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Everything posted by Expat68

  1. Gambling sites outside of Thailand block you once they know you live in Thailand. So obviously illegal
  2. Majority of farmers live in the North/North East. Poorer people also, which means less educated. I pay for rubbish collection, they never come past my home and I presume many others in my city
  3. Need to do something ???????? but promises every year
  4. Definitely not long haired or any dog of high maintenance (I speak has a ex dog groomer) I personally would go for short haired medium sized Thai dog
  5. I opened a online account at my branch in the UK before I came to Thailand. Anyone living in Thailand opening an account, even if it is online has to telephone their operation
  6. On my HSBC account, I believe it is for expats, I get 0% interest on this account, only last week I enquired if I could run another account (online banking) with interest alongside this account, they said yes but to open I have to ring the bank (not allowed to open on line) with me being not resident in the UK
  7. Change to HSBC Bank. I opened an account when I moved to Thailand, never had any issues
  8. Villa Market
  9. I never have worried about this. My personal advice would be just do the things that you enjoy doing, that way you will meet friends of the same interest
  10. Hope they are ok. I have never been to Krabi but it seems strange I have never heard of soi dogs attacking people (aggressive yes) other than when they are with their owner. Reminds me when I was on Koh Jum 18 months ago I was on my own at 20-00 pm walking back from a beach bar, in the distance I saw four dogs approaching (s--- was my reaction) when they got 10 meters from me they dropped to the ground, total silence, when I had passed they carried on. Next morning I asked at the hotel, answer they eat dogs down there
  11. Maybe you are getting confused with Pattaya, Phuket (tourist areas) and normal Thai towns and Villages, even the ladies who work in tourist areas of Thailand dress down when they go home to see their families
  12. Dr. Somsanguan Ausayakhum Hospital: Sriphat Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine, 110/392 Inthawarorot Rd., Chiang Mai
  13. Before I moved to Thailand from the UK some years ago, I opened an HSBC account, never had any issues or problems
  14. We live in a very quiet soi (goes around in a circle) only 2 km from center of town, all soi dogs, we just happened to adopt them, they eat mostly dog biscuits, sometimes leftovers, they run free but never go further than 100 meters from our house(s) great guard dogs, if they start to bark in the middle of the night you know someone/thing is outside, you can tell by the tone of the bark whether it is human, another dog or snake
  15. I have been to 3 funerals in Thailand, none have been jovial affairs, in fact I have just come back from one today and the widow and immediate family were pretty upset
  16. I have been to three funerals in Thailand, non were what I would call jovial affairs, in fact I have just arrived home from one and the widow and family were pretty upset
  17. One year ago I had both eyes done in Chiang Mai at a private hospital. 45,000 baht each eye (everything included, only have to wait one hour before being allowed home) you have to wait a minimum of one week between each eye. The doctor was really honest with me, she said I could get it cheaper elsewhere but the quality of the lenses are not all the same. Post op, for 24 hours you have to wear a patch over your eye, after this, wear a shield at night time for one month. Sunglasses recommended in daytime (in fact she said everyone living in Thailand should wear sunglasses) Hope this helps
  18. No (it would cost me a fortune) but I trust what my wife says, even if she dies before me they can't kick me out of the house, it was like a ceremony that took place
  19. I went to the Tessabarn with my wife regarding our house and had an agreement signed by the head of the Tessabarn. There must be 150 pages of A4 pages, I had to speak a little Thai to the said person, if anything happens to my wife nobody can kick me out
  20. Can you obtain information from immigration website what is exactly required to present to immigration for marriage extension? I have heard you need photos of the house and a map of where the house is
  21. Yes to both questions, see my answers to Dr. Jack
  22. Valid non O-A Currently in Thailand Non O-A runs out first week in May Has a return flight booked end of April Has 800,000 in Thai bank from 13th February
  23. I was talking/trying to answer/help a guy about his marriage visa. He said he could not get the normal visa (800,000) because he obtained his OA from his own country and in Thai they had written taking care of his wife? I have no experience of the marriage visa, if anybody knows exactly what is required would appreciate it. Apologies for me butting in on someone else's thread
  24. I am not sure where they arrive at these fees? I had a operation in the most expensive hospital in Bangkok, stayed 6 days in a luxurious private room, all medicines, doctor visits and it did not come to one eighth of that bill
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