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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I wound nevertheless look at lower tire pressures, I ride 25mm Continental GP 5000 and during the rainy season 25mm Continental 4 seasons. I inflate to 85psi front and 90psi rear which gives a smooth ride with the lowest rolling resistance for my weight.
  2. Or at least it is alleged Iran tried to send Trump data to people associated with Biden’s campaign. Ru with that.
  3. I’ve got an even better example than the history of flight. ’Submarine Engineering’. It started off as a highly dangerous endeavor, but with lessons learned from early accidents, the application of engineering, development of materials, manufacturing methods, lots of science and copious amounts of inspection, design safety reviews and development and application of engineering and design standards and practices the early risks of submarines have been identified and eliminated. There was absolutely no good reason for the idiot running the Titan fiasco to ignore this wealth of knowledge and experience. Other that is than hubris.
  4. You are doing a very good job at demonstrating the precise problem of lay persons misunderstanding risk in the application of complex systems. Gove listening to David Lochridge a go.
  5. It ha no bearing on the actual risks. The actual risks are the flaws inherent in the design, manufacture and use of the submersible, non of which are in any way effected by the waivers signed by the passengers. Freedom of (informed) choice! Agency required some control over events, the passengers had zero control over any of the design and manufacturing already made that would result in their death. Somebody wasn’t listening to David Lochridge, pure hubris.
  6. What the occupants signed has no bearing on the actual risk. As the OP describes, the behaviour of carbon fiber under repeated pressurizations was not known. A test, is not simply applying pressure, it includes analysis to determine the outcome of that pressure on the structure, particularly relevant for laminated materials and especially so for the where different critical structural elements are fabricated from different materials each with their own distinct material properties. Pure hubris.
  7. Since the design was not compliant to established standards, not subjected to a design safety review, and not tested for the environment into which it was sent ‘they’ obviously did not know the risks. The OP refers to ‘arrogance’, though ‘hubris’ might be more accurate. https://www.engineering.com/the-titan-submersible-a-little-testing-wouldnt-have-killed-them/#:~:text=A new design%2C with material,should have been thoroughly tested.&text=The Titan was not sufficiently,Image%3A OceanGate.&text=for further testing that was not sent.
  8. What VP Harris actually said is spot on. She unequivocally states this is a job for Congress, not that her clarity on that will deter the willfully ill-informed drawing their usual biased and unsupported conclusions.
  9. That’s a question that the law has already addressed, I have provided a link to the specific law in my post above.
  10. Oh let’s wander off into imaginary scenarios rather than face the actual reality of these factual cases.
  11. Oh, so the black and white proof that they were imprisoned for the offenses under Section 127 of the Communications Act, links provided, is some kind of alternative reality? Believe me, I absolutely was not expecting to see the term ‘hurty words’ in the legislation. The term ‘hurty words’ is you grievance strikers came up with to avoid facing the fact of what crimes your martyrs committed and confessed to committing. Please forgive me if that was a bit hurty for you.
  12. Give over with the gaslighting, your martyrs were imprisoned for posting grossly offensive content in breach of the communications act. Read the links you yourself orovided They both confessed their crimes. Section 127 of the Communications Act linked below for your reference. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/21/section/127
  13. I have already responded in the thread discussing that case with very clear statements that I believe the pervert should have been sentenced to prison. If you have any comments on my views on that matter, respond in the thread dedicated to the topic.
  14. Your first hate monger was convicted as follows: ”Lee Dunn, date of birth 10/07/1973, is from Egremont, Cumbria and pleaded guilty to a charge of sending a grossly offensive message, contrary to section 127(1)(a) and (3) of the Communications Act 2003.” So not for posting ‘hurty words’ as claimed by the grievance strokers among us. As an added ‘gift’ for his hate mongering, he’s almost certainly lost the security clearance he needs to work at Sellsfield. Your second martyr was convicted of racially aggravated breach of Section 127 of the Communications Act. I suggest you read the link you provided and not dismiss the factors the court considered. https://www.cps.gov.uk/north-west/news/man-jailed-offensive-social-media-posts-wake-recent-disorder https://www.news.cumbria.police.uk/news/man-convicted-for-posting-racially-aggravated-online-content-as-part-of-carlisle-policing-operation
  15. So that the end of any arguments from you that the leftwing media are controlling the narrative.
  16. Once again, nobody has been jailed for ‘hurty words on Facebook. Give us their names Jonny and I’ll once again link reports of the crimes they were actually imprisoned and/or held on remand for. Oh and you couldn’t help yourself with the slur could you?!
  17. I sometimes read The Guardian, I don’t read it everyday and I certainly don’t read every article they publish. So not so much ‘missed the article’ as didn’t read The Guardian whenever it was the article was published. My ‘chosen rag’ at the moment is a piece of an old T-shirt that I’m using to clean one my road bikes.
  18. Your imagination is wasted Jonny, you could write novels; fictional fantasy stuff seems to be your natural genre.
  19. “Russia, if you are listening” Said a man who hopes American voters are not.
  20. I see The Daily Telegraph are still in that place of hurt they’ve been in silence July 5.
  21. It’s not hard to find: Here from the Daily Mail report on the original criminal trial: In March, 2004, after false documents had been obtained claiming the girl was their daughter, a successful request was made to the British High Commission in Ghana for UK entry clearance for the "family". Three months later they flew to London. Here from the records of the disciplinary hearing: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-566852/Couple-smuggled-13-year-old-girl-Britain-work-household-slave.html https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/66e2e938718edd8177131679/TRATMPO_Ernestina_Quainoo_conduct_panel_outcome__002_.pdf
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