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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. You can see where I'm going with this. If you were going to be stamped in for a year (eg you had valid non O-A) they clearly you would opt for shortest available insurance policy and in addition a throw away onward flight or a "rent a ticket" option
  2. What's the minimum period that insurance is sold for. I have read of 14 day insurance. Think @PoorSucker purchased that (not sure) I ask since I will purchase the minimum and be stamped in for 11 months as per my reentry permit.
  3. So if the io will stamp you in according to date on reentry permit and that was for example 11 months in future what stops you from purchasing 30 day insurance coverage. In TP fill in duration of stay one month. Easy peasey. Doubt it.
  4. I'm guessing your asking about a FUTURE plan. Hopefully when/if entries become somewhat back to pre covid times then METV is excellent way to have extended stay in Thailand and doing that ongoing. The time spent between the the stays also helps. Currently not really practical.
  5. The system is hit and miss at best. BTW you mention police report is slightly confusing. Regarding postal reporting I assume that you used the correct address and return envelope etc. I recently did mine. Post 15 days prior due date and received back the receipt 2 weeks after due date so 4 weeks total.
  6. Are you using money in bank method? If so are funds still in bank you could obtain 12 month extension. Same price as covid extension.
  7. Ubonjoe suggested earlier that it might be concerns regarding transmission of covid 19 at the immigration offices. I was very surprised. Most were assuming that the covid extensions would continue. If you can obtain the covid extension tomorrow that would be excellent peace of mind for smallish cost. If possible could you report back with your experience after trying for the extension.
  8. Up to you. You could bet on the amnesty being made law and then extended. Personally in your situation I would ask for a covid extension prior to Nov 27. That extension (if granted) would commence Dec 21. So permit of stay till 60 days after that.
  9. Do you mean expiring permit of stay? Personally I would obtain a new 12 month extension. Basically ignore the fact that there is an Amnesty. As for 90 reports do them as usual. Last time in amnesty they said that you could skip them then later said that anyone who had skipped needed to file one in a certain month. Think it was August. In any event do you reports and obtain annual extension if due.
  10. Not sure what I would do if eligible for a covid extension now just prior to Nov 26 cut off. Do you grab one or not. Being a nervous Nelly I would most likely grab a covid extension. 1900 baht.
  11. Thanks. I'm in shock. Never imagined that might occur. If indeed goes into gazette the next guess would be how long would an Amnesty last.
  12. Yes but you were actually only staying for 21 days. What if in reality your plan was to stay for much longer. You confident just to have a 3 week policy in that situation.
  13. Agree. I want to see something definitive. Would be just my luck to buy insurance for say a month and strike the one imm officer at arrival that wants to stamp me in for few weeks with several months remaining on my reentry permit.
  14. Thats correct. BTW what do you mean "just for safety sake...". I assume you are aware that you can purchase your reentry permit at the airport when departing. No need to spend 1000baht on something that you might need.
  15. Yes think that was the report I mentioned. He flew into Phuket? In any event I will be hoping to see a more definitive set of rules regarding the required insurance. The simple solution would have been set period across the board. Perhaps 30 days insurance required.
  16. Would have to be a requirement surely? Otherwise insurance policies of 14 days will be popular. Actually the 14 day was not a joke. Report not long ago of chap flew into Phuket and had insurance for couple of weeks however had (think it was) non B. Can't recall the detail. Was stamped in must longer than the short term insurance policy he actually had.
  17. Yes Jetstar had some really good prices starting 2022. Problem is the deals were return only and first leg is from Melb, Syd etc. Also was to Phuket. Good for Oz folk living in Au and wanting holiday in Thailand. Not suitable for living in Thailand and first leg is exit from BKK. Also the issue with Scoot is that think you will find they are not direct flights.
  18. So what period of insurance will I require for reentry into Thailand with 11 months validity on my reentry permit. BTW that interpretation you referred to by a some posters was also how uj viewed it.
  19. I believe the Europe/UK folk have some nice deals. For Australians the return flight is significantly more expensive than one way. So indeed if this insurance requirement is not clarified I will just rent or buy throw away onward ticket. Indicating stay of few weeks. Hopefully won't come to that.
  20. Yes read similar report to yours. This reminds me of the throw away ticket that some visa exempt entries use. So for example, I just renewed my 12 month extension and if I flew back to Oz and reentered Thailand what stops me from having an onward flight (throw away) and obtaining minimum insurance. In reality I would be stamped in till Nov 2022.
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