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Everything posted by Seeall

  1. we all pay sooner or later.. its female DNA.. all my life I only met 2 girls then married down financially.. and I doubt they are still together... I keep calling shakira, but for some reason she wont call back...
  2. yes another good point.... dying oneself... so what... but loved ones mourniong, missing and your affairs left behind to sort out... not nice... if you love them clean up your <deleted> Makes me think about wills here in TH .. after you have gone you cant come back to fix things up if its not correct.... a dilema... I guess best is complete POA to someone...
  3. In Thailand and other asian countries the dynamics are different. A book cold be written on this but here are the headlines. 1/ If you let them live in then your options for other girls are limited (Providing you have a decent place to entertain like swim in the nude helps. Not a <deleted>ty smelly apartment.) 2/ If you dont have a live in then its a lot of work cleaning a place thats larger, and to clean up ready for a new guest its a lot of work with the hairs they find.. A larger place can be good as you state many friends stay over and other people, but that does not explain your bedroom/bed/ensuite with different hairs in it. 3/ Do you really want a life partner? Or want to try? many spend years married or with such an idea to just loose decades off their lifespan.. fine if you have a great time but usually its a struggle with goals together (and a Thais family needs) 4/ Having lady friends seems to be the best balance of the manly doggy needs and light relationships. Find out what day they have off before asking their names... Not that its my thing but I see the "pay for them to leave" is the easiest... and some of the pay up front types can be similar to regular girls here (as opposed to the hardcore pros in the west) so there is another road... All women are a pain in the but, admit it... they want the well off nice sweet guy that they get bored with shaggin every day (month) and wonder what it would be like with Naughty Nik ... actually I read recently that women lust for another shag quicker than men do.. wow, go figure... but of course a womens priority is financial latch on.. it is such a huge topic.. probebly just under "why are we here"
  4. 1+1 = 11 right.. go back to school
  5. they sent snail mail to me overseas for recivery of AUD $ 2 .... my US friend thought it was most amusing....
  6. The old saying I have never had a problem is obsolete. Best to invest in a full year statements... keep the earlier 6 months hidden untill asked is an idea, shows up Humty dumpty into that he has his silly go... Humty admits they are told to find problems, lucky they are so clever...
  7. not 50%!!! simple: never below 400k...
  8. No I feel theres nothing worth living for....
  9. simple, the weather here is minimally change compared to other parts of the world..... which is changing....
  10. Its simple, everything = THB .... nothing gets done unless someone pays and how much is in it for me.... doing ones job, morals, saving the envirorment is for losers...
  11. many think they found the right partner just to waist their lives making compromises, thats fine if shakira spends on me but she wont return my calls....
  12. as the news says, no need when have underage relatives available for molestation
  13. worse than that, we had 5 years of using from an apartment block (at double) as did the street and the PEA came around many times, blah blah blah for 2 hours = nothing, obvious what was going on until we met the right person, then the whole street had PEA meters withing 2 weeks or so...
  14. a few years ago it came out that it was illegal to charge more than the goverment.. yes I know, all the theives still do it..
  15. its mostly new people that constantly compare , like tourists..
  16. but you earn 20 x more there..... here nothing...
  17. So cancel the us navy donating and helping schools an all the other things.. And fine them
  18. no doubt some funds are going to a charity and thus your idea is not condidered
  19. Most likely they will have your assets in swing before you can don a raincoat....
  20. We have shopped with Lazada for nearly a decade.... indeed, when a seller wants to get out of anything, they can make up all types of excuses and Lazada will follow that... they try different things hopeing you dont have like a video of you packing it and this and that... one onem is from Nov 2022 and still ongoing with them asking for this and that and everything.. and its no point saying what as they just come up with another excuse, changing all the time... including you have the items when they picked them up... so I see they hope to wear you down, in fact if it wasnt for the fact I am always online they would win.... well win this and that but overall huge loss in the millions as I tell all... not to mention all our purchaces as we have many properties...
  21. From what i understabd.. A thai licence alone is fine... However.. For 500 thb i woild not argue with a country aus cop
  22. lol.. they dont even take a phone call eriously and want me to visit .. I seen them before.. dont want look at them.. TIT
  23. after the honymoon period 3 times a week does me...
  24. and chance you could specify where please?
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