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Posts posted by twix38

  1. Well you may be right and I will let you know my experierce at Memorial. I've have enough at BKK Pattaya.

    In fact the Dr who [not a Dalek in sight ;-)] will do my Colonoscopy at Memorial also works at the BKK Pattaya and Pattaya Intl as well as at Memorial so the Dr is one of the same ones I would get anyway and he told me the equipment at memorial was up to date and fine for this procedure.

    Funnily enough just back from a Pizza with a friend who had a Colonoscopy at BKK Pattaya about 9 months ago with the lady Dr there. He paid somewhere under 15,000 and no polyps or anything found (as I expect it would have been more otherwise). However he had a general anesthetic and woke up during the Colonoscopy in pain and more or less went back to sleep again. He asked the Dr later if he had a correct memory of waking up and she confirmed he did as they had a bit of difficulty getting past a point in colon. Great!! waking up under a general anasthetic!!

    Go in to BKK Pattaya and ask yourself for the costs and see if it's a basic price plus 10,000 for Polyp(s) removed etc etc. Make sure you insist on being told and getting the full picture as it is not usually very forthcoming first off without a bit of pressure and persistence.

    The experience I have personally had and also told first hand from trusted friends are not that great and yes, the cost is higher, but what really irks me is when the cost is asked for in advance and when asked for ALL the costs -the final maximum total. It can still turn out to be more than what's been advised, though nothing more has been said meanwhile. I have used BKK Pattaya 3 times.

    My 3 times.

    1. Asthma test - machine didn't work properly and I had to redo the test 3 times. I had no faith in the result. Total bill higher than told at outset, even though I double checked for a total, including everything.

    2.Heart palpitations. Tests were fine. Costs were high, but as a package it was on target at final bill time. However Dr giving results had no time, was rushed and made it obvious. "All ok - no problem except Cholesterol a bit high". I looked and my Cavi score in my right leg. I had a score for a man in his 60's and I was 45 at the time! Was thjis a problem then? Other readings from blood test were out of range and no time was spent going through the results or discussing anything. I felt like I was being a nuisance in wanting to understand and discuss my results and the test wasn't cheap at around 12,000 Baht including stress test, ECG, Cavi, etc

    3. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - already detailed

    The women negotiator was used when a friend's wife gave birth there and the quoted cost increased dramatically for extra services which were not explained as being extra at the time. It came to light only when he was presented with the final inflated bill and refused to pay all the extra costs.

    These are all not hearsay but actual certainties.

    What general conclusion would you reach?

    Ok, my experience and my friends has generally been different from you and your friends and the other stories I have heard can, if you like, be put down to hearsay if you prefer. Though there was an infamous and widely reported road accident of an American young man who went to BKK Pattaya hospital after being knocked off his motorbike on Sukhumvit, I believe they didn't have his blood type and sent him on to another hospital without properly checking and stabilising his condition. He died on route of internal bleeding.

    It can happen that people get different experiences I suppose. Most of the Doctors at Memorial who specialise (not the accident and emergency roadkill) also work at BKK Pattaya and/or Pattaya Intl, as does mine who works at all 3 hospitals.

    Thanks thanks for your help, irrespective of our differing views on BKK Pattaya hospital. I do agree with you though that my bias is justified in my mind out of personal and 100% trusted first hand experience, ignoring stories I can't substantiate, but tend to expect hold at least some truth to them.

  2. Hi,

    It was one of the ladies (older) at reception in the Gastroenterology Dept.

    She even told me of a guy who had 12 polyps and his total bill she said was around 60,000 from memory. Ordinarily I would fully accept her pricing data as it's in line with what has always happened to me there. Clearly 60,000 is extreme, but I got the impression that it was perfectly possible with a couple or more Polyps to end up paying a total fee between 25k to 35k depending on what was needed. i.e. a clamp, if needed, was between 1k and 3k extra. This sort of "if I breath, that's another 200 baht" pricing policy is not to my liking.

    Who knows, but the quote given, the uncertainty of the final amount and previous cost experience there has put me well and truly off this hospital. At Memorial I will pay a maximum of 24k with any number of Polyps and 18,700 package cost if none found. That may end up being more than BKK Pattaya or less, but there is some certainty as to a maximum and medicine prices at BKK Pattaya are usually very high in my experience.

    A quick story. I was at BKK Pattaya about 3 months ago as I had a pins and needles sensation in both hands. The doctor expected I had Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and wanted me to have an electronic test by some machine that cost 5,500 Baht. Plus the doctors fee and nursing costs made the total slightly over what I had on me. I asked to see doctor's note and he recommended a drug to take assuming his diagnosis was correct. So I did not do his electric test and I read up on the internet about the drug. It had quite bad potential side effects, was addictive and could not be stopped suddenly. It must gradually be reduced.

    What did I do. I did what he should have told me to do first off. I stopped playing the piano which I had told him all about as the likely cause. I did not take the medication. I got a hand brace for each hand and used them day and night and I don't know if it did anything but I took vitamin B supplements and gave it time to see if it went away by itself first. Guess what? It disappeared after about 2 weeks It was gone from both hands. I have had no problem for over 2 months now. It's gone for good, unless I play the piano again perhaps ;-). No expensive electric test. No drugs with big potential downside. These drugs also cost 1,200 Baht in an outside pharmacy, so god knows what that hospital charges. I don't think I got the best advice in the circumstances.

    Just one of my experiences of Thai hospitals, but BKK Pattaya always quote a price and then +++++++ in my experience. A friend told me they have a lady whose job it is to negotiate and deal with bill complaints. She is quite busy I hear.

  3. Thanks Sheryl,

    St Loius sounds like a good recommendation. However I am happy to stay in Pattaya and Memorial seems fine. I have used them before. The Dr is Sayam Thaiudom and he also works at BKK Pattaya. I assume it is a fairly routine checkup and he confirmed the Memorial's equipment was good, so although the cost is around 18,000 baht in total if no polyps found and probably around 24,000 with polyps removed, pathology and medicines, I will go ahead.

    I checked the Bangkok Pattaya and they have a special program colonoscopy for 12,500, but there are always additions and a surprise bill with this hospital and sure enough removal of polyps is another 10,000, Pathology 1,500 per polyp, 1,000 to 3,000 if a clamp is needed plus medicines which are expensive here etc. If I am polyp free the BKK Pattaya should at least in theory be cheaper, but as my Stool was positive for occult blood, I am working on the theory that there is something to be found and dealt with and in the past Memorial have given me a price and charged me less.

    Is it possible your sister's bill may have been higher if she had had any polyps removed unless she did or you know otherwise?

    I'm afraid I have never gotten any feedback, positive or negative, about Memorial.

    I can give a positive recommendation for St Louis Hospital in Bkk, where my sister's recent colonoscopy cost was just 12,000 baht plus meds, forget grand total but still under 15,000 and quite a bit less expensive than most places. The room where you stay while being prepped is a ward and not luxious but IMO adequate enough and there was nothing at to fault in the procedure or the interpretation, the doctor was extremely thorough. It's a good alternative for those paying out of pocket.

    The doc who did her procedure was Dr. Thanakorn Hansomboon There is also an Australian trained doc there named Dr. Somsak, but he was unavailable on the day she needed to have it done. Dr. Thanakorn did a fine job and speaks good English.

  4. Understood.

    Actually my main consideration is competancy and doing a good comprehensive job with at least adequate equipment and staff. i.e. removing all polyps and accurate results.

    I went to Bumrungrad in Bangkok after research only to have my pre-canerous Barratt's Epithelium condition missed and found back in UK when I went to GP and referred on to Hospital. Bumrungrad stopped at endoscopy and gave me anxiety pills!! GP in UK told me I needed a Gastroscopy and then voila!!

    Cost comes 2nd for me and DVD a nice to have.

    I'll stick with Memorial and keep fingers crossed. Didn't do me much good last time in spending quite a few days getting recommendations and researching best intl hospital

    Thanks for info and hope I don't regret that Dr Jaruwan was on holiday ;-)

  5. Thanks SurfRider,

    Just phoned BKK Pattaya and told Dr Jaruwan is on holiday and phone back next Thursday.

    I have app't with Memorial Dr Sayam Thaiudom tomorrow, so will keep that and as Jaruwan is away and nobody has said anything about changing hospitals or cautioned against Memorial for a Colonoscopy then I guess I will proceed there.

    Thanks for your help though

  6. SurfRider, could you give the name of the Bkk Pattaya Doctor who did your Colonoscopy?

    Sheryl or anyone in the know.

    I had my stool test for occult blood today and it was positive, so I am getting a Colonoscopy. I have an appointment at Memorial Hospital, Pattaya tomorrow to see Sayam Thaiudom M.D. and imagine my Colonoscopy would be a few days later.

    I wondered if I should stick with Memorial or go to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. I have no idea on level of expertise, equiptment etc other than Memorial will be cheaper at around 19,000 Baht and no overnight stay as I can be collected and go home after.

    Any recommendations?

  7. I thought if account not used for 12 months it gets closed. However this is only if balance is below 2,000 baht. At least that's what SCB told me for their accounts. If 2,000 baht or over as in this case then should still be open - also if operations are the same at your bank

  8. Can anyone confirm, please

    Regarding to 800,000 in a Thai bank. Can the bank account be a fixed deposit account?

    I have this sum in a 1 year fixed deposit account and assuming it is a qualifying account, then how do I update the bank book just before applying for retirement visa as there will be no change to anything and nothing to update until the i year maturity anniversary? Or will a copy of the bank book and letter from the bank be all that is required?


  9. Yup, I am sure you are right on below. I was going from (faulty) memory, but the gist and conclusions remain. It works as advertised for the end product and if you do have a Halifax account (or do need to return to UK to open one otherwise)then it's possibly the best option.

    You can't do International transfers by BACS, the payment system is indeed SWIFT.

    twix38 is spot on about how good the online payment system is with Halifax. He also refers to the "Reward" account that credits you with a bonus of £5 for each month that £1,000 or more gets paid in/transferred.

    I think the charge is actually £9.50

  10. something to throw in the mix regarding paying pension to Thailand.

    I pay funds to Thailand via my Halifax account.

    It may be of benefit for those who can open a Halifax account in UK or already have one.

    Get pension paid into Halifax account. After 2 or 3 months (or each month or whenever convenient) do an international online payment. THIS CAN BE DONE TO SEND FUNDS IN STERLING, so gets converted here at Thai Banks exchange rate. The total cost for transfer by BACS is GBP 9.95 (that's it! not a penny more) and if over GBP 1,000 is paid in then you get GBP 5 interest, so reducing cost further if it is all you use the account for, as indeed I do.

    Anyway once account set up, you can do the transfer online from UK or from Thailand whenever you wish, costs GBP 9.95 or less and choose to send in GBP. Usually takes 3 or 4 days to arrive in my Thai Bank account, but I allow up to 6 days.

    They can spot check transactions and a Thai phone number is fine. I have done 5 transfers of funds from UK to Thailand whilst I am in Thailand and 3 from UK to Thailand whilst in UK, none of which have yet been auto phone confirmed, but no worries if they were anyway as it's extra security. It's easy, cheap, sent in GBP and all online.

  11. Just to add my 2 penny worth.

    I went to Bumrungrad to see a ENT specialist. (anyone wanting the doc's name can PM me)

    He did an Endoscopy of the top part of my throat as I was complaining of a blocked throat and food getting stuck. I got the all clear and told everything fine and tablets, which I later googled to find they were for anxiety. I was shocked!!

    I was not better and due to return to the UK, so a month later I went to see my NHS DOCTOR and immediately recommended to have a Gastroscopy, which looks further down the throat. I was then diagnosed with LGD Barratt's Epithelium (a pre cancerous condition) and to cut a long story short I complained to Bumrungrad but short of suing there's no benefit to be had for the bad advice and missed diagnosis, through telling me everything was fine rather than at least suggesting further tests would be prudent and as for prescribing anxiety pills, well that says everything that needs to be said about the diagnosis. Present with a pre-cancerous condition and leave with an all clear and anxiety tablets. btw, I asked about tablets, but didn't really get a clear explanation at the time, other than they would help/improve my condition and nothing to worry about.

    To give some idea. LGD is low grade dysplasia. Abnormal cells. The next level is HGD high grade dysplasia. At HGD the choice is to remove the throat and join the stomach to what's left or a newer and so far very promising ablation technolgy called Barrx Radiofrequency (there are other ablation techniques such as cryo). Throat cancer inparticularly has a very poor prognosis and after HGD comes the big C itself.

    If I had taken Bumrungrad's results at face value and not sought a proper/full examination I would not now be on daily PPI's and on a 2 year monitoring regime, understanding my condition. Instead I may have left it too late all together. As it is, I could just perhaps have had it found when maybe it was non-dysplastic instead of swallowing anxiety pills!!

    Just my experience and it was a rushed visit that failed spectacularly in every conceivable way to do a competent job!!

  12. I am in Thailand now (Pattaya) and until 30/4/11, on a non Imm "O" visa, doing my 3 monthly visa runs.

    My Non Imm "O" visa expires on 27/4/11.

    I will be 50 years of age on 10/3/11 and my next scheduled 3 month visa run at this time would be by 15/3/11 taking me past my departure date of 30/4/11.

    My idea is before I return to UK and before 15/3 visa run due (i.e. so on 10/3 or 11/3) to go to Immigration and apply for a retirement visa and hence not to have to do my visa run, otherwise due on 15/3/11. Then to get a re-entry stamp prior to departure to UK on 30/4/11. I will return to Thailand around Aug/Sept 2011.

    I have 800k in a Thai ban fixed deposit account already, so I would hope I can use this as I don't want to transfer in fresh capital?

    Is this retirement process completed in a day or within 2 or 3 working days maximum and are there any issues around my non Imm "O" visa being only about a month away from the end of its validity when applying to convert to retirement visa?

    Is this all possible? Good idea? any pitfalls?

    I assume all I need is......

    800k in bank,

    Letter from bank less than 1 week old proving this

    photocopy bank book pages

    proof of Thai condo address (Blue book?)

    2 passport size photos,

    money to pay immigration fee - not sure how much, is it 1,900?

    Anything else at all or that I need to be aware of, please


  13. Fairproperties were closed down for a while and I wouldn't deal with them. They don't have a good reputation.

    You can go to a few sites. One I liked was


    do not !! buy in pattaya untill you have spent a lot of time there, also do some serious checking around, dont go through agents because they,ll skim you for commission, go direct to condo owners and barter with them. fair properties in jomtien have loads of listings google up thier website . honestly when you stay in pattaya for good few mths your ideas about if you want to live there or not will change believe me !!
  14. Well, I've heard what is recommended currently and what a maze that is compared to just owning what you pay for.

    Costs are in the thousands of Baht to secure all that is felt necessary and get it right first time. It's a minimum of doing the following with a few pitfalls for the unwary and those trying it on the cheap.

    purchase and sale agreement with everything written down

    Get and record a mortgage at Land office and on title deed

    Need a Lease agreement

    Promisory note

    POA to sell house

    Lease conditions to allow complete control (great care must be taken here).

    Part of the reason it IS more costly when done properly is it is soooo easy to fall foul of not having done something correctly or at all, when it finally comes down to using what you have put in place to rely on and it's found not sufficient or comprehensive enough, especially in times of clamp downs/enforcing the spirit of existing laws. Anybody who thinks it's straight forward and cheap, simply doesn't know enough to remove real doubts on security of ownership, Thai revisions/changes of the future and the untested areas.

    Come on, I come from the standpoint that if I pay money I want to own it, as is normal and right. The paperwork and schemes and costs are a real pain all together and are untested for over 30 years lease and unable to will it to anyone who is not Thai etc etc is something nobody would accept anywhere else.

    Do you have any comments about the temptation I mentioned, that is placed in front of poor thai's to profit from a foreigner's house purchase. At the least this law should also be applied in reverse not only to identify foreigner's using company scheme solely for property purchase, based on where funds originate from but also the same checks where a Thai is to benefit without having paid a thing and possibly not having been with the foreigner for much longer than it took to get the house purchase completed, just because the foreigner felt persuaded by the law that he needed to trust them because he cannot own the land. Let's have a law applied fairly to both parties when there is scope it can be abused by either.

    That Usufruct document, if you read it carefully, would seem to contradict a lot of what you have written there twix38.

    One poster on the Real Estate forum paid 75 baht to register his usufruct using a standard form at the land office, not costly and not complicated.

    Whilst it might not suitable for every application, then living in a condo is not suitable for all either.

    Looks like you are still using the old "Pattaya Bar Stool Guide to Property Purchasing and Rumour Mongering" handbook! :)

  15. Dot NOT listen to this poster below, please!!!

    Buy a Condo in your own name and don't think about buying a house as the pitfalls are huge and even more difficult to sell.

    Foreigners cannot own land and all schemes to get around that are either illegal, costly or at the very least untested for more than first 30 years lease and don't allow you to keep ownership - guaranteed- for more than 30 years or bequeath to another foreigner on death, so it must go to a Thai, to Thailand or to any child with Thai nationality you have - ONLY!!

    Only a <deleted> would make the biggest purchase of his life into a house he cannot own and transact in a satisfactory manner and must hope that schemes to circumvent the law will remain solid or that leasing will work out well in the future etc etc. There are also future pitfalls that are unknown now just like it was once perceived that the Company Scheme was great until a better way had to be found when a scare went around. Government always have phases of making problems, enforcing existing laws or new ones etc, as the recent scare 2 years ago about looking into where funds originated from in a company scheme used solely to buy - if funds from foreigner and company set up to buy and not trading in a business having used Thai nominees who resigned, then illegal.

    So called simple and totally legal methods are awkward costly get arounds and/or leases that have not been used long enough to test and don't allow for normal ownership rights to bequeath in a will to whoever you want etc etc.

    If put in a thai name, it's falling into a government inspired scam. It entices thai's to rip you off by placing such wealth at their disposal as land owner. Sometimes the temptation is too much or relationship breaks down. All other methods of tenure are a poor second to owning outright.......... It could be done better. When a company is formed to own, then the authorities can look at where the funds come from originally. If from foreigner then technically it is illegal and can be siezed. However, when Thai land owner (if in Thai name) kicks out the foreigner or makes problems, why don't the authorities again look at where the funds originated from and tell the Thai land owner that they cannot benefit as clearly it was bought by the foreigner with the foreigner's money?? Much fairer and an equal application of the same ruling, but of course the Thai who puts nothing into the purchase will walk away with 50% to 100% no matter the length of time together or that they have contributed zero financially, as the Thai owns the land.

    There's just a simple common sense rule. If you buy something that is not yours to own, then forget it. Would you buy in your own country with these constraints and spend thousands/millions? No way!!!!

    It's good for Thailand and Thais, but not best for foreigners unless you can afford to write it off in a worst case scenario in a country that does have a habit of corruption and introducing new ways to penalise foreigners and keep them in check. I think the Thais have it right, they are looking after number one and in their own country. The issue is foreigners fall into priority number 2, so be aware and remain cautious if thinking to make what is usually the biggest purchase of your life, bringing in your foreign currency (as you MUST do) to make a property purchase.

    Rule No.2: Generate income and foreign currency.

    Whatever you do, dont be drawn into the "buy a condo in your own name <deleted>", you will regret it, simple and totally legal methods will allow you comfortable living in a house. Very easy, dont listen to the condo sellers!!!
  16. Bacs (not swift) and takes 3 days. This is all based in UK and I opened Halifax account only for intl payments and don't use them ordinarily for my banking. Halifax has a same day system in UK and Nationwide are due to get it, then it will be well within 24 hours from N'wide to Halifax in order to start Halifax intl payment process.

    I guess if I were a Brit, Halifax Bank would be my choice for sending money to Thailand. I would certainly appreciate the ability to do this online, which, according to the Halifax site, saves you 10GBPs over doing it by phone or walk-in. Out of curiosity, to your knowledge, is this a SWIFT transfer?
    I transfer from my Nationwide Flex to Halifax.

    Presumably, that can also be done online. How many days does that take?

    The amount per withdrawal depends on the physical machine age. Older ATMs can provide 20 notes per withdrawal. Newer ATMs can provide 25.

    Ian, thanx for solving that. I guess I haven't encountered any 20k machines.

  17. Open an account with The Halifax Bank and use their online international payment.

    Cost GBP 9.50 and can do it equally from UK or Thailand (as online)

    Send in home currency.

    If doing from Thailand, need a Thai phone number (can use a mobile phone number) for spot checks when doing online transaction, but I have never been phoned and i've done 8. Even if I was phoned, it would not be a problem either as just follow authentication process by typing in a given code number as part of online transaction process.

    Can do from UK easily too - it's online.

    Funds takes 3 days to arrive and exchange rate is better as Thai bank's rate.

    Thai bank will probably charge 0.25% with max. 500 Baht - well my bank does

    No other charge made by UK bank (Hlaifax) than the GBP 9.95

    Bonus, if you pay in more than GBP 1,000, then you get GBP 5 each month. I only use my Halifax account for transfering money to Thailand and so I transfer from my Nationwide Flex to Halifax. I then make the payment via Halifax and the GBP 5 makes my UK cost for intl payment a total of just GBP 4.50 for any amount!!!!!

    This is probably the only good point for Halifax and cheaper than Nationwide, who don't yet have an online intl payment option.

    Come on, sharpen up you lot. :-) LOL

  18. I am pleased to hear that the Bumrungrad has been successfully called to account for this example of gross incompetance at least.

    I saw an ENT specialist 2 years ago and told all clear and given anxiety pills to take, though not told what pills were for at the time, so assumed medication to treat condition. I looked them up on internet when I got home and threw them away.

    A couple of months later I returned to UK and under the NHS I had a Gastroscopy and was found to have Barratt's Epithelium at LGD. The Thai Doctor at Bumrungrad would not have seen this as he only did a check of my upper throat, but importantly he fobbed me off with what turned out to be anxiety pills and told me not to worry and all okay.

    He should have not been in such a rush and he should have recommended further checks (like a gastroscopy). It was only that I knew there was something that I persisted (but not with him anymore) and had it checked back in UK shortly after, as I was returning home.

    Now I am on regular check ups and daily medication to ensure it does not progress onto Cancer of the Oesophagus.

    I blasted the Bumrungrad and threatened to sue, but I don't have the means or determination to follow it through.

    This Doctor found nothing and therefore treated my problems as all in my mind and due in part to anxiety, thus giving this as my diagnosis and telling me all clear instead of recommending further tests. He could very well have given me a death sentence had I not ignored him and gone elsewhere.

    I got the usual cover up, deniability and buck passing when I complained.

    I do hope they begin to learn their lesson and pay more attention to good medical treatment including adequate prevenatative and diagnostic follow through to ensure they get it right rather than let too many cock ups get through.

    It's nice to have a grand piano and violin playing, but as for medical treatment, I will NEVER return.

  19. Places like Tuk.com sell pirate software and could be raided and closed any day. Never happens

    This is therefore targeted without real purpose, but other underlying reasons.

    Anyone can visit Tuk.com and buy pirate software and/or a computer with it all loaded in - anytime!!!

    If they can't close down actual business' in a shop, set up to sell pirate software how do they expect to ever be taken seriously or sincerely with these crackdowns!!

  20. Just go inside any bank with passport and withdraw for free. Saves finding the bank's with free ATM's and travelling to them to equally find they do charge after all or ATM not working or cleaned out.

    I had read the ATM thread here and very lengthy. Missed the passport option if within it, but struck by the massive discussion on free ATM's and finding them.

    What is this nonsense - why bother - take Passport and go anywhere, <deleted>!!

    and Ayudhya
    Aeon ATM's are still dispensing money without charge.

  21. Not up with all the details, but is the currency conversion to debit my UK account not undertaken by Nationwide. May be wrong, but think the conversion is not done by Thai bank.

    Though my main point is i've seen many posters talking about where they can avoid the ATM fee of 150 Baht. Can it really have been missed, to just to go inside with passport, withdraw against debit card and not pay it at all - okay, after a cursory check on bank's policy if different from the only example I have been informed of, which worked fine.

    You may find that different banks and even different branches have different policies.

    I think Siam CB uses dynamic currency conversion and so more expensive.

  22. Is it possible to avoid paying this charge as follows......................

    I have a Nationwide debit card and I have been told I can withdraw against this card inside the bank with my passport and no commission or charge is taken. This then comes through online with Nationwide and they charge their 0.8% fee as would now be charged anyway.

    Thus 150 Baht ATM fee not paid

    Not done it personally, but know someone who has and told it works and rate received by checking online was the rate on the day.

    Any pitfalls, as if this is fine, I don't understand why all the fuss about finding banks that don't charge the ATM fee when you can just go inside with passport and avoid paying it??

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