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Everything posted by Expat68

  1. Unless the rules have changed from when I was Power of Attorney to a Thai lady whose British husband had died, I obtained the bereavement due to her, also and she still gets monthly from his old private pension
  2. If she had a NI number and had lived/worked in the UK does not matter
  3. If she was officially registered and has a NI number, then yes
  4. Your state pension is only your spouse and that now is only a one off payment (bereavement) about £2,000 to £2,500, forget figure
  5. Apologize for leap frogging on this post. Two part question. 1) Is the Bells service running from Don Muang to Pattaya still running. 2) If the answer is no, where do you catch the normal bus to Suvarnabhumi at Don Muang
  6. I carry my health insurance card around with me at all times, along with blood group and allergies
  7. Why would you want more than 900/900 upload and download?
  8. Have you tried HSBC? Before I moved to Thailand I opened an account with them, never had any problems
  9. A few years ago my next door neighbours tyre burst, whilst parked (reason not sure over inflated, parked in sun) it was just like a shotgun going off everyone came out of their houses to see what had happened
  10. Have I got this wrong but is their another type of card you pay for goods?
  11. Sorry if misunderstood. I was a printer, only read books in my childhood, now I have retired to Thailand love reading books
  12. I thought the rain season would have finished in Pattaya. Is this later than normal?
  13. Don't know, have not been back for 12 years, he just told me about our boozer
  14. I worked in books/magazines most of my life, never read any (childhood accepted) living in Thailand love reading, there are some fantastic second hand book shops here, before anyone says anything, give me a book over kindle anytime
  15. Rainy season long gone in Loei province, 4 weeks of foggy mornings, afternoons wall to wall sunshine
  16. My mate in UK (62 year old) has to pay for his beer cashless with his card
  17. Unfortunately this is the way the world is going, us oldies but goldies just have to accept it
  18. Kavin Buri is not bad, not too close to main bars
  19. One time it took seconds, normally four days for me
  20. Book early for me, always have, a good guide, peak season hotels 30% more expensive
  21. A village wedding would make all people happy (not binding) family/relatves
  22. Been fantastic weather in Loei province for the last two weeks, 16° C nights, foggy mornings, cloudless skys 30°C daytime
  23. Anybody any idea what time roughly the total eclipse will be In Thailand
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