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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Out of interest how long are they staying and entered Thailand with a visa or ....? They could have avoided the fine by having a TM30 done prior to attending immigration..
  2. Your extension must be based on marriage. Did you ask imm about changing to money in bank method. When does current permission of stay expire?
  3. Just to be safe. Do not draw down on this money in your account until they put your final stamp in pp. Think you mentioned that your in under consideration period.
  4. Thanks for suggesting it. Had nice day on the beach.
  5. Will they be attending immigration at some point for extension or whatever? If not do nothing.
  6. Obtain another covid extension asap. Immigration may be busy nearing Nov 26. Your extension will be dated from Nov 25. Your timing is perfect. The covid extensions almost certainly will continue. That means you could (possibly) obtain another covid extension late January.
  7. The requirements are different as you know. For the non O money only in bank on day of application. As far as not making sense to only obtain a non O and not the extension.....I don't follow. For someone wanting a 5 month only stay. Could enter visa exempt. Obtain 30 day extension then put money in bank for a day to obtain 90 day non O. In fact doing this for a friend soon. He has Thai bank account. Non O and extension are not joined at the hip. Anyway off topic.
  8. @wrazoru guessing by your threads regarding extension for non O-A and also asking about possibility of "switching" to obtaining covid extensions...... Just a suggestion. Stick with the extension based on retirement. Yes you need the 400/40 insurance however IMO better option than change to covid extensions. When does current permission of stay end and how long do you plan to stay in Thailand.
  9. My point is that someone could apply and obtain a non O based on marriage or retirement with NO intention of obtaining an extension. A 90 day permission from the Non O may suit their needs. Nothing to do with extension.
  10. OP, how long till end of current permission of stay. The 60 day covid extension starts from date current POS ends. It's possible that the immigration office will not be happy to issue covid extension as you had option to obtain extension based on retirement.
  11. Fair enough. I have personal experience that still can't believe even though it was me. I was coming back home to Thailand (with reentry permit to Thailand). However flying first to Saigon, Vietnam. Only staying couple of days in Saigon I had visa for Vietnam (required for Oz citizen) however only 5 days validity. The Jetstar check in would not issue boarding pass without onward flight out of Vietnam. Fortunately I had screenshot. They were out of line. To be fair at pp control Saigon the io pointed out that I only had few days left. Asked how long I stay. Answer was genuine 3 days. Allowed in. Still can't believe it.
  12. In other words onward flight was required. Forged or otherwise. Thanks for clarification.
  13. Obtaining a non O marriage in Thailand has nothing to do with qualify for 12 month extension.
  14. Completely missed that. Do you have link to thread. Surprised hasn't been widely reported with zillion folk attending CW each day.
  15. Do you require your wife and child for that extension? Just curious.
  16. Risky advice. IMO replace "...probably they don't" with probably they will.
  17. Yes you are misunderstanding. The onward flight is solely for issue of boarding pass from airline. Will not be required upon landing in Thailand. In reality it's validity needs to be for time period to obtain boarding pass.
  18. Was not aware appointments even possible. Certainly not for marriage extensions (never was) also extensions retirement appointments currently unavailable. I was there 2 weeks ago. Nothing required for entry. I'm sure such a busy office would have numerous posts if what you ask about was required. The kid bit irrelevant.
  19. Your currently in Thailand? Assume you are since you mentioned "neighboring" How did you enter Thailand last? You might be able to obtain non O marriage in Thailand.
  20. Glad I mentioned the bank account. Opening a bank account is no longer a simple straightforward deal. Years ago was far more easy. Fact is that you will have a visa exempt entry stamp. I have been suggesting to folk doing the exempt to non O and in need of bank account to use an agent. This can be organized in advance. There will be folk along to state that they opened a bank account and only had visa exempt or tourist visa entry. Fine. Ask WHEN and which bank and branch and what was required.
  21. @Balu R First up ....hope it all goes well. I find your plan almost scary but you must have done your research. I'm also Oz and hoping to visit early next year for slightly longer. Couple of weeks. I'm sure I'm not alone. It's a long way off but if you could post a report of your experience after it's all done then guessing that would be a good read and be of interest to many. Hopefully not too many negatives. Good luck. BTW are your flights Thailand to/from Oz direct. Which carrier..
  22. No. And not necessary. The visa exempt gives 30 day stamp. She can chill and go to immigration prior to that 30 day expiry. To obtain non O based on retirement it's all done same day. Then she has 90 day stamp and can apply for 12 month extension after couple of months. Again done same day. Which immigration office does she plan to use? Not essential but if someone has definite plans to live in certain province then good idea to obtain the non O and extension there.
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