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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. It’s not Robinson who has resigned, it’s almost all of his campaign staff.
  2. GB News and ‘Balance’ don’t belong I the same sentence.
  3. There are, but the lion’s share of TV News is FOX and Sinclair control a majority of the arguably more influential radio news stations
  4. “This issue was brought to light by *The Sunday Times*, which noted that a payment of £5,000 to £10,000 for Myrie’s role as host at an Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association lunch in March had not been recorded.”
  5. Many people disagree with me, I don’t call them bigots. So there’s a demonstrably false claim you made. Comparing people to snakes is not debate.
  6. Oh, so now I’m responsible for the bigoted posts others make. It’s always somebody else’s fault!
  7. Ah, the correlation must be causation fallacy. You’ve yet to provide any links. Maybe you should ask immigrants working in housing construction what they think. It would certainly be a good idea to check before deporting them. Same goes for immigrants working in agriculture and food processing, holding food prices down. Low paid immigrant workers driving up housing prices, it’s laughable nonsense.
  8. Yep don’t expect me to be quiet when I come across overt bigotry.
  9. And you know they are clandestine lawyers because they wear masks and speak in whispers.
  10. You didn’t read the link I posted and you’ve provided absolutely no links to any credible sources to back your own claims.
  11. You have still not demonstrated proof of your claim. I suspect it’s because you have little if any understanding of the causes of homelessness in the U.S. That you bang on about immigrants only serves to confirm my suspicions.
  12. It must be tough for you, even Farage says he doesn’t want bigots in Reform UK. Maybe Yaxely Lennon will welcome you.
  13. If you post bigotry then don’t be surprised if you get called a bigot.
  14. You mean the link doesn’t support your ill informed and preconceived ideas, which incidentally are void of any evidence or backup.
  15. I was responding to your post wrt to the UK. So applying your logic…
  16. The similarity is migrating for a better life. The motivation is the same, and always has been, it’s what built America,
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