Phetchabun. Perhaps you should take it up with them. I deal with CW which is an office that follows the rule changes to TM30 so all good in my backyard.
  13. I posted link earlier in thread few posts back. Read specifically 2.2 In addition google "new TM30 rules AseanNow" And there are host of threads explaining the change to the rules.
  14. Yes most likely pointing out the correct rules won't get you anywhere. However don't be confused about if they (immigration) are right or wrong. They are wrong.. The rules were changed June 2020.
  15. If you return to Thailand with a reentry permit a TM30 is not required unless you are changing address. Which immigration office? OP your wife needs to do TM30 for your guests since they intend to apply for an extension. Do not concern yourself that it wasn't done as soon as they moved in. Do it prior to them applying for extension. 2.2 in this..... https://aseannow.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=689134
  16. Think that's it. I have seen reports where the person has had to explain to the airline staff what their particular stamp means. Some staff for example are confused with elite visa etc. Prior to covid with lot of travel my reentry permit was perhaps few pages back and I had the practice of marking that page for quick access.
  17. Not sure what you mean by marriage visa. You either had a non O marriage or a ME non O or an extension. Apart from the ME you would have had a reentry permit. In any event as you suggest sometimes you run up against this rubbish. I always suggest to have wifi (if possible) and as last resort step away and book throw away flight.
  18. Yes. A non O retirement not a non O-A. Very different animals. The non O retirement only requires the 800k to be in the bank on day of application for the non O. The two month seasoning is for the extension. Sadly Jomtien immigration (rogue) with dracula lady is asking for 2 months prior to applying for the non O. There is current thread running about this issue.
  19. The airline clerk was in the wrong. Someone more senior would have corrected it. It can happen if visa has very short life. I was once asked for onward flight even with visa for Vietnam. The issue was my visa for Vietnam had only 4 days remaining. Don't know why you were asked.
  20. Yes. Upon arrival (return) your 90 day clock starts from your entry date. Entry date is day 1.
  21. Where are you planning on "converting" to a Non O-A A non O-A is obtained in your home country or country where you have permanent residency.
  22. Are you really sure that's it's a non O-A visa that you want. If you are looking to retire in Thailand then a non O retirement is better option and no insurance requirements. As for health certificate that is not difficult and is discussed in this thread along with few folk suggesting non O-A is not such an attractive option for some.
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