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Posts posted by twix38

  1. Related question.

    I have my retirement visa and re-entry permit for my first trip out of Thailand.

    My normal 90 days reporting date after 3 months would be 20/6/11.

    I will be in UK from late April until early June, say June 10th.

    When is my next reporting date to immigration, after I return to Thailand?

    Is it still original 90 day date of 20/6/11?

    or does the 90 days start again from the day I arrive back in Thailand on 10/6/11, thus making it around 8/9/11?

    90 Days starts again from your date of entry into Thailand. This is provided your Retirement Visa is still in force over that time.

    Thanks OZEMADE.

    I did expect so, but nearly got caught out as I also expected after I got my retirement visa - converted my non imm "o" - that my 90 days started from the date of converting, but found out in the nick of time that it remained the same date relevant to the last time I left the country. Converting to a retirement visa was an irrelevant action as far as that particular reporting date was concerned - nobody told me at immigration either!

  2. Related question.

    I have my retirement visa and re-entry permit for my first trip out of Thailand.

    My normal 90 days reporting date after 3 months would be 20/6/11.

    I will be in UK from late April until early June, say June 10th.

    When is my next reporting date to immigration, after I return to Thailand?

    Is it still original 90 day date of 20/6/11?

    or does the 90 days start again from the day I arrive back in Thailand on 10/6/11, thus making it around 8/9/11?

  3. twix38 - You're confusing us, again.

    1. You get an extension of stay for retirement which will allow you to stay in Thailand for one year - until a certain date in March 2012.

    There is no "PERMIT" single or otherwise.

    2. After getting the extension you apply for a re-entry permit, either immediately or nearer your date of travel.

    On this application you state your 'intended' dates of travel.

    When you leave Thailand this stops your extension of stay from ceasing.

    When you return to Thailand you put the re-entry permit number on the arrivals card where it asks for visa number.

    You are then permitted to stay in Thailand until the end of your extension of stay - i.e. March 2012.

    Sorry for any confusion yet again.

    I understand your no. 2 reply completely - yipee! ;-)

    no. 1 - well I do have to decide whether I want single or multiple something, right? What is that called? as that's what I have been asking to check, that a Single (whatever) will be good enough and recommended for my one trip back to UK?

    I've been advised that it will and that my length of stay in UK is immaterial so long as I return to Thailand before my extension expiry date (March 2012), irrespective of the return date I've told immigration when I fill out my re-entry permit form - simply get re-entry stamp and just return before extension of stay for retirement expires in March 2012.

    One good issue you raise is that I was going to get my extension of stay for retirement and then come back a few weeks later to organise my re-entry permit, just before going to UK. I gather I can also do this re-entry bit at the same time as I am applying for my first ever extension of stay for retirement. I trust no downside to doing it all at the same time - apply for extension to stay for retirement AND get re-entry permit all together?

    New question. If leaving Thailand for UK on April 28th. Am I best advised to state the 28th April or before/after this date in case I amend my return flight slightly to go a few days earlier or later - is there a problem leaving Thailand a few days before or after the re-enrtry permit states? I have a ticket where I get free of charge date changes so long as there is seat availability?

    Thanks and hopefully I am getting to grips (slowly) with the right terminology ;-)

  4. twix38, is it a one-year extension of stay for the reason of retirement (retirement extension) for which you are planning to apply later this month?

    Yes Maestro.

    Jingthing, sorry for any confusion.

    I can stay in UK for as long as I want on a single entry permit. Understood, thanks.

    You wrote "There isn't any limit on number of days out of Thailand, as long as you return on time to claim what you saved with the permit"

    Just to check.......

    I save it with the RE-entry permit, don't I? as I understand I get the retirement extension (PERMIT - single) and then later on I apply for a re-entry permit to go to UK. Only on the re-entry permit application will I mention my travel dates to UK.

    You are also advising that I don't need to return on time to my return date quoted on my re-entry permit as it doesn't really matter because it's only the expiry of my original 1 year permit to stay that counts for when I must return from UK to Thailand by - not the return date I fill into my re-entry permit - i.e. I just need to get the re-entry permit and not worry about returning to Thailand before the return date I fill in if I stay in UK longer than originally planned - I must only return before the expiration date of my current 1 year long permission to stay?


  5. I will be applying for my first retirement visa in a couple of weeks (March 2011). I have a non immigrant "O" visa.

    I plan to return to UK in May 2011 for about 3 months and then fly back to Thailand. I realise I will need to get a re-entry permit before I return to UK.

    I do not plan to leave Thailand again until after my 1 year retirement visa expires in March 2012 - so I will have a new one and can decide whether to get a single or multiple entry permit once again at that time.

    What I want to check, is that for my one return trip to UK for 3 months from May 2011, that a single entry permit will be fine and allow this one trip out of Thailand - i.e. no issues on length of time away or any other reason that might make problems on a single entry permit for when I come back to Thailand around July/August 2011 and continue with my (same) retirement visa until it expires in March 2012?

    fyi, Apart from this one return to UK, I will not be leaving Thailand until at least after this particular 1 year retirement visa expires in March 2012 - May travel inside Thailand only. i.e. flying to Chaing Mai in November 2011.


  6. Article from today's The Nation website below

    "Pattaya, Chon Buri - A 66-year-old Norwegian man was arrested here Monday afternoon for having allegedly bought sex service from a 17-year-old girl.

    Acting on tip-off, police raided the K2M Apartment in Pattaya and found Karstein Abrahamsen naked inside a room with the girl.

    He was charged with raping a girl under 18 years old with or without her consent."

    I maybe off the mark and don't agree with under age sex. In this case though the girl is a 17 yo - so not a child and may well have lied about her age - we don't know. The Norwegian man could face a very harsh penalty for doing what thousands of us may inadvertently do if we are lied to when asking the ladies' age or even forget to check in the moment, as we are approached to buy the service and this unknown 17 yo looks well over 18. or maybe she's someone working in a bar who's under age. (not condoning or excusing, but individual circumstances can make a world of difference).

    So, an all to common event transpires where he agrees a price and they go to his condo/home. It takes both parties to undertake the main event(sex), whilst to me, rape HAS to be against someone's (ladies) will - i.e. forced.

    This is a business transaction agreed to by all parties. Does the girl involved get a totally free pass for not being honest or mentioning that she is just under age, whilst the guy is potentially convicted of rape for not asking or being lied to if he did? and somebody tipped the BIB off!!

    How is this right? The girl is the innocent victim!!?? yet to my mind she's at least an equal and willing participant to the illegal act and is old enough to know. She may also have approached the Norwegian first or be working under age in a go-go bar, or not, solicited the act, or not, lied about her age, or not and tipped off the Police, or not.

    She WAS the only participant to certainly 100% know she was under age and in my books it's NOT rape either.

    What an angel she is and in the eyes of the law she gets off free to carry on her under age illegal acts no doubt.

    If the guy gets years in prison then she should get years in a correctional facility. Neither is justified here because sex is a part of Pattaya and if authorities want to press a rape charge maybe they should uniformly make and enforce the laws, but when sex and prostitution is tolerated to the degree and reputation it is here - known through out the universe, this is not a case where a rape allegation with these particular circumstances should ruin only his life.

    To me the story stinks a bit as with some rotten luck and carelessness there are scenarios where many of us could be in a similar situation once in a blue moon and get done for rape.

    This should get some other charge than rape and she should also face a penalty at 17 yo depending on the circumstances and facts.

    Am I wrong? How wrong am I?

  7. There is a massive crime wave here in general in Pattaya.

    It would help if the BIB did a better job and a less corrupt money focused one.

    For instance, areas of improvement......

    Lock up rather than bail as a default for certain crimes... so many abscond or re-offend when out on bail.

    Police concentrating on law & order and detective work, rather than money/pay-offs/donations etc.

    Media following up on crimes, so we see justice done and can watch on TV/read about it too

    Better police work all round to investigate, identify and remove the criminal elements so we don't find more than the minor criminals back on the streets a few days/weeks/months later.

    Regarding the Russian property/estate agent Victor Crishin who was a well known character and was murdered a few months ago. The Russian culprits were caught and even tried to bribe the BIB with 500k Baht.

    High profile for a while and then like all crime stories we get no follow up??

    No prosecutions?? No justice?? Not a single paper or media outlet informing what happened?? - has it gone the usual way of pay offs and corruption after the story fades from public view!!

    Why is virtually no crime reported on FURTHER at a later stage to give outcomes??

    This is part of the reason there is soooo much crime. The criminals serve little if any jail time before they are back on the streets possibly needing to rob some new 'customer' as they have paid for their 'get out of jail free' card and now need to get robbing with new vigour!!

  8. At last this issue is starting to become more widely reported and understood.

    The worst thing about it for us all is that standards and controls in Thailand mean that those living here consume quantities of hazardous and potentially cancer causing chemicals on a daily/weekly basis without much (if any) food and safety standards being implemented or properly applied/checked.

    It can take years for a cancer to form or a liver problem or other health problem and the cause is impossible to locate or track. I truly wonder how many are due to a build up of these chemicals over years in our body because of the disregard for proper food safety in Thailand!

    Luckily the EU protect their population and it appears this will just mean we in Thailand have even more chance in the food lottery to end up with food we think is good for us that may in fact be better left to rot.

    It's not only the EU. In the past 2 or 3 years for periods of time Japan banned rice and Australia Oranges, both imports from Thailand and probably more besides.

    (may have been vice versa i.e. Japan oranges and Australia rice - can't remember for sure).

    There is scant thought to health in Thai food cultivation and production. Taste & money are the only concern here with weak and uninforced food safety standards and hygiene.

    It's about time that this issue was aired more fully and taken seriously.

  9. Thanks guys,

    I will take a look and will buy a reasonable one.

    Thanks for the tips

    Believe me you do not want to buy a cheap mattress to sleep on. The cheap ones are horrendous. :bah: Pay a little bit more and get a good nights sleep. :D

  10. Hello,

    Can anyone advise me where in Pattaya/Jomtien area I can buy a cheap kingsize mattress?

    A 2nd hand one in acceptable condition would do just fine, if anyone has one for sale.

    Needed asap

    (I need one 6 foot 6 inches by 6 foot - which I am assuming is King size)

  11. He shouldn't be celebrating anything until he's sorted out the laughable state of the roads in this city.

    Threppraya road has taken some 5 years and repairs are needed again even before the whole thing has been finished first time around. The entrance from the main road to View Talay 2 is a bump pot holed disgrace and look all around the Hanuman statue area!

    Living here is like living in a dusty shithole with intermitent power blackouts in many parts of Jomtien and other areas are similar or worse.

    It's an example of how to completely <deleted> up a project to build a road in quality or to acceptable standards and deadlines. Could it have been managed much worse!

    Happy birthday looser!!

  12. Its nice to hear that the two Russians were released, now there will be more room in jail for the guys selling counterfeit tee-shirts! Its good that they have their priorities straight here.

    Yup, let's arrest all those betting with their own money and release all those stealing other people's money after murdering them, <deleted>!!

  13. Yes, I have long wondered about the slow poisoning we submit ourselves to eating Thai fruit and veg in Thailand.

    Stories of Japan, Australia and the EU stopping consumption due to pesticides. It's been for rice and Oranges before (more, but can't remember) and now the EU list.

    Personally I don't trust anything here because there is just too much concern on getting the product to market and earning money. Everything else is secondary.

    You are unlikely to notice as this type of issue builds up in the system and 5, 10, 15 years down the line you get ill - cancer, liver disease etc whatever and don't even know it's source.

    Thailand comes just maginally higher in the food danger rankings than the chinese, whose baby milk scandal poisioned their own babies for profit! Same, same but different and a much bigger issue than we care to admit or fully realise.

    In 10/15 years time when you have some health issue - just remember the build up of chemicals from the land that health and safety forgot and corruption and money allowed.

  14. The reporting of this case does seem to suggest it was pre-meditated and vicious.

    Assuming enough proof is submitted for extradition then I think a Thai Jail is too good for him. In fact death is too good. If he is found guilty life in a Thai jail may just about be the right sentence, so long as no bribes and corruption transpires. Mmmm that's perhaps more the issue!

  15. "However, my understanding was that if they needed to cut polyps and biopsy, that would be extra--which makes sense. But I figured I didn't have any polyps and indeed I didn't, so I paid the one fee."

    That's exactly what I was told too and just what I reported here. The BKK Pattaya email reply posted, being rather cagey about addressing all extras without stating a definite full answer as such and with a come in and see us approach to the final total cost potential. I saw right through that immediately.

    Strange we both got told polyps, biopsy extra and other stuff (clip, I think she said) if needed is extra too, I was told! Perhaps someone there is giving out misleading info on a regular basis or probably it's correct.

    Well, seems we can now ALL agree that biopsys are extra, so we are getting there and that's not going to be a 12,500 flat fee at the cashiers desk. There are extra charges and it should be made clear up front, just as was explained to me and Jsixpack. It then simply comes down to making a decision on the full facts, which I maintain is not usually straight forward at BKK Pattaya and is perhaps why so many (imho) customers end up disagreeing their final bill!

    I opted for Memorial as I'd had a positive Stool Occult blood test and felt it likely I would have polyps. In the end I didn't, so BKK Pattaya may have been a cheaper option. However I was also put off by tales of waking up whilst under general anesthetic from the only 2 personal reports I have. I didn't have a G.A. (thanks go to Surfrider) and was fine and pain free at Memorial, viewed my colon on the monitor during examination and drove home myself about 40 minutes later, telling the wife who had come to pick me up that she didn't need to drive.

    Couldn't have been easier when it finally came to it and the worst part was the Swiff laxative.

    Glad you were Polyp free too and it sounds all went well.

  16. Just popped back and good to see a current price check was sought.

    It's possible the nurse at reception desk had little idea of the basic cost structure of her specialised dept and my friend (who woke up after having a General Anesthetic during the procedure) and who paid just under 15,000 Baht total bill also needs a memory test, but as they say "for accurate assessment of cost, we strongly suggest you to have

    initial consultation with our specialist", so can't be a flat charge of 12,500 Baht, as that would be a simply flat fee. period.

    "the rest of costs...are not our estimated prices" What rest of costs I wonder. Isn't it 12,500 incl polyp removal?

    Does sound to me like reality would be more than 12,500 Baht with some add-ons. Of course the nurse fee (weigh, blood pressure check etc) will be one add-on to this core price and any meds recommended. Maybe that's all, maybe more.

    Find me one patient who only paid 12,500 total at the cashiers desk and there should be many of them to choose from. As a minimum when asking for a Colonoscopy price, wouldn't it be nice to be told it excluded nurse fee, meds and whatever else on top, as when I ask for a price and get told 12,500 for a Colonoscopy that's what I expect to pay. Of course I know to add on the nurse fee, but here I think there is scope for more add-ons to accrue and the email response is hinting at that possibility, but is defensive as the reason for enquiry makes clear it is to check (against) prices. BKK Pattaya I think know full well they have a reputation with some/many on this issue.

    I only know of 2 guys going to BKK Pattaya and both reporting waking up in pain during the Colonoscopy, after a G.A. One remembers the total price was a little under 15,000 Baht and that was around a year ago very roughly.

    I have not heard of tourist price versus Thai or ex-pat price structure, though can't say that's too impressive, but I have not heard of it. Doubtless that sort of dual pricing would not be advertised if it was an adopted procedure and I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand...not being a fan of this Hospital, as is obvious.


    "Drinking a gallon of Colyte the night before gave me the chills"

    The Doctor I went to at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya uses a product called "Swiff" - two small doses, one the night before and one in the morning. Very simple and none of the unpleasant effects that some people report from other prep methods.


    Also, There was some erroneous pricing for Bangkok Hospital Pattaya reported earlier in this thread. I contacted BHP for current data:

    Dear Mr. (removed)

    Further to your inquiry, please note that the cost of colonoscopy is 12,500

    baht. The cost of polyp removal if needed, not extra charge but included.

    The rest of costs you have obtained from Thaivisa.com are not our estimated prices.

    However, for accurate assessment of cost, we strongly suggest you to have

    initial consultation with our specialist.

    Best regards,


    Bangkok Hospital Pattaya

    301 Moo 6 Sukhumvit Road KM 143, Naklua


    Chonburi 20150


  17. With regard to comment below....

    "Don't choose just on the basis of commission charges. How many TV threads have you seen where members focus entirely on getting the cheapest commission charge??!!

    Halifax UK commission charge - a cheap £9.50. Exchange rate to transfer money from a Halifax bank account 10 minutes ago today 45.36...."

    I use the Halifax to do my transfers and this is a non question. Of course you send funds in Sterling via the Halifax and have it converted at the better Thai Baht exchange rate by the Thai bank in Thailand. The Halifax exchange rate is irrelevant unless you are silly enough to allow the Halifax to do the currency conversion.

  18. UPDATE.

    Had my Colonoscopy at Memorial yesterday.

    All went well and I was awake with no pain whatsoever throughout it all, watching on a tv monitor screen as the doctor explained and answered a couple of questions during procedure and pointed out his findings. I had no polyps, but he did note a small internal hemorrhoid in Anus and 2 diverticulum in Sigmoid colon. Total bill for all was 15,860. The surroundings are certainly not as plush as Bangkok Pattaya and cost maybe comparible (although I feel fairly sure the ++ at Bkk Pattaya would up the core price suitably as I have been told by staff and not actually had disputed by anyone who actually checked recently).

    So, all fine and importantly unlike many reports from BKK Pattaya I did not have any pain. You see, as well as the earlier account of my friend waking up there in pain whilst under general anasthetic, I could hardly believe another account from a guy's brother who I have known for 5 years, who also woke up in absolute agony as he put it, during a Colonoscopy under general anesthetic at BKK Pattaya. His bill total was around 15,000 Baht from his memory.

    If you are one of the few who has not experienced any of the issues that I or BUPattya talk about regarding BKK Pattaya Hospital then I believe you are in the minority or have not been a regular patient. I would say 3 visits are enough to have experienced at least one issue. BKK Pattaya are renowned in the ex-pat community for higher prices than quoted, once you get to the cashiers desk and find out the additions that were not mentioned before or during, let alone the initial higher cost anyway, especially for medicines. What's more anicdotal evidence seems to come in that the service and care is patchy or in dispute at times as depends on doctor you get. I am convinced they lean towards doing something or more than is needed at times - just to be on the safe side, huh - lmao i.e. my Carpal Tunnel example which resolved itself with wrist brace, stopping playing the piano and within 2 weeks of my hospital visit and not doing what was advised, saving me some 7,000 Baht total in needless spending and no addictive drugs that had been prescribed!!

    Why is it (gods honest truth) that the 2 people who had a Colonoscopy there both recount waking up in pain whilst under G.A. I find that 100% statistic, whilst unscientific to be horrendous as a snap shot!! However, the surroundings and facilities are indeed top notch.

    I was very happy with my pain free Colonoscopy procedure(just slight discomfort due to air pumped in, I think, a couple of times)and obviously relieved that no polyps were found. I will go back for another occult blood test to see the doctor next week.

    For avoidence of doubt, I am not particularly recommending Memorial. It isn't top notch or the cheapest, although I was happy with the service, doctor, procedure, care and cost. I am saying that I am glad I did not go to BKK Pattaya as I just know I would be disappointed about some aspect of care or cost.

    Here's a thing. When I've used Memorial Hospital(colonoscopy - growth on back removed) each time the final cost has actually been LESS than was advised to me and afaik procedures a complete success and no pain. Try getting all that regularly at BKK Pattaya. LOL

    I check the doctors credentials and that they also work at other private hospitals, including BKK Pattaya, as my Colonoscopy doctor does and tht any equipment is up to scratch/modern. In fact for my growth, some 5 years ago now, BKK Intl advised me to see the exact same doctor at Memorial! I got a good job (the same job with the same doctor) with external stitches and internal stitches that dissolved and now you can hardly even see a scar and that was for around half the price!

  19. I was reading another thread and came across this post, posted very recently.

    Another BKK Pattaya customer who seems strangely to have an identical opinion to mine.

    Posted Yesterday, 05:25

    just check your bill on check out. Ask for itemized bill. Then you will know the truth about Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. Care is not excellent either.

    This post has been edited by BuPattaya: Yesterday, 05:26

  20. I try to give honest and true examples to illustrate a view that are not in doubt, of personal experience and of friends I trust, to help and guide others.

    I also try to keep up with changes (in pricing) and to get the latest promotions rather than doggedly stick with information that may not be current. I would not dream of telling someone they were wrong without having first re-checked my information or to ignore factual examples and call just about everything hearsay. I also try to answer every point raised and believe at least I did address them in response without cherry picking only those that suit my point.

    I shall no longer reply to this issue.

  21. I agree ktamp,

    "I've had some real jerks at bangkok pattaya who don't know their heads from a whole in the ground. But I've also found a couple of great doctors."

    Ones opinion is primarily down to the experience one has individually and the greatest single issue of importance is the doctor, who often work at more than one hospital and possibly several, so other factors or experiences may then come to weigh.

    Mind you the doctor you mention doesn't seem to be on this current list. More's the pity from the sound of her recommendations. btw, My doctor is listed there.


  22. I asked from staff for a very simple and obvious reason. I just wanted to know the cost and then if interested to see a doctor and start paying it. If I saw a Doctor I am immediately facing a bill of 800, 900, 1,000 Baht after the nursing costs blood pressure check etc just to ask how much the Colonoscopy procedure is. I was offered that option, but what other product or service in the world requires me to pay a fee to find out the price? Importantly, that was all I wanted to know at that time and as I was already involved at Memorial and had paid Doctor's fee there twice to see potentially the self same doctor already - he works at both hospitals. Now I hope that is perfectly obvious and understandable.

    Clearly the staff did think they knew and as someone working there full time, I would be surprised if they didn't know the price structure for the dept they work in at least to a general standard and they obviously felt they did and told me. Staff talk to each other too, so I don't think you can dismiss it as rubbish without lifting a finger to check and see. Clearly you think you can and that your information has to be right. period. - bloody ridiculous imho.

    Been in Pattaya for 8 years and that is why I feel I know this hospital fairly well and with my personal experiences there which surely count for a lot. If you had had my experience instead of your own you may feel different. You know I have seen a few bill disputes there when Farungs are complaining of higher costs than advised only when the bill is given at the end. This is unsubstantiated and hearsay, as they may be in the wrong or not understood.

    They told me there was a separate dept who deal with insurance based issues and I could get a price there. I am not insurance based. They then were able to offer the details under a little pressure, as I have advised. Do you really think that you should state as lies the details I have been given in writing by staff at the front desk who work there. I know the pitfalls of getting info, but what's even worse is that you cling on to data that isn't even current.

    As for me, I just hope people can see through your ignorance and stubborn attitude. You say the prices I have are wrong, but they are given by hospital staff who apparently just made it up and wrote it down. You can't be bothered to substantiate if anything has changed since your day and there is clearly a new promotion on, that is not the standard basic price and you refuse to respond (because you can't) about the personal experiences I or close friends have had with poor service/cost discrepancies in general.

    I think anyone looking in will see your lack of addressing the issues and clear biased viewpoint as obviously flawed.

    You may be right, but your replies simply show how weak your current argument is Come back with some details of your own to specifically and factually counter the 12,500 basic cost plus 10,000 for polyps if found and removed, for example. It's either true as I have been told or its not.

    Just to remind. Even if my prices are the price structure then that's fine and I can make a judgement, which is to see the same doctor at another hospital (as I am doing). As I said what irks me is the marketing and low cost that actually isn't, as it's often only properly explained if you push (hard at times) to find out the full or potential costs. That's why there are significant cost disagreements at this hospital. You are living in cloud cuckoo land if you aren't aware of the frequency of complaints about cost told versus complaints or questions about unexpected additions added but not explained beforehand or told it was extra.

    Look, thanks for your help initially. I really do appreciate you taking the time. We are not going to resolve our differing views, so you are probably right that we stop here. All the best anyway.

  23. Well,

    the 3 examples I gave and my friends wife's baby were not erroneous. They were 100% fact which you seemed to ignore to answer or comment on. You also mention they took a risk with general anesthetic. Then the doctor should have explained that to him beforehand. Also to wake up in pain in the middle of procedure after a general anethetic says what? Most doctors would not use this method. Says what?

    As for costs. You don't know what they are now with the special package and lower base cost than normal and I am told by staff there with each additional item added on separately if found or used. Look you may be right but costs change and new promotional packages are introduced. Just perhaps since you (and your friends) had their Colonoscopy the pricing structure has changed and as I said they have a special promotion, so it is not the normal price or cost structure which is why I suggested you check as at now. Starting to make any sense?

    I have now posted a lot of information that is either first hand factual knowledge or certainties from close friends. There is more fact than hearsay, but you ignore it.

    It's not irresponsible to post pricing structures I have been told by the hospital itself. The staff member of the Gastro dept and the other 2 ladies were there and listening and she wrote it all down for me on paper. I have the piece of paper. The others did not say any of it was wrong and they were looking. The only possible doubt is misunderstandings of language. So I may have got something a little wrong. However the core of what I have stated in that there is a scaled pricing structure with 12,500 basic cost and an extra 10,000 for Polyps etc is written down on paper in fron of me. Again if you think it is wrong then go and check rather than assume your out of date knowledge is still correct.

    Try addressing some of the other issues, as I say, like the specialists work at most hospitals so you can choose where to use them so long as nursing staff and equipment are satisfactory. or my specific examples.

    You are perhaps demonstrating just the same bias in your own mind, but the other side to mine and it's also irresponsible to potentially fool people into thinking you are correct just because you have not experienced the service I have or the added costs to stated bills and assume current costings are as you had and cannot change. You must know they introduce new packages and I have been told by staff there....

    I don't intend offence, but I see your answer as equally biased as you ignore so many (in fact all) of the examples that don't suit your view and just refer to hearsay. That's blinkered and selective and so I take your post as without objectivity. There is clearly a case to be made even from just my own experience and I am making it.

    So, as of now I am afraid people might be fooled into thinking with your old knowledge and evasive attitude to several clear factual examples, that you actually know what you are talking about. Just the same conclusion can be reached my good man.


    "he had a general anesthetic and woke up during the Colonoscopy in pain ... confirmed he did as they had a bit of difficulty getting past a point in colon."

    This is precisely why I mentioned earlier that most doctors WON'T use the knock-out method and also why I recommended the sedative "cocktail", as it is the best of all the options. Both the doctor and your friend were taking a risk - obviously he didn't do any homework and paid for it with the pain.

    He was lucky, it could have been worse. One reason why most docs won't do knock-out is that there is a small chance that the colon could be punctured and then you would need to be rushed into surgery. That's a hospital bill that you would not want to see! The "cocktail" avoids that - they simply tell you to raise your hand if you feel anything - anything at all - and they stop immediately!

    "Go in to BKK Pattaya and ask yourself for the costs"

    Apparently you haven't read the thread-- I don't need to. Myself and several friends already have the evidence! After you paid for a ticket to enter a theater, would you be foolish enough to go back and ask how much the ticket cost? :)

    "other stories I have heard can, if you like, be put down to hearsay"

    You've posted a lot of erroneous information here based on hearsay.

    Witness: "removal of polyps is another 10,000, Pathology 1,500 per polyp, 1,000 to 3,000 if a clamp is needed plus medicines which are expensive"

    It's irresponsible to be posting erroneous medical information in a public forum on such a serious subject. Especially when it could be a matter of life or death for someone reading it. They might be fooled into thinking that you actually know what you're talking about... :rolleyes:


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