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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. The onward flight has nothing to do with immigration on arrival. The onward ticket is to satisfy airline for issuing boarding pass at departure. OP you have coupe of options. 1. Buy a ticket that allows free flight change (expensive) 2. Buy cheapest throw away ticket. 3. Purchase rent a ticket. Google "onward flight" and you will find companies providing legit flight for ,~ 12usd.
  2. Cost of insurance....I have no idea. I'm referring to the compulsory 50k. Not even ballpark idea. I realize age is an important factor. So is period of cover. Take a common bracket say 60-70 age group. What would be sensible stab at say 6 month cover? I picked 6 months as some on extensions could easily have that length of time on their reentry permit. Any stabs?
  3. I'm not in agreement with that. Also you state... "we all know the rules are gonna keep changing.........." I didn't know that.
  4. You would just about never be required to show equivalent to 20k baht. However keep in mind that one of best ways to obtain baht in Thailand is to exchange foreign currency at places such as SuperRich green. So bring some cash. Think limit without declaration is 10k USD. 20k baht is not big amount.
  5. Don't think I have ever suggested call hotline 1178 for a problem. Perhaps what some of these clowns need at immigration is kick up the backside. I have a track record of going in to bat for immigration officers. However these statements from imm officer are a load of rubbish. I'm very surprised that you had this experience at MTT. I had expected that you would name some backwater office.
  6. There is zero reason to attend immigration office to show bank books. Having said that couple of rogue offices have requirement to return 90 days after extension. Jomtien being the main one. Also there is no requirement to make deposits/withdrawals into the account during the 12 months till next extension. Just random offices looking for power trip.
  7. To return visa exempt you would have to NOT obtain a reentry permit. I didn't explain it clearly. The choice would be to buy a reentry permit keeping extension alive and then on return be stamped in for it's duration and buy insurance to cover that period. OR .....Exit without reentry permit. That kills off permission of stay and enables you to enter visa exempt. In the visa exempt entry scenario only 30 day insurance required.
  8. Another report re LA consulate. Ignore it. I assume your referring to retirement extensions income method 65k..
  9. Thats a pity. The government has provided covid extensions and cancelled flight etc has not been a requirement. It's the same old power trip that few folk tend to enjoy. A last resort would be to obtain it in another province. Especially given fact that almost certainly the covid extension will continue to be issued post Nov 27. Another option is to resort to an agent. It's rubbish, you are entitled to covid extension.
  10. They should not. That is not a necessary condition for obtaining covid extension. Tick second box on affidavit. Link near start of topic.
  11. My own situation can serve as an example. So renewed my annual extension last week and wish to take short trip home in near...ish future. Haven't seen family there for almost couple of years. Yes purchase a reentry permit and then what. I will be stamped back in till Nov 2022. Requiring virtually a years insurance. Don't know the cost however depending of the cost re-enter visa exempt and obtaining new non O inside Thailand becomes an option. Of course it all depends on cost of insurance which in turn dependent on age etc. It's a mad hatters tea party.
  12. Wasn't last week. Someone will report first hand if indeed that's the case.
  13. I have noticed similar reports along with reports of folk needing to ask for date stamped with return date. Perhaps Jomtien have woken up to the fact that it's not a genuine requirement and just a made up nonsense of their own.
  14. Short trips are possible. In most cases not best option. Especially for tourists without their own cars.
  15. True. What many do is to book cheapest onward ticket and chuck. Or...buy ticket from net companies such as 'onward flight" etc Or actually book a real return flight that has flexible flight date change.
  16. There is at least one report of similar that I have read on AseanNow. I don't get it. If that "loophole" works then anyone can enter eg indicate 30 day stay for their TP then at passport control (immigration) at Thai airport can point out their reentry permit and receive permission of stay according to that date. I don't get the "period of stay" on the TP application. How many are coming here visa exempt (just one example) with zero intention of having "period of stay" of 30 days.
  17. Thinking @ubonjoe can help you with options based around kids enrolled in Thai school.
  18. The blonde chap shouldn't be allowed near a camera. I want see him in a Jackie Chan movie.
  19. As asked earlier. How long would you be wanting to stay in Thailand.
  20. Only one 30 day extension per entry. Think you should join this thread with you other current thread as it's all same issue. Also indicate how long you wish to remain in Thailand. Covid extensions may be an option.
  21. You have options with having kids enrolled in Thai school. Also are you 50+ as that can add another option
  22. It may be obvious, but clarify. Your married to a Thai. Your children are Thai? Which country are you from.
  23. It's hardly "boomer trolls"... This is the advice posted by resident expert in this forum ubonjoe... "If not vaccinated you will find it difficult to travel here now. Best to get vaccinated before arriving IMO." I basically gave similar advice earlier using reference to my upcoming travel to Udon Thani.
  24. Why Edit: just saw OP reply. Yes you can still opt for 14 day quarantine. What about after that. I'm flying up to Udon soon and will require to show the app with record of 2 jabs. Just one example of living in the new world. By all means don't get vaccinated and enjoy your limited options both here in Thailand and elsewhere. I never understand why folk post incognito info such as ... "problem is the country where I am now has very limited vaccine options" Why not just state the country where you are. Might assist others or even advice from someone that is in that country and going through process of coming to Thailand.
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