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Everything posted by Expat68

  1. All this for 44 baht. Christ get a life!! What if it was in a bar in Patong with a young lady next to you, would you be arguing about the same money? I do not think so
  2. I live in a small city in North Eastern Issaan and I have many Thai friends. That is where I get my information from. There will be far more protesters this time
  3. Not only paid protesters. They will come in droves from Issaan
  4. I would not count on the bhat going down
  5. I had TURP done in Bangkok about 3 years ago. I have an enlarged prostate, doctor who did the op said one of the largest he had ever seen (I am only 160 cm) They found a number of stones in my prostate. If you would like to see the amount they took out, I can send attachment. Not made any difference to PSA, probably get up one time in night, sometimes none
  6. I cook 90% of my food, I love cooking and eating. Thai food is supposed to be healthy but you do not know the amount of MSG they use
  7. Having visited/lived in Loei for the past 25 years I would have to say no. Loei is famous for its mountains Phukradeung, Phuluang, Phu Rua. The park is quite nice to walk around in the centre with water around it. The nightlife is quiet, if you wanted to meet up with local expats Friday nights are the best time, Kebab Plus is where you are likely to bump into them, just so has not to upset anyone there is also the Saloon Pub (there are other Thai bars on the same soi)
  8. I only use messenger, no problems yesterday
  9. Ask her straight out that you know she has been lying, better than going to the village, you will soon know, she will probably breakdown in tears or get very angry, either way you will know
  10. My girlfriend is not interested in showing me off to her family/her friends. We do not double date keep ourselves to ourselves
  11. I heard this from a husband of a relative of my wife
  12. Correct. The people in my city in Issaan would be coming down in droves, far more people than last time
  13. I am sure chinchock would sort them out but they are also messy
  14. You could be right, I have a Thai friend whose husband goes from one extreme to the next
  15. Not absolutely certain but I do not think UK NHS would turn you away, I know quite a few have been treated for serious illnesses
  16. Disagree with several million baht. I had a operation in the most expensive hospital in Bangkok, stayed 4 days in my own private room, everything covered and it only came to 400,000 baht
  17. My wife and several Thai friends think the same way as your wife.
  18. Similar to UK. For me Doctors/Nurses and anyone connected should be top of the list for pay/conditions along with Fire service and Police
  19. Not sure where you aim to start and finish. A good route would be: Udon Thani - Nong Kai - Chiang Khan (follow the Mekhong) - Tha Li - Loei - Wangaphun - Phukradeung - Petchabun - Khon Kaen Plenty of villages en route
  20. No. Mine is per normal. Have you received/sent a life certificate form recently
  21. Concur with places mentioned in Vietnam, well worth a visit
  22. Many doctors have their own private practice also. No complaints from me
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