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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. You could search requirements for covid extension. Virtually same as the 30 day extension to visa exempt. Same TM7 form.. 1900baht. They will provide you with an affidavit that has few tick boxes. Select second option. Which immigration office?
  2. A covid extension gives a 60 day permission of stay. Any such permission can be protected by a reentry permit. "Well, yeah it does sound a bit silly". Umm, I'm starting to think it's rather creative.
  3. The onward flight is an airline thing at departure. Your previous history means nothing to them. Fact is your flying visa exempt. It's possible the airline will require onward flight.
  4. Did immigration request 90 day report and TM30, or you just provided them? I certainly do not supply them at CW.
  5. Flying into CNX visa exempt zero issue. IMO that would even apply at Bangkok airports. BTW, I haven't seen a recent report of refused entry at airport. Yes some get questioned. You won't have an issue.
  6. Saigon gets my vote. Prior to covid went there monthly. Edit: just thought of added tip. If you wanted trip out of Thailand for month or so then obtaining a covid extension together with reentry permit would give you clear passage back into Thailand (via air) No onward flight etc required. So 1900 for the CE and 1000 for the reentry permit. Not as silly as it might sound.
  7. A very well beaten tract. Is kicked around daily on AseanNow. For many the opportunity cost of keeping money in the bank all year is irrelevant. In fact many using funds in bank for retirement extension maintain 800k+ all year round.
  8. Stick with that address for your 90 day report and move around Thailand as much as you like. You would only need to file a new TM30 if you changed province for your next covid extension.
  9. Why don't you obtain 60 day covid extension. They are issuing CE till July 25. Actually with your current permission of stay ending soon you can obtain the CE and another just prior to July 25. That's basically another 4 month stay
  10. As already stated above.. Covid 10k cover for period of 30 days. Choose the cheapest throw away policy. Think one available for 650baht. Link here.. https://tqm-app.com/static/thailandpass/index.html
  11. I think your still confused...... Yes the multi entry non O is visa that has validity of one year. It requires you to exit Thailand and reenter to obtain another 90 day permission. That's all explained above. Very good visa for your routine. At some point you need to obtain a new ME non O. You could also have a non O and do extensions. You your need to purchase a multiple reentry permit for every 12 month extension. Cost 3800 baht for the reentry permit and 1900baht for your extension every year. Both options work..
  12. Do you have a home visit... Perhaps need to provide some witness? All offices are different. A home visit alone would be a deal breaker for me. Return after under consideration period. Not for me To each their own ...
  13. Sorry to say that your post gave me a lovely chuckle (sadly at your expense).....loved this bit "no have, we call you, you go home, so I did, the trip is an hour 30 one way and when I got home they rang me, you come back now, extension approved, was I pi$$ed, I suppose you could say I was as I had to waste another 3 hour round trip for a simple stamp,".... I can only imagine someone doing extensions based on marriage is if they are under 50 or find the 800k and issue. If I were married, 100% my extensions would be based on retirement.
  14. When you wish to move to 12 month extension based on marriage you can do that by satisfying the financial requirements. Edit: just had another read of your post....with your ME non O you are stamped in for 90 days. Prior to expiry of that 90 day permit you need to exit and reenter. You would be then stamped in for another 90. As mentioned previously for each entry you can also obtain a. 60 day extension to visit wife. Cost 1900baht
  15. https://tqm-app.com/static/thailandpass/index.html Purchase cheapest 30 day covid insurance. Dont worry about exit ticket if entering via land border. The turn around for TP is quick. Assume that you are fully vaccinated. https://tp.consular.go.th/
  16. OK ...that explains a lot. You have a multiple entry non O based on marriage. Handy visa. Suggest you get the value out of the ME non O and use it for year+. You are only given a 90 day permit upon each entry and note you can obtain a 60 extension "to visit wife" for each entry. Exit and reenter just prior to 3 May 2023 and you will be stamped in for 90 days + 60 days with extension if you opt for that. Ripper visa
  17. Most folk with a METV exit and reenter via land to obtain their next 60 day permit. Keep in mind that every entry that stamps you in for 60 days can be extended by 30 days. At this time for each entry requires TP and 10k covid insurance. Hopefully these requirements will soon be dropped. Obviously your fully vaccinated.
  18. As uj outlined appears that you have a multi entry non O based on retirement. That's valid for one year. Each entry gives you a 90 day permission of stay. You do not require a reentry permit. Thinking retirement as you didn't mention anything about marriage. I have never seen one of these visas. I have heard of them available from Savannakhet based on retirement but never read of report of someone obtaining one. Of course ME non O marriage is very common.. Thanks for posting your visa.
  19. The ME non O marriage is a visa valid for 12 months from it's issue. Each entry to Thailand provides a 90 day stamp In addition each entry can be extended by 60 days with "extension to visit wife" If someone exits and reenter just prior to the expiry of ME Non O they would be stamped in for 90. That's close to 15month. Then obtain the 60 to visit wife and your up to approx 17 months. Very cosy visa and little by way of financial requirements. You cannot convert your non O to a ME Non O. You can obtain a ME non O at some consulates outside of Thailand. Savannakhet being popular option.
  20. Sounds that the op is looking for stay under 60 days. That's not completely clear. For 60 day stay an entry visa exempt with a 30 day extension is a very good option. The onward flight is easy as outlined earlier in thread
  21. The choice between a non O based on marriage and extentions VS based on retirement and extensions had nothing to do with insurance. Insurance is not required. Agree the financials are very different for the two options. What also needs to be factored in is the non financial requirements. Retirement very simple compared to marriage. Many married guys choose retirement extensions for that reason.
  22. As advised above ...all you require is your insurance company to provide "statement" that your insurance covers covid for 10k. Many folk have done this and I'm sure the insurance company will be familiar with that request.
  23. That's because they don't exist. Agents can assist with many things. Just a few examples.... 90 day reports however not for late report and subsequent fine. In any event the new online system vast improvement. Agent bit irrelevant. Obtain non O retirement and extension without financials ...yes that's agent bread and butter work. Obtain door to door covid extensions without under consideration. Yes. Approx 6k. Residence certificate certainly not at CW. Perhaps possible at some immigration offices. TDL basically zero assistance possible. Ignore a lot of what some folk post especially if cannot name agent and cost.
  24. What you are asking about involves 3 options. 1. Non O based on marriage. 2.Non. O based on retirement. 3. A multi entry Non O based on marriage. The first 2 options have ongoing extensions. You indicate ongoing travel and you would be obtaining reentry permits. As for first 2 options the non O marriage extensions have very easy financial requirements, however lot more paperwork than the non O retirement with extensions. The financial requirements are far more onerous for the extensions based on retirement. The ME non O obtained from places such as Savannakhet have basically no financial requirements but are a visa valid for 12 months and you need to exit every 90 days however you can obtain a 60 day extension to visit wife so it's 5 months if you opt for that. You can achieve much longer than 12 months with that visa. Pre covid very popular option.
  25. Yes important for folk to understand the difference between validity of multi entry visa and entry stamps with permission of stay. This is why it's recommended to obtain the visa as close as possible to first entry to Thailand in order to maximize your stay.
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