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Posts posted by twix38

  1. EDIT

    Actuaqlly I seem to have my symptoms starting back again, so I am going to recommence my Omeprazole at 1 a day for 2 or 3 weeks.

    What's the best course of action, as I would rather wait until back in UK for any mre Hospital stuff and I was very comfortable this last week with how my throat was feeling??

    Thanks in advance

  2. fbn,

    short on time right now so just a quickly

    You mention that I did not give my medication enough time to fully heal and lump feeling may return and then if I do choice 1

    I took Omeprazole for about 3 weeks and Xanax for about 1 week. The Xanax was prescribed by Bumrungrad and as I understand it is for anxiety and so has absolutely no relevance on healing the underlying damage. Therefore, if my symptoms return, I need to take Omeprazole for how long to give my throat time to heal properly under choice 1, having done it for 3 weeks before and understanding that 1 month is the maximum time to take Omeprazole?

    On my experience so far, I think I am inclined to wait for choice 2 until I get back to England, as my symptoms are now gone and can be controlled it would appear, if they return. Not had the best feeling of service, treatment or explaination so far here in Thailand from Bumrungrad.

    Sheryl, thanks again. I hope it lasts and did have time to heal sufficiently, but time will tell and I hope to remedy if it does come back by restarting Omeprazole. Very strange coincidence that my symptoms went only on stopping my medication. Must be coincidence I guess.

  3. Received a reply from my Doctor at Bumrungrad, as below...

    "Dear Mr. Martin Richard Wickham,

    According to your previous message to us, please see our doctor’s reply below;

    I did not see anything wrong in your throat. Base of your history that you ever did barium swallow before seeing me.

    I believe you have no tumor on your throat."

    Is that what medical records look like?? (as I had asked for them).

    What about my original email question of..."I would also like to know if he saw any redness or inflammation consistent with gastric reflux?"

    Anyway, for the simple reason that I do feel better after stopping all medication prescribed, I am going to leave it there unless anyone thinks better of that decision?

  4. Hello,

    I went to a few bookshops today to buy Alan Greenspan's "The age of Turbulance", to find they did not have it and could only try to order from abroad.

    It occured to me that someone in Pattaya may either have it or know a second hand bookshop/shop where it is available?

    Is there a library (or equivalent) here which may own a copy?

    Also, if anyone has it, I would be happy to collect it whenever available and/or buy it or even rent it for 2 or 3 weeks.


  5. I went into the same office a while back to ask a general question.

    Guy not interested to help, presumably as no money in it and was somewhat discourteous.

    I asked why prior to a recent change (the extension period on Non Imm O had been reduced from 1 month to 1 week, from memory). so, prior to this, why did they never advise customers of this as at least another short term option. It was also not mentioned in their literature or the flow chart they print in newspapers. No, they left customers ignorant that on the decision of immigration and payment a further month extension could have likely been obtained (now it is indeed only a week) rather than jumping straight to the more lucrative next period 3 month visa run and payments.

    It was a lack of information that was relevant to some people' s circumstances and of real potential benefit too.

    We got a settlement visa independently and you do not need to use them or pay their fees.

  6. The problems you report of acid/bile/food reflux esp when bending down are typical of both GERD and hiatus hernia (hiatus hernia itself can cause GERD).

    Good luck!


    Thanks for detox info. I will take a look

    Does the GERD (whether resulting from my Hiatus Hernia or not), have anything to do with the feeling of a lump in my throat and my difficulty in swallowing food down?? If so how? and why have these 2 symptoms largely now dissapeared?

  7. I have elevated my bed, so my head is about 6 inches hiher now.

    I'll cut down on chocolate, maybe cut it out later. Not sure I can just stop and lump in throat feeling gone now without cutting down.

    No, I was not getting Zantac and Xanax confused. The Doctor at Bumrungrad said it was Globus and prescribed Xanax. I later found it was mainly for anxiety.

    I have stopped all medication now anyway (Xanax and Omeprazole).

    I would look at Zantac rather than Omeprazole, if I need to resume any medication in future.

    Another day and still no return of the "Lump in throat" feeling, on swallowing, so fingers crossed.

  8. Tammi,

    Your experience sounds rather exceptional I would hope, but must be a relief after that experience.

    Thanks, I will perhaps phone Marcia, but right now I am becoming more convinced that it is/was a Globus and maybe my sleep was actually made worse by my medication.

    It's difficult to know for sure as my lump in the throat feeling has all but gone, but the swallowing action is still sometimes rather deliberate and very slightly forced. I can live with this as it is right now without any issues, but I know even before I had god days and not so good days.


    That is correct. Actually, the feeling was bothering me more during the daytime until my 2 recent bad nights (since then I have stopped my medication, gargled with Salt water and feel better). Whilst I do not throw up food, I do occasionally have a reflux episode that brings up acid/bile/and a little food and do need to be especially carefull of bending over or down, after meals.

    Do you have details of your fasting/detox program. I mean just the bare bones or website, that I may like to try and benefit from? I generally only drink alcohol and Tea very moderately anyway and don't drink Coffee at all. I stopped drinking coffee many years ago, when even then, I had a blocked throat and after a holiday where I drank no Coffee at all and my throat was clear I stopped. Wish I could do the same with Chocolate. ;-)

    I am back to only antacids (Pepsid 2) myself now, just as and when/if needed and as I type Globus free.

    Thanks all

  9. Tammy,

    feeling a bit better thanks.

    I have stopped all medication and just been gargling nightly with salt water.

    I feel little different, but possibly and surprisingly just a little bit better. Too early to tell if it is real and it may of course be my medication working still. I have stopped it for now as it has to stop in about 1 week anyway. I can always resume for a while, if it gets worse again.

    Your summary is correct and no pain or dizziness anywhere or any other symptoms you mention.

    Night time symptoms were worse sleep pattern and on waking a slightly worse feeling of lump in throat when swallowing. As not improved, hence I stopped all medication for now. Stopping Xanax, as it may have effected my sleep pattern and Omeprazole as I only had about 1 week left until I needed to stop anyway and I wanted to see how I felt unmedicated, being as I was actually feeling a little worse.

    No reply from Bumrungrad, so I will resend my email

  10. Tammi,

    Thanks. Couple of points

    Yes, I do have my tonsils and looking at them they are completely normal. My lump feeling is not in my mouth as such, but further down nearer the bottom of my neck, so I assume this excludes anything to do with Tonsils?? I would certainly assume so.

    No bad breath smell either thankfully ;-) No ear pain and no sore throat or bad taste. Well worth mentioning and I am having a look and going to gargle with some salt water, just for the hel_l of it.

    Actually, when I previously had my tonsilloliths (never knew the word) I had it rarely, but always in the same place and it was at the back of my mouth upper right hand side, but not on and not extremely close to my tonsils.

  11. zzdocxx,

    The symptoms are about the same since taking Xanax and after 1 week, I have decided to stop taking them from today. If anything my nightime symptoms are slightly worse these last 2 nights and when I wake up it takes a few minutes swallowing, clearing my throat and water to feel better.

    I would characterise my symptoms as not feeling urgent, but a persistent feeling that my swallowing process is a bit forced and no longer completely natural and at times either a feeling of food getting stuck and needing to be washed down or a small lump which does not swallow down even after 2,3 or 4 swallows.

    For example, in the past I have had white deposits at the back of my throat, only very very occasionally, which I think is a Calcium deposit and it is common to just knock it out and away. They are hard. Well, the feeling much lower in my throat could be the feeling I imagine I would have if I had a white Calcium deposit at that place, stuck in my throat. However I am certain this is not the case, but the feeling is something similar that will not swallow down. I also have a blocked throat, which needs clearing more than usual. Maybe due to my asthma, though, as I think my Asthma as well as my Hiatus Hernia is linked into this issue.

    I didn't really notice any symptoms or changes at all, that I could ascribe to Xanax, unless my last 2 worse night's - throat wise - has anything to do with it. My dosage is rather low at 0.25mg

    Prior to starting Oemprazole about 2 weeks ago, I used to use Pepsid 2 just as and when needed. I will revert to that after stopping my Oemprazole.

    I am about 76kg and 171 cm, I think (or in old money about 13 stone and 5 foot 8 inches)

  12. A copy of my email to Bumrungrad


    I attended my appointment (as shown below) and saw Dr Khemchart on 16th October.

    I told Dr Khemchart that I had been taking Oemprazole for 2 weeks and have a Hiatus Hernia.

    After the Doctor performed a visualisation of my Epiglottis and Larynx, by a tube down my nose, I was told that my diagnosis was "Globus" and Dr Khemchart prescribed Xanax, which I have been taking for 1 week now.

    I understand that the Doctor's diagnosis is that he believes I do not have any foreign body or lump in my throat and I have since found out that Xanax is for anxiety. I do not feel anxious and I have had the feeling of swallowing problems and food being stuck in my throat for over a year, although it has been worse these last 2 months.

    I would like to request you to send me a copy of my medical record, which will tell me what the doctor observed during his visualisation?

    I need to have confirmed that there is no tumor or other mass in my throat or esophagus, or scarring/narrowing of my esophagus and that he did not see anything of concern?

    I would also like to know if he saw any redness or inflammation consistent with gastric reflux?

    Thank you very much"


    I also told the doctor at the time about my Barium Swallow, done in UK, being fine and the whistling sound occasionally on breathing, but left it out in my above email.

  13. thanks all,

    Sheryl, I have asked Bumrungrad to provide my medical records and I will let you know how I get on. Thanks

    Tammi, the whistling noise comes and goes and may well be due to my Asthma, as I had accepted it as a wheeze come whistle sound present on occassions, such as physical exersion or a cold etc, but my Doctor in the UK made an issue of it on my last visit, just before flying out here to Thailand and it then had me even more concerned. I told Dr Khenchart and assuming he knows something of his art, he didn't seem particularly bothered and I suspect he took everything from his examination rather than my statements.

    To think I am only 46, at this rate i'll be doing myself a favour not to have to suffer into old age ;-)

    So, I will come off the Xanax after giving it another few days (it's a low dose, I believe, at 0.25mg) and I expect I need to stop my Oemprazole in about 2 weeks time??, after a total of a month. What then, just left with lifestyle modifications and ad-hoc medications to decrease stomach acid as necesary??

    I do have to repeat that I wish I had had time to sort this out in the UK. I felt like I was being a pest asking questions as he was busy and he told me I was okay. You have Globus, no problem, take this medicine.

    I would have got to the bottom of it and importantly known what was going on, what it meant, what any other options/tests were, next steps, complete diagnosis etc etc so much easier and clearer back home.

    This BB and the internet has been a great help on those issues above.

  14. back from Bumrungrad Hospital visit.

    Saw Dr Khemchart. Rather had the feeling he wanted me in and out as fast as possible, but also felt he did enough to be worthwhile.

    Told him my symptoms and medication (Oemprazole at 1 a day 20mg and food gets stuck in my throat and have to wash it down frequently and uncomfortable. Have Hiatus Hernia and Asthma. Don't have swallowing symptoms always, but often and much more recently. Had Barium Swallow in Uk and result was ok).

    I also asked him to visualise my Larynx and farynx, thanks to advice here or I never would have asked. For a minute I thought he was going to sit there meditiate and visualise, but luckily next......

    He asked me to sit on a chair behind him and sprayed both nostrils and the back of my throat. He told me he would look down my throat, so I opened my mouth and he told me to shut it. Charming

    He then passed the tube down my nostril and eventually I helped to swallow it down. This was on the 3rd attempt as disconcertingly he had to remove it out of my nostril 2 times and clean the lens, so it was 3rd time lucky, as the nurse rubbed my arm to comfort me. This was surprisingly good at taking my mind of the discomfort.

    Now a question. there was no picture on a screen. He just looked down one end of the tube and the other end, with a light on it, was down my throat, so this was not, I presume a Gastroscopy or anything more than just a look down a tube with a light on the end?? Can this test diagnose any narrowing of my lower esophagus/Esophageal narrowing (stricture) or Achalasia etc?

    After this the Doctor said a word which I now know to be globus and prescribed me a months worth of Xanax and a total cost of 1,620 Baht and that was it. the end of my 20 minute appointment and no need to return.

    Three points

    1. the cost (and the testing) were both lower/less than pressumed.

    2. I still have some very mild discomfort swallowing. The Oemprazole has indeed helped over the past 10 days or so, before my doctor visit.

    3. My diagnosis is explained below (looked up by me on the internet, as I had no idea what the word meant). I don't really agree with it, but I guess it could be right, so I am taking the pills, which are for anxiety, although I don't feel anxious, have not worked for the last few months and simply felt my food got stuck in my throat and first noticed it nearly 1 year ago and ever since on occasions, getting rather worse recently. Could he have missed something or not checked something. I plan to just wait and see how I feel.

    oh well, I may just report the problem has vanished on my 2 medications (Oemprazole and Xanax), so never say never.

    Thanks for all the help offered here. Really appreciate it.

    Lump in your throat (globus). Some people feel the sensation of a foreign body or lump in their throats when, in reality, no foreign body or lump exists. Stress or excitement may worsen this sensation. Oftentimes, resolving the stress alleviates the problem. Actual difficulty swallowing usually isn't present.

  15. Jonzboy,

    Thanks for info

    I am taking Omeprazole. Can I assume this is exactly the same as your quoted esomeprazole?

    I take 1 a day (20mg) prescribed by my UK Doctor. I am now in Thailand.

    I read somewhere that Omeprazole should only be taken for a short period (2 weeks) and perhaps a maximum of 4 weeks. Is this right? Why is this?

    I go to Bumrungrad hospital for a check up with Dr Khemchart this Tuesday morning.

    Are your symptoms of food getting stuck all history now or how often do you have to resort back to Omeprazole and for how long, please?

    I read somewhere that the damage to the throat from the acid reflux would ordinarily make the Oesophagus a complete mess, but special cells called Barrett cells help to repair. The fact that these Barrett cells divide MUCH quicker than ordinary cells is one (main) reason for the increased risk of cancer as it allows for mistakes in the copied DNA over a relative shorter time period than would otherwise be the case.

    Many thanks

  16. got Bumrungrad's Gastroscopy costs as outpatient at between 14,000 to 17,000 Baht

    Compares to Phyathai, Sriracha at 15,000

    Decided to book with Dr Khemchart at Bumrungrad, as little appreciable difference cost wise and Dr Khemchart recommended here. I do have confidence in Phyathai, but a visit to BKK is good.

    Booked on their website yesterday for app't next Tuesday and awaiting reply. Will phone if not heard on Thursday

    Will keep progress up to date here

  17. well i'm relaxed too

    had my share of frustration 9 months ago going from pillar to post to find a can of comressed air in Pattaya - hence the very reason for this posting no doubt.

    I clearly thought it was for a PC's keyboard and had it been so, it was rather a waste of time etc, as stated. If for computer, keyboard, Laptop, then fair play.

    Good luck

  18. Sheryl (or anyone able),

    Thanks I am looking seriously at booking my appointment at the Phyathai, Sriracha to see Dr. Somsak Sawetratanastein.

    Do you have any recommendations or advice regarding this decision, by that I mean the Doctor mainly and the Hospital secondly - just as advised to do :-).

    I plan to book an appointment later this week


  19. My Doctor in UK was going to refer me and expected wait was around 1 month on NHS. That would have been fine and cost, of course, zero to me on the NHS.

    I would have prefered that frankly to sorting it out here in light of the Hospital's email responses to date and the uncertainty that I would not have felt I needed to look into back home.

    Unfortunately I had already cancelled my flight once and rebooked it and felt I did not want to cancel again to stay to wait for treatment, but on balance I now think it would have been easier and as free, also much more financially sensible than the cost being suggested in Thailand so far for an acceptable standard.

    Question 1.

    I realise Omeprazole should only be taken for a limited time, up to about 4 weeks. What I don't understand, as another poster here had worse symptoms than me, is what happens when I stop taking these tablets. Do I just go back to the same problem getting worse?

    As for Bronchoscopy or Gastroscopy. It certainly sounds like my first email response from Bumrungrad falls below a high standard, as I clearly detailed my swallowing symptoms to them and I would agree that it most likely clearly has nothing to do with the lungs and airways. I have emailed asking for the cost of a Gastroscopy.

    Meanwhile I will await responses for a day or 2 as my Omeprazole seems to be making my life normal again and I plan to chase up by phone midweek if not heard again from Phyathai and Bumrungrad, to book an appointment to see Doctor for next week.

    Question 2.

    Is there a chance that my Omeprazole tablets that are alleviating my problem could mask it when I see a Doctor??

    Thanks to all

  20. looking like Bumrungrad, although a bit expensive from what I had previously been given to expect.

    They replied to my email stating:

    "Due to limited information, we can provide on the the cost of possible procedure. If Bronchoscopy is suggested by our doctor, the cost is ranged from 35,000-65,000 Baht** (outpatient basis)"

    I had told them the details of my swallowing problems and hoped for rather less cost, going on previous posts here. Assuming I need this as I am not sure? The mere term Broncho, seems to infer lungs etc and my problem is only as far as my Throat/oesophagus/larynx/farynx area, as far as I know. Surely my swallowing problem does not get into the realms of lungs or is Bronchoscopy just a technical term for a look down my throat??

    The Phyathai Hospital are to reply tomorrow, although the initial email received from Phyathai 2 Hospital in Bangkok has been forwarded to the Phyathai Sriracha hospital, presumably as I mentioned I am living near Pattaya. However, on their website it states clearly that Phyathai 2 is their ENT designated Hospital and I would rather go to the best rather than be directed to the nearest, if it does turn out to be the main reason for the selection of Phyathai at Sriracha.

    All in all, looking like spending up to 65,000 Baht plus medication and sundry charges no doubt at Bumrungrad, but I am going to find out a little more from these 2 Hospitals in the next day or so before I book in for next week.

    I am now starting to think I would have been better just delaying my flight and getting it done on the NHS. Treatment would have been acceptable to me without feeling that I needed to ensure the standards and Doctor first and costs zero.

    Maybe tomorrow I will feel better.

  21. Arrived in Thailand now, so I will tak a couple of days to acclimatise and then decide where I am off to.

    I had emailed all 3 Thai hospitals from UK and only so far had a "we will respond shortly" email from Phyathia and nothing from the 2 in BKK.

    It is going to be either Phyathai if the ENT and Doctor are good enough * or otherwise the Bumrungrad doctor recommended here.

    * As Sheryl rightly says it's the Doctor and not the Hospital, does anyone have any knowledge of a good ENT Doctor and ENT set up at Sriracha?

    Pretty clear to me after all the helpfull advice that it's Bumrungrad unless I find out that the nearer hospital (Phyathai) has what is required to the level required. Right now I don't know, but perhaps when Phyathai reply to my email I will have a little more to go on.

    Thanks to eveybody for some great help and advice

  22. i tried to find compressed air a while back and gave up when I rrealised the cost of a new keyboard

    nice if there are some air cans easily found, as mentioned, but ###### difficult to find.

    at 300 baht (less or more) for a new keyboard it is not worth it for just this item as has been discussed. Use keyboard for years and clean normally, then buy a new one, or do you want to chase around for the sake of spending an extra 100 or 200 baht and getting a brand new one. In Pounds that's a lot of leg work for around a GBP 2.50 extra, probably spent in travel costs and frustration anyway.

    Think some people have too much time on their hands or budget is sooooo tight maybe

  23. The Expat,

    Thanks very much.

    Do you have any details on that medicine as a google search does not return much of note (even for peptazole) and your symptoms sound worse than mine.

    Did you not have any other corrective action and the symptoms dissapeared just from taking this medication?



    SURE, not meant to be ungratefull at all.

    Simply someone may very well know already that the ENT dept is not in Sriracha for instance or is not specialised enough and stop me hiring a car/taxi or taking the best part of a day by bus to go there and back, when there may not be any real point. Your needs were for a different medical area, but I really appreciate you having pointed out this Hospital to me and want to find out a little more one way or another. I have emailed the hospital direct to ask.

    There's no harm in getting more info if others have personal experiences, valuable knowledge or even the same problem as me that was treated at the Phyathai, especially when the hospital's own website states that ENT is in Bangkok and it is the ENT Dept that I specifically need.

    Clearly without your post I would not even be considering the Phyathai hospital, so thanks again for that.


    Why don't you just try go for a visit for your throat at the ENT in Phyathai and see what their diagnosis is? And if you don't feel secure at all, head straight to Bumrungrad. Anyway a doctor's visit will not cost a lot unless you start having operation, or having treatments done.

    Or if you're really not assured, just pay more and go to Bumrungrad then.

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