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Posts posted by twix38

  1. I will enquire at Phyathai hospital.

    if anyone knows more or specific ENT Surgeon info at this hospital or has an experience or further advice, or any warnings, I would be very grateful, as I know nothing of this hospital other than the above recomendation.

    I also note that the Phyathai Hospital has about 4 branches, 3 in Bangkok and 1 in Sriracha. I would choose the Sriracha branch, as mentioned above, but is this the best one or just a sub branch to Bangkok operations?? Looks to me from their website that the ENT clinic is said to be Phyathai 2, which is in Bangkok. If so then I may as well go to Bumrungrad, which I had planned to do on earlier advice and see Dr. Khemchart.

    Does anyone know the operation details of the ENT Department at the Sriracha branch?

    All things being equal on competancy, service, diagnosis and treatment etc then Phyathai would seem both nearer and not so expensive, although cost is only a factor if the treatment is equally good and professional, which is the primary concern above cost.

    I leave for Thailand tomorrow and have just got a prescription for Omeprazol as to date I have not had medication other than over the counter heartburn tablets (Pepsid 2).

    Thanks to all who have helped

  2. Thanks FBN,

    As mentioned in my original post, i have had a barium swallow here in UK (IT WAS ABOUT A MONTH AGO). Result was normal, although the machine had focus problem at the time which i was told did not matter for my check - typical

    I go to Thailand this Friday or I would be continuing in the UK. Shame, as now have to do in Thailand and not on NHS

    Anyway thanks for good advice. What check should I go for now. My doctor recomended a camera down the throat by ENT Surgeon??


    Thanks very much

    GERD heals by scar tissue forming at the junction of the esofagus and the stomach. This causes narrowing of the stomach inlet and leads to the sensation of "difficulty in swallowing" (dysphagia in medical terms). After 15 years of suffering from this, it may be the most likely cause in your case.

    Well controlled Barium swallow X-rays, or newer techniques, will show the actual movement of anything swallowed through to the stomach; ordinary scans may not reveal that much.

    This condition surely justifies reasonable money spent on it as there are some more sinister causes for this...

    Please don't be alarmed at this but be sure to get a very good opinion from a Gastro-enterologist at a reputable hospital...

  3. thank you

    It does sound the advice is clearly to go to BKK.

    I will have to pay for this check and any treatment myself and so I want the best hospital/professionals and at a fair price. I can pay, but I don't want to have the feeling of a foreigner's walking wallet.

    What is the best recomendation for 1.Best treatment and followed by 2.reasonable cost??

  4. Hello,

    I have been suffering with a problem of swallowing food completely down for a while now (18 months+) and often need to wash it down with a drink. I have a slight whistling noise when I breath in and out and I will be travelling to Pattaya this Friday.

    I have had a Barium Swallow here in UK and that was found to be normal, but having changed my doctor last week, my new Doctor here suggested I have a camera put down my throat to check throat, larynx and farynx by an ENT Surgeon. I don't now have time to do this in UK and so I must get it done in Thailand.

    (I have a Hiatus Hernia which is reasonably mild and I don't take medication. I do get occasional acid reflux. I have had this for more than 15 years. I am 46 years old)

    I Prefer to do my ENT Camera check in Pattaya or if not possibly Bangkok, but I would like anyone's advice on best hospital, cost, personal experience of this procedure, possible examination findings and medication/operation treatments etc?

    I know the Bangkok Pattaya have an ENT Dept, but all I really know of them is that they don't have the best general reputation and cost is on the high side, as my travel insurance is unlikely to cover any treatment and certainly not the initial check (camera diagnosis).

    Especially interested in anyone who has had this procedure and with a similar swallowing problem. I can swallow, but feel food is stuck a bit further down and needs washing down. My UK Doctor seemed a bit concermned at my whistling sound on breathing, but I had lways assumed this was down to my Asthma, but it is not really wheezing as such.

    All advice appreciated

  5. Thanks Innovator,

    Can anyone tell me..............

    where to get the bus from in Pattaya or Jomtien (place to wait)?

    How do I know it's the right bus. i.e. is the end destination on the bus as Bang Saen and in English or is there a bus number?

    Times or where to get a timetable from?

    How long is the journey. Pattaya to Bang Saen by bus?

    Is there a bus company phone number to call?

    Many thanks as right now I have no idea where to get it from, what bus it is or anything concrete to go and catch it

    Many many thanks


  6. Hi,

    I am thinking to go to Bang Saen, near Chonburi for a 3 or 4 day visit sometime.

    Does anyone know the best public transport method and cost or, simply the approx. taxi cost from Jomtien

    It's just an idea for somewhere close by to visit for a few days


  7. thanks torrenova,


    I plan to return to England and then back to Thailand each year anyway on a new Non mmigrant O visa. This is what I want to do. On this basis is there any advantage to get a Thai license, as for ease it seems straight forward and simple just to pay my GBP 5.50 annually and get a IDP from home? Couldn't be much easier, unless there is some sort of catch or restriction I don't know about?

    Still means I can buy a 2nd hand car for half the price or less. I am looking to spend only about 200k and ok with a reliable 5 or 10 year old car at half the 500k price. Am I thinking well here?

    All other info appreciated, as original question (insurance choices recommendations etc)


  8. Can anyone advise me on any tips to buy a 2nd hand car in Pattaya. Looking for one around 200,000 Baht.

    Any tips for model? car only, not pick up etc

    What happens about foreign ownership? I am English. Heard about Yellow book, but know nothing about it or process. Can I own jointly with my Thai girlfriend?

    I will have my UK license and International Driving Permit. Is this enough?

    I return to Thailand each year and so can renew my IDP in England each year. Hence I can think of no reason to need a Thai driving license, but is that correct?

    Best insurance cover and company?

    Any other help or suggestions greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks

  9. Can anyone advise me on any tips to buy a 2nd hand car in Pattaya. Looking for one around 200,000 Baht.

    Any tips for model? car only, not pick up etc

    What happens about foreign ownership? I am English. Heard about Yellow book, but know nothing about it or process. Can I own jointly with my Thai girlfriend?

    I will have my UK license and International Driving Permit. Is this enough?

    I return to Thailand each year and so can renew my IDP in England each year. Hence I can think of no reason to need a Thai driving license, but is that correct?

    Best insurance cover and company?

    Any other help or suggestions greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks

  10. My passport. My account. Nothing to do with paying money to gf at all or to do with Nationwide.

    The copy of my old passport they have expires in 4 months, so had thought it may be a factor, although it should not and I now know it is not an issue.

    Simply, she went to pay money in for me from her account. She was told what I said previously. inexplicable as she just wanted to pay in 1,300 Baht cash.

    Now, she has more information. She was told to go to the branch where I opened my account and they told her that the Bk of Thailand want more details on my account (after 6 years!). They say there were not enough details when account opened and Bk Thailand requesting info. I don't now specifics.

    They did then let her pay in at this branch

    I find it typical of Thailand to cause a problem that stops someone paying in to an open and live account at another branch in this way! Amazing!!

    It does sound like Bk of Thailand are asking questions and this may be the new rule/law that she was told about, but it seems to be a clerical tidy up excersise and nothing of real substance in general......I hope so anyway, asI will find out in 3 weeks time.

    She has told them to wait for me as I return in 3 weeks.

    Sorry for lack of clarity earlier. I was not clear with enough info at the start.

    Not a brick layer, actually a Merchant Banker, so explains why the markets are in such a mess. LOL

  11. Do NOT srtart a business here in Thailand. Must be about a 5 % chance of things going well and making a reasonable profit.

    If the playing field was slanted to the degree it truly is in Thailand, in your home country, you would just laugh at the fools who got biten by the bug and thought it cheap and easy to "have a go" at business or even the professional who doesn't really have a clue in Thailand.

    Beleive me. It is the quickest way to make a small fortune, .........................when starting out with a big(er) one.

  12. "It’s you who obviously having doubts with this relationship".

    Irrespective of all our other issues, I do expect that the core reason is the above. You have doubts about this bar girl...enough doubt to want to play financially safe and secure.

    It is true that were you to succeed in a pre-nup, you would have less concerns and hence possibly work less hard to save it in times of difficulty. Want your cake and eat it too.

    I happen to believe your doubts are well placed with a bar girl and think the real problem is not even the pre-nup, but what is starting to become really self apparent. You chose someone who cannot truly be trusted as a life partner, even by the man who loves her (you) and because of this you want to protect yourself. Also, her reaction and refusal, which is also reasonable on grounds of trust etc, could also unfortunately also be due to all the things you fear happening.

    Face it. In reality this marriage is already over, if you want to be financially safe and secure.

    Why get hung up on marriage now? Why not col down or just have a Thai wedding ceromony and pay a dowry (nothing legal). You are pushing the issue to destruction and maybe you just need to back off and get to know each other better. Time and life will place the answer right in your lap (no pun intended, but what the hel_l anyway - ha ha)

  13. That is of course correct elsie. Well done.

    Judge each as an individual and on their own merit, character and personality by all means, but bear in mind their influences and life experiences and be aware that they cannot help but form an individual's view to life and their priorities, such as, to seek a better life if it presents itself (possibly time and time again).

    So, although it can work out fine and generalisations can be more miss than hit at times, I can honestly say that the majority of bar girls I have come into contact with rather advance my view and steriotype to steer clear of, for a relationship or heaven forbid marriage! In all my time I have never met a prostitute I really trust to be faithfull, monogamous and sincere enough, but I am well aware of the long game or the shorter one to reel in the punter and I am certain of the clear motivation for a better life and $$$'s.

    I happen to think a well brought up professional lady who has never been a prostitute and has a certain level of education or common sense is a much better generalisation to use as a starting point for potential marriage. Sure cultural differences etc leave no guarantees and many marriages fail whether bg's or not.

    There are not any prostitues in my own country I could ever imagine knowingly dating or marrying and not any in Thailand either, even though it feels much more benign, friendly and sincere in Thailand.

    I know Thai BG's are attentive, friendly, smiling and I know they are after your money 90+ times out of 100. For the few success stories there are many more hard luck stories and broken dreams and I know of some of these type too.

  14. "Past being a bg has no relevance here"

    I beg to differ. In the real world, ones background, influences and lifestyle ALWAYS have a relevance.

    If a guy comes out of Prision, they are statistically much more likely to comit a crime (re-offend) than joe public. Of course her life's background and experiences will and do make a certain amount of generalisation a statistical relevance and a wary footnote, even if there are exceptions.

    The OP should know himself how trustworthy and honest she is, but I can only generalise and suspect from previously read, heard and seen real life examples. That's good enough for me to make a general point to others and on my own behalf I would not trust most bg's as far as I could throw them.

    There is a definite additional risk in finding a good, reliable, sincere girl after they have been mixing in this occupation, as far as good marriage material goes.

  15. I suspect that in your heart of hearts you clearly have some doubts as to her motivation or just what the future may bring. That's normal for many mixed culture marriages and also same culture.

    If you can say hand on heart that you have no doubts, then marry without one. However, I think the chances are about 0.000001% that this would be a good idea, especially as you want a pre-nup and have seen her reaction to your request. Thai's do see marriage in a different light. Less Love and more security, good heart, good Father, good provider. A guy who looks to tie the knot with any girl who has been remotely subjected to the lifestyle of a BG, needs to be given a medal if it lasts more than 3 years, and an electrical brain detection scan to do it at all without a pre-nup.

    The warning signs are there and if you're feelings are too strong to walk away, then take whatever financial actions you can to mitigate any future loss. It does not stop you giving 100% to the marriage union, but it simply gives you background peace of mind against all the many horror stories we hear so regularly when foreigners get completely ripped off.

    Thai's play the long and short scam games and BG's play a whole list of versions on a theme. Corruption, deceipt behind a smile and not telling you bad news because you will not like it, is a way of daily life. Providing for the Thai extended family and cultural differences mean that at best only 1/2 succeed and I suspect it's more like 1/4 when an ex bar girl's involved. That's 25% chance of being happy for life and without a pre-nup it's probably 75% chance of being as sick as a pig in a few years time (or less).

    Would you marry a prostitute from and in your own country (and without a pre-nup)?

  16. what's the problem?

    Have a Thai wedding ceromony ONLY. Not legal and important to Thaia's and dowry payment due. No pre-nup needed

    NEVER marry legally without pre-nup as her refusal says a lot about her character and possibly sincerity and not yours.I think you may well regret a legal marriage without one down the road and feel absolutely gutted.

    It's a thai ceromony or tell her to go and find another partner. The future grief and this episode of refusal to haunt your future together, if you don't do a pre-nup, is your warning

  17. I think you would both enjoy life for the first 6 to 18 months. Then a lack of options caused by your financial situation and boredom would make you regret your choice.

    I am back from 8 months in Thailand. I own a Condo to reduce costs, whereas you would need to pay rent and live basically like paupers. Costs (planned and unexpected) really do mount up.

    Your funds are ridiculous to expect to plan a safe and secure retirement or even to just get by in 5 years time or more.

    Your best bet would indeed be that you both died about 5 years after you arrived, to save yourselves from real hardship, pain and acute boredom after the honeymoon period due to a lack of options.

    Can you imagine what life is like not being able to do things, including to work. Inflation and likely exchange rate movement against the $ will crucify you well within 7 years and after the honeymoon period it will already be like a jail with so much time to fill without the resources (money) to enjoy even 1 carefree minute of it!

    Sorry, but in my opinion you cannot ignore the lack of provision and the financial facts. You will probably return to the US after a failed gamble.

    When you get to the tipping point of funds needed against life expectancy, only then is it worth the gamble, and it's still a gamble as your final days may result in being repatriated back to the US with nothing left and living in a state run home for the elderly, waiting and hoping to die or banking on your children's charity.

  18. Dr Mongkol is my best.

    Dr Oliver is fine, but I think he over charges a bit. For some cream and a bandage for a motor bike burn it was 500 Baht. After I got the cream and Bandage for myself lasting 3+ days and self administered. Total cost was 160 Baht and for 3 days+. Compares to 1,500 Baht if I had got Dr Oliver's nurse to do the same for 3 days!!!!!! That's a BIG percentage above what I would expect to pay extra, if it is a typical example.

    I have not been back as it was only 150 Baht at Memorial Hospital. Jesus!!!

  19. i wouldn't retire there. I would expect to return to UK once a year for a break and to see family and friends and other paperwork etc requirements and enjoy 1, 2 or 3 months here of our summer (hopefully). Then you just get a non immigrant O visa for the next 9 months+ in Thailand. Do 2+ border runs each 3 months as a holiday or a one day visa run before the next years eagerly awaited short trip home. Then retire there once you really KNOW it's ALL right for you both for the rest of your lives. I expect for many it turns a bit sour after years and il health probably forces many back here with little money left. You can only bring back 50,000 Baht each trip without tor tor 3 etc. There are many reasons NOT to commit to LOS (Land of Smiles)

    If you do expect to return to UK, then...........No money kept in Thailand. No risk to your capital. No requirements other than visa run after 3 months.

    Test to see what life is like first before jumping in and sending funds to Thailand.

    Personally, after seeing through some of the smiles and becoming aware of the foreigners lot, I have the oppinion that Thailand is great for a holiday of what ever length (cheap, weather, girls etc) , but without financial commitment and without burning bridges.

    Use a Nationwide flex card to withdraw funds

    Golden rule = Don't take more into Thailand than you can afford to walk away from.

  20. thanks guys,

    I've booked Mr T, although Toom sounds great.

    Mr T is now 900 Baht including tolls and I asked for a new car.

    Fingers crossed and thanks to all.

    If Mr T fails for any reason to turn up, does Toom have a phone number to call last minute??

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