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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Obtaining a non O visa in Thailand based on retirement is straight forward. However it does require a bank balance of 800k baht in a Thai bank in your name on the day you apply. The other alternative is to use an agent. Also an agent can help open a bank account. Depends how long you wish to remain in Thailand. I won't comment on options for your lady as not familiar with that for Phil national.
  2. You need to start again. Options. Obtain a non O-A in your country Or Non O either in own country or inside Thailand. With non O you will obtain an extension in Thailand.
  3. Yes and that's a good plan. When agent also obtains extension without funds in the bank then naturally cost up. For extension alone would be ~15k. Yes some less some more.
  4. Which immigration office since I have never heard of anything along these lines. In any event irrelevant. The OP is dealing with CW. I have posted above examples of bank letter. As for best procedure.... Attend bank and request bank letter and at same time make a small deposit. Ask clerk for photography of this last page of bankbook. Place that with other required pages of bankbook. The balance in letter then reflects this on the day transaction. The ONE bank letter is 100baht. Give the io the bank letter, bank books and photocopies of pages. Done.
  5. OP, be aware that if in Bangkok you will be obtaining extension at MTT and not CW.
  6. He stated ..... "as far I had a Covid-19 extentions visas every two months" He means that he has been obtaining covid extensions. He won't have a current visa. He can obtain another covid extension prior to expiry of his current extension (soon). After that he will be able to obtain another extension as their availability will be extended.
  7. What the heck is this thread about. Obtain a 60 day covid extension. Currently available till late Nov. That will be extended. Meaning you can obtain another covid extension late Jan. That gives stay untill approx late March.
  8. @ubonjoe For the OP situation could you outline the steps for a non Thai married couple to stay in Thailand. So is it the case for the OP that if he was to obtain non O retirement then extension (money in bank method) then his wife cannot "piggyback" as his dependant? Realize you have commented already. Just confused regarding married couples options.
  9. Good advice. Keep in mind that for extension using money in the bank, proof funds came from overseas is not required.
  10. Money in bank does not need to be shown as coming from abroad for extensions based both on marriage and retirement. For non O application only retirement requires funds to be shown coming from abroad. Non O (marriage) does not have that requirement. Not sure why op is referring to need to show/prove foreign transfer for his extension when it's not required. On different matter you stated this.... "Only the TM 30 was an extra requirement a few years ago but is now part of the routine". I note that tm30 was also required for the OP. I have never shown tm30 for extensions. Recently obtained extension 2 weeks back. However I'm using based on retirement.
  11. As some would say....."it ain't the Car it's the Driver"
  12. Also from Thai royal consulate Sydney. Proof of adequate finance - A bank statement in the past six months showing a deposit account with the minimum fund of AUD 54,545 or an income statement with a monthly salary of AUD 4,545 Can't seem to open Thai embassy Canberra but think that they still list 800k requirement. Just ignore it until such time that it's across the board.
  13. Certainly an option. Friend of mine seriously rich (don't know why he just doesn't have a 20 year PE) ....uses agents for everything. Maybe spends 20k per year. I don't think it's strange at all. For me being fully retired, I'm still doing it myself as my extension is very simple process.
  14. @crouchpeter I'm in exactly same boat. Would love to organize my TP prior to exit Thailand to Oz. With an extension and reentry permit can't see why it wouldn't be possible. The insurance might be issue. Think for some companies (all?) you cannot obtain insurance while inside Thailand?
  15. Rules can change and thats possible anywhere. I prefer to deal with a change when it actually occurs rather than play "what if" games.
  16. The OP, is dealing with CW. Any issues there are generally down to incorrect paperwork and not whim of random immigration officer.
  17. Yep.....just up to 66 pages of issues now. Lot of logical folk in the thread it would seem.
  18. I hear you. Have taken my Thai partner to Oz many times and the paperwork required for visitor visa to Oz takes some time and effort. However currently for travel to Thailand the visa or visa exempt entry or reentry permit etc isn't what the topic is about. There will be some saying that the TP is painless process. In Oz we call them S.A
  19. Still better, if your applying for extension based on retirement use accounts in your name only. (Or 1.6million as io pointed out. BTW I thought 1.6 in joint account not allowed for extension retirement. Seems io was happy with it) You can use more than one account (see my bank letter posted earlier). I use 2 accounts and using same bank only one letter is required showing both accounts. My io at CW was not 'snarky' about it (on Nov 2); as my paperwork was done correctly.
  20. With respect, my point is that there are MANY people that don't understand any of that. They use a cell phone for making calls. That's it. Photo formats, crop pictures etc etc they wouldn't have a clue. Lot of travellers to Thailand are 100% unfamiliar with the 'new age'. "Paint" to many means a 4 litre tin you buy at hardware to put on walls. "Incognito mode" means hiding in a bar. "Hotmail" is clearly referring to Tinder. Some would struggle with the basics.
  21. No need to do that. The return address can be your normal home address. You don't need the 90 report receipt for anything.
  22. A "doddle"? I guess that's why it has amounted to a 65 page thread in couple of weeks. Not to mention the numerous other threads with the daily reports of frustration and questions. Worse than water torture. Keep in mind that for many this process is for a 'holiday' . Unrelated....I can imagine folk anxious to get to Thailand who have family here, as for tourists they must have rocks in their head.
  23. Don't play semantics. I meant every time your temporarily away from your province YOU do not need to file a TM30. The hotel should and if they do or don't has nothing to do with the traveller. The notion of filing a TM30 in a random province and also doing your 90 report there is a nonsense.
  24. Your reminding me of a close call. Had tickets to Phuket April 2020 and covid hit changed mind and went Samet. Didn't Phuket get closed including exit. That lasted some time and initially only via bridge to exit. Geez.
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