In Thailand and other asian countries the dynamics are different. A book cold be written on this but here are the headlines.
1/ If you let them live in then your options for other girls are limited (Providing you have a decent place to entertain like swim in the nude helps. Not a <deleted>ty smelly apartment.)
2/ If you dont have a live in then its a lot of work cleaning a place thats larger, and to clean up ready for a new guest its a lot of work with the hairs they find.. A larger place can be good as you state many friends stay over and other people, but that does not explain your bedroom/bed/ensuite with different hairs in it.
3/ Do you really want a life partner? Or want to try? many spend years married or with such an idea to just loose decades off their lifespan.. fine if you have a great time but usually its a struggle with goals together (and a Thais family needs)
4/ Having lady friends seems to be the best balance of the manly doggy needs and light relationships. Find out what day they have off before asking their names...
Not that its my thing but I see the "pay for them to leave" is the easiest... and some of the pay up front types can be similar to regular girls here (as opposed to the hardcore pros in the west) so there is another road...
All women are a pain in the but, admit it... they want the well off nice sweet guy that they get bored with shaggin every day (month) and wonder what it would be like with Naughty Nik ... actually I read recently that women lust for another shag quicker than men do.. wow, go figure... but of course a womens priority is financial latch on..
it is such a huge topic.. probebly just under "why are we here"