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Everything posted by wavodavo

  1. How stupid are you..Dumbo !!
  2. well done bob,thats the most sensible thing you have ever said !!
  3. This is not a new idea,About 30 years ago when thousands of Japanese Tourists flooded Cairns,they were all on organised tours and were taken around on buses to tourist attractions,restuarants,souveneir shops,etc.and stayed at hotels that were all owned by Japanese companies and could not deviate.
  4. Does anyone think that a Thai owned tour company would be alowed to operate in china and bring foreign tourists to a Thai family owned restuarant ???
  5. Theres an old saying,,You can take the girl out of the bar..but you cant the BAR out of the girl.
  6. You are right most of them are poor.. but depemds on her famiy.Some are as wealthy as any Thai families,
  7. Who gives a toss about the envirionment ..if it can lift the living standards of the Thai people and fund infrastructure such as hi speed railway and new roads,freeways and social housing,etc, etc .
  8. The World is going CRAZY !! What started as a novelty comedy act in the 60s and 70s where they overdressed in fancy gowns highly made up like Danny Larru in the uk and australia etc that looked stupid on purpose.In those days we didnt have many t.v. channels and these Cabaret was a popular form of entertainment but the difference then compared to the LGPAQTA/AQALPHABET perfomers is that during their shows they laughed at themselves and they didnt have an axe to grind like the ones now.Fortuneately They have not changed and have retained th novelty factor and they are a great tourist attraction you only have to see all the patrons line up to get their photos taken with the "girls" in walikng street or outside there theatre.. with the string of busses lined outside.It would be a sad day if they become radicalised by the crazys who want 5 year old kids to change their sex.
  9. Firstly.. The main reason that the Philipines is so backward is Corruption !!. yes there is corruption in Thailand..but they are only amateurs compared to Thailand.It is so obvious you can see it everywhere.
  10. A good set of brakes would be handy as well when driving around Phuket.
  11. I would say he is as dumb as catsh#t.He probably told the Immigration officer to be careful not to let his dope fall out as he handed his passport over.
  12. If a Thai massage so soft that you dont feel any pain then you have wasted your money.When I go for a massage I bypass all the pretty little young petite girls and select a bigger stronger one on purpose .you might have to endure some discomfort but you will feel good the next day.
  13. Had experience with applyingfor visa for my thai g.f . to come to Ausralia which is very difficult I was advied to always give the immigration more info than than they ask for..If they ask for 5 references give them 8.Worked for me 3 times.
  14. So did I but its all about saving money and cutting staff even though the biggest banks are making arouhd 1 $billion dollars every 6 months.In fact 2,100 bank branches have closed in Australia since 2017 and the towns that still have a bank branch have moved it into a shopping mall and have only 1 ot 2 staff instead of 20+ before and some only open for half a day. Lately there has been a large number of internet only banks open up that dont even have a branch.I think its B.S if you ask me.
  15. In Auustralia we dont really have a tipping culture because hospitality staff are very well paid but if the sevice is exeptional I will tip the barman or waitress not when paying the bill but before I go I hand it to them and it goes in their pocket and is not shared with others...In Thailand where wages are low I tip all of the service staff 20-40 THB except a taxi driver who has ripped me off ..they get nothing. If I have had a poor experience they get no tip.I also leaveall my coins in my room and make sure I tell my cleaners before I check out.So I basicly pay on performance. After 40 trips to Thailand in 30 years I have had no problems,
  16. This is not a new idea as in australia the banks have been closing in the hundreds in the last few years and at most of the ones still open you cannot withdraw or deposit CASH.so they have done a deal with Australia Post to take over their business for them but the customers are not happy because Australia is a big country and many small towns now dont have a bank nor a Post Office and have to travel hundred of kilometres over rough gravel roads to do their banking.
  17. You should go to Manila if you want tooting horns
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