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Posts posted by twix38

  1. I went to mikes and not impressed

    I chose the Chips and chicken Taco or something like that. The chips enticed me as a fall back if I wasn't keen on the mexican part, as never tried Mexican before.

    Turned out the chips were not my idea of chips, but the snappy cardboard light wafer things. Oh well

    However, being as it was not busy and was delivered to me COLD. I sent it back for a re-heat and I'll not be returning.

    Quite disappointing.

  2. Tragic and senseless and my heart goes out to the family.

    I find the Thai criminal issue has 2 problems

    1. as discussed, the frequency and nature of Thai crimes and the BIB response.

    2. not discussed. The treatment of the criminals. Soooo few seem to get prison terms, as if caught they are freed on bail and abscond and that's if they even get as far as having a court case planned.

    We know and read about the many crimes, but we don't know, as records are not published or easily available and neither followed up, about the outcomes.

    I have lost count of the number of times a crime is committed by someone who did the same thing months earlier or who was out on bail awaiting a court hearing or had absconded while on bail or who had bribed freedom when the case publicity died down etc etc.

    The typical scenario is......they offend...they do/do not get caught....if caught after a suitable amout of time any follow up will find they are completely free again or possibly "out on bail"..............they abscond if any real chance of police/court action or we next hear about them when another crime is reported and their previous status/criminal record revealed.

    All these Thai teenagers running around with guns and those that get hauled into Police stations are found a week or 3 later, back on the streets running around with guns and this goes for most other areas of criminal activity and arrests. It's endemic and futile if this obvious weakness in proper prosecutions is not addressed. The standard and base level should be raised with less "out on bail" and treating many more crimes with a higher standard of prosecution.

    Stop keep allowing this scum back out on the streets!!

    The system stinks for all but the most publicised cases!! The rest are let go (one way or another) to reoffend.

  3. Robin's Nest.

    Not bad and I like that they have newspapers (though no UK title) but what put me off was that they seem to charge more than other restaurants for water. I took that as a bad sign simply because it's the most basic drink and I see no reason to need to be above most other places.

    When I last went it was 40baht and elsewhere generally 30 Baht. May have generally changed as that's a good few months ago now.

    A minor point maybe, but quite telling if it's above most others for a basic bottle of water.

    I also hear he holds back on paying (full) staff wages, so tough times indeed and/or not a great employer.

  4. There is in fact a reason to slow down transmission and perhaps close airports, though I agree it's not worth doing on balance and largely too late now.

    There will be a vaccine quite soon. The UK will have one by end August for at risk categories (respiritory problems - asthma etc) and front line workers.

    Waiting for a vaccine and delaying transmission in the early stages has some relevence to this point.

    Meanwhile Tamiflu is the antiviral of choice and there has been limited resistence in Denmark and Japan, so I would recommend Relenza too.

  5. many Thai's would accept a corrupt government because corruption itself is so widespread and acceptable.

    generally corruption is endemic. It's just practiced to varying degrees and on varying scales. Lip service

    We have building/shops like Tuk.com selling pirate software and cd's. This is a fixed shop (not a street seller), so could be cleaned up in a blink if battling piracy was really serious.

    Given a chance gambling is as widespread as is corruption. It's part of everyday life. Corruption and piracy is NEVER seriously addressed other than for publicity or political lip service.

    It's not necessarily only the scale and frequency of corruption, but the tacit acceptance of it in daily life - as against for instance the public outrage at UK MP's expenses - and the lack of real sincere efforts to address it in a meaningfull and determined way. As the article states most Thai's would accept it..........

  6. Actually, I paid and bought the tickets for X-men which were 20 Baht a ticket more expensive.

    It was my Thai wife who said why extra and then okay, we go to Big C instead. So I got a refund.

    I wasn't originally that bothered, even though it was the second unnecessary price rise in as many days, as explained.

    My Thia wife thought it completely opportunistic and when Big C etc are not doing it, I can't help but agree.

    I'll still go to Cineplex if it's the best choice/most convenient, but at the same time i'd like to advise people that if a few of us asked why they are doing it and other Cinemas are not and if on principle others told them that it was a poor practice, then perhaps they would stop.

    On principle then I have to admit, it's a clear rip off and I also dislike it when one operator chooses a deliberate policy to increase fees at any opportunity - clearly when they are the only outlet doing it for these reasons!

    It may even be a small part of the reason that it is quieter at Cineplex, as others are beginning to notice this is not the exception, but a management policy. A family of 4 going to see X-men could have taken a retired elder relative for free with the amount of the excess being charged.

    That's good.

    I just need to wait until I'm of retirement age. :)

    Meantime i'll pay the excess prices or more likely avoid being ripped off for spurious reasons not applicable at other Cinemas.

    Good for you though.

    You're wasting your time trying to take a moral stand by boycotting Cineplex. Nobody will hear you and no one will notice your absence.

    It's kind of embarrassing that Farang will complain so much about 10 baht here and 20 baht there when the Thai customers won't.

    I'll go to the most convenient cinema irrespective of an additional 20 baht, and for me the best and most convenient is Major Cineplex. I don't like crowds when I'm watching movies anyway.

    Enjoy your boycott.

  7. That's good.

    I just need to wait until I'm of retirement age. :)

    Meantime i'll pay the excess prices or more likely avoid being ripped off for spurious reasons not applicable at other Cinemas.

    Good for you though.

  8. Pattaya Diver

    We booked exactly the same 120 Baht seats every time in the same area. Absolutely!

    Actually for X-men we had had enough of any old reason to up the price and I asked for a refund. We then went to Big C, where the price was the normal 120 Baht and not 140 Baht per ticket for the exact same film.

    It's the opportunist reason behind the increases that I dislike intensely, rather than the actual amount and clearly the reason they gave was bogus, as Big C was the normal 120 Baht.

    Previews can cost more and are usually pre-advertised and as a special showing is acceptable.

    At Cineplex it is clearly any excuse to lift the price that other Cinemas do not operate and it should not be done imho.

    It's also self defeating. If just a few customers get fed up of the repeated attitude to screw more when there are several Cinemas operating in Pattaya that do not, customers will avoid the Cineplex. They will need to cover the whole price of each lost customer by their opportunist increases.

    I find it objectionable when it's proven not to occur for the same movies or for the same reasons elsewhere.

    btw, exactly right Lost in LOS. When people consistently try to take the piss, it's time to at least stop paying them to do it!

    Twix -- Did you sit in the same section? Front is 120, back is 140. (Sofas 500 for 2).

    You're incorrect about Big C, etc. Special promotional runs, such as Oscar campaigns or "previews" such as the movie showing once or twice a day before general release, have always cost more at all area cinemas.

    Big C and Central also charge different rates based the day of the week.

    Funny complaining about 10 baht here and there tho...

  9. Visiting the Major Cineplex at the Avenue to see Race to Witch Mountain the price was 120 Baht per ticket.

    Next day we went back to see Milk. Ticket price was 130 Baht each

    Today (2 days later) went to see X-men and price was 140 Baht each

    Apart from overdosing at the Cinema recently, I am slightly amazed at the reasons given for the price increase.

    Milk was an extra 10 Baht per ticket because the film won an Oscar!

    The X-men because it is an expensive high cost of production film!! I was referred to a sign next to the cashier.

    This is only a policy at Cineplex. Costs of these films at Big C and Central does not increase for any reason they can come up with as an excuse to hike the price.

    There's no mention at Cineplex of an opportunist chargeing structure as the price board states 120 Baht every day.

    It completely fails to mention that if they can come up with a reason they will increase the price, though it certainly has no impact on their costs whatsoever and none of the other cinemas are doing it or should do.

    I wonder what the next opportunist price increase will be for? Perhaps film has top Hollywood actor or award winning musical score!!!!

    I think customers should boycott and/or complain and ask why they are doing it if no other cinema is and mention that it's rather distastefull!

  10. In my experience I have never met a guy with a Ponytail that can be trusted.

    Maybe just my personal experience, though I do now make a judgement.

    What's the correlation between a Ponytail and Tatoo's?

    There is a very high incidence of guys with Ponytails also sporting Tattoo's and i'll make an observation once again.

    These are both an expression of a desire to be noticed and to make a social statement of who they are.

    I will continue to assume that many are Low Life and a few are decent, trustworthy misguided folk.

  11. Not read it all from start to end, but you DO need an immigration letter for at least some banks for NEW accounts where you are not already a customer.

    TMB Bank has a notice stating this in my branch and I asked and was told need letter from immigration.

    I left the bank and opened at SCB, where the immigration letter was only needed if I didn't have more than a tourist visa (I have non immigrant O).

    Think a few/many banks interpret the law or don't always apply it, but it's there so someone above needs to eat their hat.

  12. The authorities here are complicit and pay lip service only. Simple

    If they were serious then the street sellers selling pirate CD's on Beach Road could not continue, as I saw whilst he was talking to a Policeman with all the stock on show. It's pirate and porn on show, as clear as daylight.

    What about Tuk.com. It's a building with sellers that sell pirate software cd's aplenty and put it in all computers sold! It's almost official piracy set up as a big store!

    Nobody wants to clean up or they would remove the easy targets in public view or clean up shops (don't move) like Tuk.com properly instead of occasional raids that only those not paying don't get tipped off about.

    How can anyone take authorities seriously with such clear, consistent and tolerated abuses to copyright law.

    C'mon, you just have to laugh at their efforts, and realise it's completely lip service and deliberate.

  13. From a previous post. "Your advice regarding the importance of any VT bldg. organizing their committee, etc. with all possible speed is wisdom. I wouldn't hold my breath, tho! People just don't seem to recognize the need for such a thing until they're standing knee deep in it."

    Re VT. As a residence of VT2 I would indeed recommend that co-owners organise to run their own building as soon as legally allowed and recommended in accordence with Thai law, by bringing in a new management company and juristic person. Of course be carefull not to jump out of the fire and into the frying pan.

    The first stage is to find out if a co-owner's committee would be tolerated and allowed by VT, to have an agreed input and possibly also an oversight role in the finances and contracts. It's your money after all, but this was not permitted in VT2.

    Accounts were not independently checked and were insufficient as well as ending up with a low sinking fund which had been used to cover shortfalls in running costs that the annual maintenance didn't cover. This was never addressed until we took over ourselves. We received less funds in the transfer than we expected whereby one co-owner bankrolled our operations in the first few months until we got ourselves straight and swallowed the medicine.

    At the least, there was mismanagement and with the maintenance issues that came to light subsequently poor service. We are still putting right a few of the items that required attention having done the urgent couple.

    Don't allow VT to control things for any longer than necessary and learn by example.

  14. I looked up the definition of Suicide and found it to be "The act or an instance of intentionally killing oneself"

    I have heard a few reports over the years in Pattaya where things sound pretty dubious, like a recent report of a foreign jumper from the 3rd floor where no obvious disturbance was found and assumed a suicide. Though the report went on to say he'd had an earlier altercation with a Thai man (men). Yer, right!!!

    Seems to me that Police here are only too ready to accept it's a suicide, so I looked up the definition of Suicide in a Thai dictionary "The act or instance of intentionally killing oneself or a ferang".

    Ahh, now I get why there's so many foreign suicides, why the easy answer (suicide) is sought if at all possible, why the detective work is weak and why tourism must be protected above the tourists themselves.

    I might add that with sooooo many petty or worse criminals and crimes going on in Pattaya, I rarely hear what happens to anyone caught as there is not enough reporting or follow up on those accused and what happens to them.

    It strikes me too many bad people get put back to re-offend all to easily and with the economic situation likely to get worse, instances of crime can only increase as more people get desperate.

  15. There is (or used to be) a maximum of THB 50,000 that was allowed to be taken or sent out of Thailand, I believe.

    Has this rule been removed? I have been told there are no limits now and you can get a bank or take out as much as you want (quite doubtfull myself).

    That would mean on sale of a property I could send out by Bank transfer the full proceeds abroad, without any longer even needing a Tor Tor 3, which would have become redundant.

    Is it true, please?

  16. Thanks

    anotheruser, or anyone in the know,

    I was going for the ipod touch, as mentioned and as it has my main requirements and cheaper. Any reason why you pushed for the iphone instead, as missing a phone and video doesn't bother me. I assume the ipod touch should also be unlocked or is that only relevant to the phone element? As you say I am new to this ;-)

    I looked at the BBC iplayer link you gave (thanks), but having advised me to go for an iphone, unlocked in BKK, and using it in Thailand, I note the BBC iplayer website cannot be used outside the UK, so I can't watch or download anything from the BBC from Thailand except the radio. It looked great at first, but if this is right then not so good and very dissapointing. I assume I can download podcasts even though I cannot get programmes?

    One of my issues is deciding what I want it for (internet, podcasts, music - mainly, I think, but films would be great and I don't know the full set of options) and then to ensure what I want to specifically do is not going to dissapoint or prove impossible for some reason (as in dissapointment that I now assume I cannot get lots of good BBC stuff, from abroad) I hope to find out limitations before I buy and for that I need a better/more detailed understanding than I have - clearly ;-)

  17. Thanks very much.

    Would anyone happen to know (as I found that Apple do not support in Thailand) whether it's cheaper to buy back in my home country (UK) and also if/how I could use it here in Thailand?

    Any related issues to above would be welcome too, such as advice on where (country - UK or Thailand - & even shop - in Pattaya, BKK or UK) to buy it?

    Also, is it right that I need to download itunes on my computer to do music, video, films, Podcasts and photos. The itunes download is required to do all these things?

    If I get a BBC podcast (which is free), do I need to go via BBC to load it on to my computer and then use itunes to load it from my computer to my Iphone or Ipod Touch? Also I assume it still ends up free, as I know iTunes charge for some of their own stuff? or is there a simpler/better way for any of this?

    Sorry for dumb questions, but I started out knowing nothing yesterday, so I am making slow progress.

    I am thinking of ipod Touch rather than an iphone right now, but not completely decided. Has to do with price and my minimum requirements.

    Many thanks

  18. I am after general info regarding the facilities, benefits and drawbacks between an Apple Iphone and Apple Ipod Touch and any other suitable alternatives?

    What do the above Apple products offer?

    Are they the best or is there better?

    I want to have the internet, shares, Podcasts and Music as standard with Video and phone as optional

    Any tips/recommendations/best place to buy (I am in Pattaya and visit BKK)

    As you can tell I am detail light and want to get some good information on the range of facilities they each offer and any tips/info at all?

    Many thanks

  19. Couldn't agree more. and they do have a nice restaurant.

    I investigated my Doctor and he was also recommended here. I spent a month deciding and getting details.

    Nobody can cater for rushed inefficient (incomplete) diagnosis when perhaps my condition only presents itself once in 500,000.

    Still, it takes a challenge or some extra effort required to be any test of competancy and the mark of a good doctor.

    Just not up to it, is my clear verdict because he even ruled out the need for further checks. Shocking!!

    My own experience of Bumrungrad was not good at all. My wife visited the eye specialist because she had pains in her left eye after a long haul flight. After being kept waiting for over an hour she saw two doctors and had several eye test ... and then was told in broken English that she had age related degeneration of both eyes (she's only 40) and there was nothing they could and she was going to eventually lose her sight. She left in near panic, and when I finally managed to get in touch with one of the doctors by phone after 5 phone calls - he told me the same thing.

    We went to the Rutnin eye centre for a second opinion, they were efficient, took the time to listen and explain the issues, stating that she is too young for age related problems and then diagnosed a simple eye infection, dry eyes and the need for some reading glasses. Some prescription eye drops cleared the eye infection in a week. They also noted some discolouration of the retina, but checked her old opticians records from the UK and noted that the same discoloration was recorded 7 years earlier. They took photos for their records so we can revisit to check there's no further changes. Rutnin were less than half the cost of Bumrungrad, incuding the reading specs.

    Then to add insult to injury, Bumrungrad phoned my wife every day to say that they had lost the insurance details and could she pay the (huge!) bill immediately. When I called in to clear up the issue over the bill, my impression was of an over-large, over busy uncaring factory hospital ..... but it does have WIFI and a Starbucks.

  20. Indeed. I actually took time to find this doctor and he was recommended here and I debated between 2 hospitals, the other was Samitvej.

    I felt I was going to one of the best Hospitals in Thailand for professional competancy and willing to pay, though not enthralled about it.

    I fully appreciate many other doctors there must be good, but it does appear hit and miss. Perhaps for every 10,000 that have Globus there will be 1 with Barretts and perhaps they get referred for further tests and diagnosed correctly. I wouldn't want to bet on it though!!

    I would say that I needed thorough examination to identify my problem and what I got was unsatisfactory and potentially a serious mis-diagnosis precisely because the duty of care and caution was thrown away, possibly to playing the averages. If you really think about it. There is no evidence that further checks should be excluded and nothing to exclude them. The only contributing factor was a normal Barium Swallow. You cannot identify Barretts from this and so I should never have been allowed to believe that I was fine and no further tests necessary. It was clear just from the diagnosis I was given alone = Globus. Take these tablets, next please!

    Anyway, I agree with you.

    I doubt I will be back here again, but as I came across this thread from the 'recent posts' email, just thought I would contribute.

    It really does sound in general that at least as many people have bad things to say or bad experiences, as good and in a place that is supposed to be there to diagnose and put things right and get things right, for a price, it should have a 75%+ positive feedback/approval rating, at least on the health side, if not the cost. Anything below 65% is shocking when measured against a core competancy and I believe this thread should be elevated to a higher level. FIXED AT THE TOP OF THE HEALTH BOARD FOR A START. PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW, AS SUBSEQUENT REDRESS AND INVESTIGATIONS ARE EQUALLY SUSPECT AND 3RD WORLD, UNSURPRISINGLY.


    Someone above talked about the staff uniforms, the cuteness of the nurses, the cleanness of the facility and the newness of the equipment as reasons for preferring Bumrungrad. I'm not sure those would be the highest on my criteria for where to seek medical care.

    Without commenting one way or the other on the problem described immediately above, I'd suggest that most people's biggest concern ought to be finding doctors and support staff who are skilled, competent and operate in a setting that facilitates them making proper medical diagnoses and then directing the appropriate treatment.

  21. I went to Bumrungrad last October/November time as I had problems swallowing and a feeling that something was stuck in my throat.

    I saw a Doctor who looked down my throat (endoscopy via nose) and we had quickly chatted about symptoms and that I had had a Barium Swallow already, in UK Results were normal, but my UK Doctor had been concerned still and recomended further tests, but I was leaving for Thailand and so he had given me Omeprazole (PPI) and I had promised to get it investigated further in Thailand.

    So, there I was at the Bumrungrad and I was told all normal and take these tablets. I went away happy and popped back for a quick re-check that I need do nothing more and all ok. Yes, no problem was the answer. I had Globus

    I got home and looked up the tablets on the internet. They were for anxiety!! I stopped taking them and emailed for my medical notes and a further check that all was indeed fine. Reply stated all fine again.

    I took my Omeprazole for 2-3 weeks and then once more when symptoms re-started. As it was only then about 2 months to go until I returned to UK I decided to get it checked again then, but had some comfort from the Bumrungrad diagnosis - at that time.

    On my return to UK, I saw my doctor the very next day and 3 days later I was in Hospital having a Gastroscopy and then awaiting Biopsy results. I had Gastritis (moderate to severe inflamation) 3cm Barrett's Epithileum and a nodule inside the Barretts segment and an ulcer. The later biopsy results showed Low Grade Dysplasia (LGD). I am now on my PPI daily for life with currently a 1 year follow up and that will hopefully be every 2 years so long as it doesn't show worse next time (HGD). The only certain cure if it went to High grade dysplasia (as dysplasia are abnormal cells with a higher risk of Cancer) is to have ones throat surgically removed, though new ablation techniques like Barrx Radiofrequency are about now, but somewhat experimental. The prognosis on throat cancer is terrible as it's one of the worst to survive.

    I have become knowledgable and more people who have acid reflux over many years should be aware of Barretts. Once symptoms of the acid burning dissapear, then get it looked at, because Barretts is a tissue change (into intestinal tissue type) in the throat and the acid burn no longer is so noticable, because Barretts tissue type is now dealing with it. Problem is Barretts is not good because cells divide much more quickly to repair damage and this increases the possible mistakes on DNA copying and hence significantly elevates future Cancer risk.

    So the Bunrungrad doctor was rushed, needed to do the camera down my nose 3 times as he could not see out the end clearly, gave me pills without telling me what they were for and they were mis-prescribed, took my normal Barium Swallow to be a factor in not suggesting I check further (making assumptions that turned out to be incorrect as Barretts cannot be diagnosed this way anyway). Had he recommended further checks and looked further down my throat, he or anyone else would have seen all that my UK doctor and Gastroscopy saw. Instead the Bumrungrad doctor made incorrect assumptions, got the diagnosis wrong because he excluded the need for further checks and advised me I had Globus (an imagined feeling in my throat) and all was fine. I was just anxious.

    I would never trust the Bumrungrad again.

    They did an internal investigation that has covered their arse and which ignored the main points about clear negligence. My correct diagnosis speaks for itself and it's indefensible to not have recomended I seek further tests based on the doctors clearly incorrect assumptions or playing the averages, as I suspect few patients will have Baretts and many do have Globus.

    I would like to sue, but have real doubts there is any point and am unwilling to pay for a lost cause, as it probably would be unless anyone knows better. PM me please?

    Boycot the Bumrungrad, please!!!! It's at best rushed and very hit and miss as to what service and especially what level of competancy you will receive. It's just not worth playing Russian Roulette with your health, whilst you wallett gets drained.

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