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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. No, you managed to avoid engaging in gaslighting and ad hominem, choosing rather to go with baseless assumptions and assigning your own fabricating views to others.
  2. More fear mongering from the UK’s failing PM. Stop hiding Rishi, call the election.
  3. What? Read my post you were trying to make a smart reply to again, see if you can spot what it is you didn’t understand before you hit send.
  4. So there goes the MAGA argument that the left control the news media. Thanks for posting.
  5. Because like Trump works within the judicial system? Or have daily appearances in court confused you on the matter?
  6. Why is anyone surprised that the people who want guns in schools support allowing disease in too?!
  7. No, Trump deflecting from his other troubles. And you deflecting from Trump.
  8. Yep, you recall the crackpot filth O referred to above. Now there’s a surprise… not.
  9. What a ridiculous question given that the perpetrator has already been tried and convicted in open court of law. Unless of course we view your question through the knowledge of the crackpot conspiracy nonsense swallowed by so many on the political right.
  10. Has the lesson not yet been learned? Whenever Trump is in trouble or more to the point the news media are reporting on Trump’s troubles, he responds by putting out some outrageous statement to capture and divert the news narrative.
  11. I agree that money needs to be taken out of politics legislation needs bringing in to annul ‘Citizens United’ and lobbying needs to be regulated better. But Trump isn’t responding to lobbying or funding, he’s offering the power of the Presidency for sale. That’s corruption on a whole different scale.
  12. That being the case, why did the current Government defund the asylum clearance system and thereby fail to remove bogus asylum seekers? Nobody objects to bogus asylum seekers being deported. https://www.migrationwatchuk.org/news/2022/01/24/savage-cuts-to-enforcement-staff-show-how-government-gets-things-backwards
  13. Evidence that this increase in knife crime is attributable to ‘uncontrolled immigration’ if you have it? Or is it yet another unsubstantiated claim?!
  14. I see the culture war nonsense has already shown up. Let’s get to the heart of the matter. Theresa May was warned that removing 20,000 police officers from street patrols would destroy community policing and that crime incidents would rise accordingly. During months long visits to the UK over the past five years I hardly ever saw a police officer anywhere but at the airport. Reports of police failing to attending crime scenes are common place. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13152403/Police-failed-solve-single-break-half-country.html
  15. Your approach is clear. Make unsubstantiated claims then get all personal against anyone who calls them out.
  16. What by dealing with the problem rather than engaging in performative cruelty? Or by not pouring hundreds of £millions of hard earned UK tax payers’ money into Rwanda?
  17. might be worth going back to revisit what posters had to say at the time about the motives of this attack, who the attacker was and why he was at the Pelosi home. Remind ourselves of the crackpot filth so easily swallowed some amongst us.
  18. Disgusting post. No ‘policy’ gave rise to Paul Pelosi being attacked with a hammer in his own home. That attack was a direct outcome of rightwing vitriol heaped on Nancy Pelosi. And I agree it’s a case of Terrorism - Stochastic Terrorism - incite hatred with hate filled rhetoric and someone will act on it.
  19. You ‘read somewhere’. I’m sure you did, but I doubt you want to tell us where.
  20. Makes absolute sense. The failed tory Asylum seeker exchange program has already cost UK tax payers hundreds of £millions while achieving nothing beyond building homes for Rwandans.
  21. As with all things failing Sunak announced, it’s worth waiting for the broader picture to emerge: https://www.theguardian.com/education/article/2024/may/11/rishi-sunak-accused-of-scaremongering-over-uk-students-gaza-protest-camps
  22. Well they are wrong. And sorry I’m not giving you the attention you crave. Next.
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