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Posts posted by twix38

  1. Thanks, I will.

    Are there any Bed shops or good value/good quality deals to be found currently? Sales or special offers, if anyone knows?

    I have a matress that gives me backache, so I have no choice but to get a good quality one and replace it.

  2. Not a business I know, but guess it could have a small entrance charge.

    I'd like to see a big public park, where you can rest, play sport, picnic, walk etc. A bit like Lumpini and for everyone to enjoy. A public amentity with facilities instead of concreate and any spare land being built on.

    As an alternative to the beach and a place to socialise with family/friends.

  3. Sheryl et al,

    Finally had my diagnosis, I assume for Barrett's and nodule.

    Glandular mucosa showing moderate chronic inflammatory infiltration. No Goblet cell. Area of low grade dysplasia is seen

    Gastric mucosa showing moderate chronic inflamatory infiltration. No metaplasia or neoplasia is seen. H Pylori are not seen.

    I am on 40mg of Omeprazole daily and awaiting details of next stage which I assume will be another endoscopy after 2 to 3 months to re-check, biopsy and ensure ulcer has healed.

    If I were to have ablation, I would choose Barrx Radiofrequency, though I am told not to bother to undergo ablation with low grade dysplasia, but I should find out if my nodule is in my barrets or not, and if it is, I should consider removal of nodule by EMR

    Anyone any comments?

    I await to hear from Bumrungrad regarding my earlier post.

    Here is some general info and discussion groups.









    Barrx: Synmed website


  4. I don't fully understand this reply

    "Why keep THB deposits? Interest rates are currently low; currency depreciation likely. Keep cash in another currency. This all applicable to anything above THB1m. Otherwise, it don't really matter, innit? "

    Why is devaluation expected?

    I am planning to bring GBP 50k to Thailand and notice the exch rate has risen from low 60's to over mid 60's. I also believe Sterling will weaken going forward, but what about the Baht? Concern is the Thai/Sterling rate and will it be back off to low 60's or below or back up to 70's and above?

    Any thoughts?

  5. If you sent it in as foreign currency and noted to buy condo, why not try to ask the bank for a Tor Tor 3, for your original purchase. I believe with this paper you can simply use the funds for your next purchase. period.

    Sorry if got your details wrong as in a rush, but I got a Tor Tor 3 some 1 year+ after purchase from my bank, though it was sent in GBP and marked for purchasing a condo, as it needs to be in my original transfer, but then it has to be anyway, as I understand it.

  6. I decided to press Bumrungrad a little more as I was dissapointed on so many levels and to correct an error in the reply. I received this email reply today from their Coordination Physician, International Operations.

    Your email addressed to Dr. Khemchart Tonsakulrungruang was forwarded to our office for assistance. Please allow me to introduce ourselves.

    The medical support team consists of doctors and nurses with a role to communicate to Bumrungrad’s foreign national patients who may have concerns or suggestions regarding their care at BI, investigate any concerns and respond back accordingly. We also provide the same support to our staff as well.

    We understand your concerns, which you have articulated well in your e-mail below, relate to the medical care provided by Dr. Khemchart Tonsakulrungruang and regret that this consultation did not meet your expectations. We are very happy to hear that you are receiving continuing care in England for your condition.

    We would like to thank you for taking the time to communicate your concerns and would like to assure you all comments we receive are reviewed very carefully to ensure that our hospital maintains its globally renowned high standard of medical and service quality. We will be reviewing these concerns with our process detailed below:

    A review of the clinical records and any other relevant information in your record.

    A request to the attending physician(s) or any other involved staff to review the specific matter and advise us of their opinion.

    A conclusion is made to address the specific issue and this is communicated back to you.

    Our process may take up to 30 business days, at which time if you wish, the conclusion of our investigation will be communicated back to you. However, if our investigation is complete before that time, or if there are any delays due to our need to have a more in-depth investigation, obtain further opinion or if the physicians (or other involved staff) are unavailable for some reason, we would keep you informed.

    Again, we regret that you are unhappy with the care you have received here at Bumrungrad International.

  7. Thanks Sheryl,

    I assume you work in BKK (Thailand) as you sound a bit jaded and I for one don't want to live in Thailand all year round. A big holiday during the English Winter is good though.

    It's been a case of " if I knew then what I know now".

    I will revert with my results and with some usefull info in due course and my thanks to you and other helpfull posters.

    My recommendation. Get yourself treated in your home country, for many reasons including language, culture and not to mention treatment and accountability. It's a whole lot better.

  8. Bit more time now to reply thoughtfully.

    I am in 2 minds about it.

    On the one hand I am content the doctor has replied and apologised in Doctor speak and I have helped future patients. That's enough

    On the other hand I am annoyed I traveled to Bangkok to see a specialist where I thought I would get the best treatment and paid for it.

    I had an unimpresive consultation feeling rushed and with 3 attempts to clean the camera after putting it down my nose 3 times.

    The incorrect fact in his statement that I had said Omeprazole did not help. It did and I told him it had.

    The Barium swallow cannot cover the scope of an endoscopy or show detail, so it doesn't excuse not telling me to seek further treatment if symptoms returned/didn't get better and neither does it explain the "all clear" statement he gave me and the anxiety prescription and not telling me what it was for, as I assumed it would clear the blockage until I looked it up on the internet. This clearly hinted at his real diagnosis of (there is a word/expression for it, meaning lump or blockage that is not really there but is felt). I am quite clear he didn't do his job properly because of his assumed diagnosis on finding nothing. It's that obvious because he made assumptions that were wrong and didn't treat or advise me properly either. How much worse could an inspection be than to leave a bad impression at the time and get it all wrong without advising me anything other than all ok, nothing wrong, take these pills to help.

    I'm always happy to help others, but I am simply not satisfied with this doctor. However, I have done all I can and am currently just annoyed at the whole episode from start to finnish, as anyone would be and venting a bit. Hopefully i'll feel happier next week when I have my biopsy results, some 9 months after I saw this Bumrungrad Doctor and having only arrived back in the UK 2 weeks ago and getting my NHS endoscopy performed 2 days after my Doctor's visit, where my problems were quickly and efficiently found. They were not hiding if you looked properly and thoroughly.

    We all talk about things from personal experience and I will never recommend getting health or medical attention in Thailand because on top of this personal experience there is also no accountability or recourse if things go wrong. It's just tough luck, if you are unlucky. Maybe I will be forced into a good experience in the future by circumstances, but until then i'll rely on good old England and not make the mistake of thinking I can keep to my schedule and get it done in Thailand. Just my opinion.

    I can say the nurses are good at smiling, weighing and blood pressure checks, but for me it stops there if a place like the Bumrungrad delivers the above.

  9. well it is factually wrong and inept and all.

    When I think of the actual experience with 3 attempts because he could not see properly and not even telling me that the pills were for anxiety.

    I was dismissed as no medical issue at all and got no answer when asking other than no problem and take these pills.

    There was a lot of problem going undiagnosed and had the actual experience been better I may have overlooked the major error of medical professionlism, but you are probably right.

    I will leave it there, happy to have helped the next guy, I hope.

    I have been totally put off Thai Hospitals or treatment.

    Thanls for your help Sheryl and I get my biopsy results next week. I'll let you know some intersting info on trials etc then too. Thanks again

  10. Sheryl and others,

    Here is my reply from Bumrungrad about telling me all was ok and giving me tablets that I later looked up on the internet to find they were for anxiety and emailed to re-check and ask for my patient notes, for which I received a reply confirming the doctor's results. I actually said Omeprazole did improve and I had stopped taking it a couple of weeks earlier (as it had done the job of clearing my swallowing problem).

    "Previous diagnosis and answer was base on the history and examination findings.

    I remember that you told me that your barium swallow was normal and omeprazole that not improve your symptom.

    If you did not mention about normal barium swallowing, I am confident that I will send you to GI specialist.

    In general, the patient need to come back if the symptom is not improved by first medicine.

    However I regret to hear your problem."

    Does anyone have a contact email address that might get some better level of response as I more than ever feel this doctor has been negligent in his level of professionalism and acceptable treatment with a weak excuse that is part untrue, part poor treatment and part passing the buck. He had to redo the camera down my nose 3 times. Down and out to clean the end and again and again, was in a rush and made me feel at the time like he wanted to get on to his next patient ASAP.

  11. Sheryl and others

    What do you think to this website for barretts I have founds on discussion board at http://www.barrettsfoundation.org.uk

    Here it is


    Worthy of serious attention?

    EDIT. Just got answer from your contact R. Samplinr as follows

    You need to have your esophagitis controlled with proton pump inhibitor prio totherapy. The best ablation now is Barrx radiofrequency. I do not know who doesit in UK but you could contact Hugh Barr.

    On the face of it this looks like the one, at least for now, so I will see what further info I can find out.

  12. I've googled on BWR and banding without resection to try to find hospital(s) - NHS - in UK, ideally South East/London and found nothing.

    Does anyone have any idea where this procedure is performed in UK or even Thailand* when I return?

    As Sheryl mentioned I would require a well practiced BWR surgeon , but surely the NHS (or even private) do it here?


    * prefer UK on past experience and language benefits.

  13. Thanks Sheryl,

    I will revert with the biopsy results in due course and go from there. Your help and knowledge have assisted a great deal.


    I sent an email to Bumrungrad addressed to the doctor who treated me. I tagged it on to an email I had kept from the time, which had all the details and my earlier check about his findings when Sheryl suggested I ask for my patient notes. I await a reply

  14. Sheryl,

    BWR sounds best then, though apart from knowing it stands for Banding without resection I have not found out what it actually is or what is done. Any details??

    What is the most common/usual method currently used for ablation, would that be MPEC or I note a study in 2005 mentioned photo-dynamic therapy? Is ablation (another term I don't really understand) the usual standard treatment for Barretts.

    When you say "you do not have esophageal cancer, which was certainly a possibility given your symptoms and 2) you have found out about the pre-cancerous condition and thus have a chnce to treat it before matters progress to that stage. "

    I certainly hope/expect that I don't have esophageal cancer, but how do you already know I do not, from your statement?

    I am awaiting biopsy results and I can't say that I know anything for certain (not being medically aware myself) except that I took time to seek out a professional at a top hospital who was also recommended by a poster here, from memory and I would have been just as well seeing a witch doctor, who may have told me not to be anxious.

    I am finally now getting a correct diagnosis and I hope with equally good treatment. As best as I can tell anyway.

    thanks so much Sheryl

  15. Additionally Sheryl,

    Is your recommended "banding without resection" Ablative technique the same thing as Multipolar Electrocoagulation, as this seemed to be the favoured one in your link, noted as MPEC.

    If not the same thing then what is the difference and is BWR a newer one even than MPEC, which was recommended in your link?

    btw, I sent an email to Bumrungrad, so will await a reply.

  16. Thnaks Sheryl,

    Very helpfull.

    Actually I was on Omeprazole from my UK doctor and not Doctor from Bumrungrad. All he gave me was the all clear and anxiety tablets. I am now on Omeprazole again and wonder about safety and advice if it's 1 pill a day of 20mg for life for me from now? The instructions seem to say for 4 to 8 weeks, though I understand I am going to take one pill a day for life?

    I will email Bummers as you advise. I cannot remember the doctors name, so will have to research and await Tammi's details etc in due course here.

    How worried should I be at finding I have Barretts? Had this been found well over 6 months ago it would have been better and treated sooner along with the rest of my diagnosed issues. I am appalled at the Bummers doctor's brush off and poor performance as I had taken time to believe I was going to one of the best hospitals where I would get a professional.

    BWR. I'll have to enquire if this is on the NHS and wait to see if recomended/available for me subject to my results. Can it be done and recomended anywhere in Thailand? I hoped to return in a couple of months - hopefully not an experience like my only other Thai episode at Bummers? After my only experience in Thailand I will probably delay my return reluctantly, if needed, I guess

    Thanks Sheryl for your invaluable help and advice.

  17. Hello,

    I am back in England and as some may remember I had a problem swallowing and have a hiatus Hernia and reflux. I previously left the UK before having time to do more than a Barium Swallow, which showed no problem and after deliberating here, I went to Bumrungrad Hospital where I had a camera down the nose and was told no problem and given medication, which I later looked up on the internet to find was for anxiety. Luckily I had some Omeprazole from my UK doctor and they seemed to help a lot. I stopped taking the anxiety pills the moment I find out what they were for.

    Now in UK, I am just back from Southend Hospital (today) where I have my results from Endoscopy and await biopsy from samples taken. as follows.

    moderate to severe reflux oesophagitis (grade 3: errosions involving 10 - 50% of the distal oesophagitis-type mucosa). Moderatley inflamed segment of Barrett's mucosa 3cm in length with ulceration. A single ulcer involving the lower oesophagus, 5mm in extent. small sliding hiatus hernia <5cm. Mild raised erosive gastritis involving the prepyloric region. Duodenum was normal.

    Diagnosis: Reflux Oesophagitis grade 3, Barrett's Epithelium, Oesophageal Ulceration, Hiatus Hernia, Gastritis

    Under comments: Oesophagus and mild gastritis. Suggest treat h pylori if clo positive. suggest logterm PPI if Barrett's confirmed. Small distal oesophageal nodule possibly related to inflammation biopsied.

    In discussion, doctor told me that in his opinion it was Barrett's but biopsy needed to confirm. Apparrently he did his degree paper on Barretts. Only a young guy in mid 20's but sooooo much better than my experience at Bumrungrad. Thank you NHS

    Well, so much for the bumrungrad, as I even emailed the doctor there afterwards to confirm his findings of no problem. I'd love to sue, as at the least I took false comfort from his all clear and if in any doubt he should have suggested I do more tests as a minimum not parcelled me off in a rush with anxiety pills, whilst not telling me what they were for. I assmed at the time they were specifically to releive/treat my throat symptoms.

    I wonder if Sheryl or anyone knowledgable could decipher the above report from the NHS doctor for a layman, comment on severity or otherwise give me further information? I am going to my Doctor in just over a week for biopsy results and am now on Omeprazole (again) as from today. One 20 mg a day and just about to google h pylori if clo positive and PPI if Barrett's confirmed etc.

  18. Don't marry!

    Never marry for other reasons than love and at least 2 years of solid relationship experiences.

    Would you marry like this to a Canadian girl just to get a visa or whatever etc?

    Normal rules do still apply in Thailand. It's just that many foreigners take leave of their senses when the Thai lady is sooooo sweet, attentive and loving. It's also often bullshit and equally true, but 6 months to marry is the ultimate serves you right!

  19. Sad fact is that the playing field is not level and not intended to be.

    When the corruption and ability to corrupt comes from the top down there is little to be done.

    The fact that foreigners cannot own land means that a whole web of temptation to swindle and rob foreigners exists where otherwise it would not.

    Buyer beware is even more relevant in Thailand than usual.

    It's like a sposnsored wealth transfer scheme from foreigners to Thai's if they choose to access it and play the averages that most will get away with it as the governmant has made it ilegal for foreigners to own land. Thus work arounds have been devised (company scheme, 30 year leases on property, etc).

    Fundamentaly it's the government's plan as they implement the law which facilitates the scam and then threaten to enforce or not as whims take them or amend etc.

    Just on principle I have bought a small condo in a foreig name and will never invest more in Thailand than I need.

    Dual pricing should give a clue to the playing field.

  20. You wrote ".....And yes Thailand is a place where you take risks!! so i am prepared to lose everything"

    My prediction if you invest here. Whatever you invest you will (in the end) loose it all.

    The playing field is tilted so much against foreigners on business dealings and requirements, culture and corruption not to mention additions of visa issues, employment restrictions and making a certain percentage profit (on which tax falls due) within 2 years, I think. Then you cannot transfer it back home as there is a 50k Baht limit without a Tor Tor 3 (can bring in as much as you have though just can't take it back legally). It's a very expensive lesson and not a relaxing time with your Mrs and don't put anything in her name either, no matter how much you love each other now.

    Crikey! I could go on and on with this list as I have on a different thread, but the conclusion is enjoy the LOS as those smiles are there whilst many of them play the short or the long game or simply wait until the unfairness of the law in competing catches up with you. Managing Thai staff is a real headache and you can't employ foreigners without a corresponding quota of 4 Thais. Also a sure fire way to get fleeced by the extened family in business, as it doesn't have to be your partner.

    I suspect many a fool has lost it all (I know so) and lived to regret investing in LOS. Still if you want (not prepared), but want to run a real likelyhood of loosing it all, then play on.

    This is Thailand. It's set up for Thai' to prosper. Look at how laws are implemented, enforced later and catch out the foreigner. Look at the recent 30% witholding tax introduction, visa rule changes, threat to enforce Company scheme existing laws that were not enforced for 20 years, FBA amendments, political instability (coups) and the PPP party may well be ruled out next week and another coup could occur (I doubt it). My point is that there is (in so many many ways) a real risk to anyone who commits to Thailand financially. Sensible people think through a detailed business model and have experience here. They don't jump in unaware and they leave enough in the way of accomodation and funds back in their home country, just in case. The percentage that make it in anything like an acceptable way in profits and business must be close to 0.1% of those that have tried. Be warned!!!!!!!!

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