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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. She was a laughing stock from the offset, even The Sun had challenged her shelf life with a lettuce, and the lettuce won. The laughing stopped when her rightwing zealotry came within hours of causing a run on Sterling and collapsing the UK’s pension industry. But I do accept, she has her admirers; there’s no accounting for taste.
  2. Nonsense. Maybe he was a nasty piece of work. Keep going, you’re up to 2 on circumstantial evidence, not a jot of proof, but you making an effort.
  3. I suspect they will have some ideas around contributions from multi millionaires.
  4. Do you believe non of the corrupt theft of public funds under the last Government should be pursued?
  5. Which opinion link do you object to, I’ll gladly replace it to keep you happy?
  6. You’ve only got ten more relationships to go. Keep going.
  7. Shall we pretend that the Train Drivers have not been negotiating and that the intransigence of the last Government didn’t cause necessary strikes with all the disruption that entailed. Starmer just put an end to it all. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/major-breakthrough-in-rail-dispute-could-signal-end-of-national-strikes https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/dec/08/mick-lynch-government-is-deliberately-ensuring-rail-strikes-go-ahead
  8. You obviously didn’t read Swift’s endorsement of Harris. Her statement included this: “I’ve done my research, and I’ve made my choice. Your research is all yours to do, and the choice is yours to make.”” As for pointless: “Within 24 hours of her announcement, nearly 340,000 people had visited the voter registration website, vote.gov, using a custom link created and shared by Swift.” That’s an awful lot of “pointless” In 24 hours. https://davidallengreen.com/2024/09/how-taylor-swifts-endorsement-of-harris-and-walz-is-a-masterpiece-of-persuasive-prose-a-songwriters-practical-lesson-in-written-advocacy/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c89w4110n89o.amp
  9. Please explain what is wrong with working people earning a decent wage, which incidentally isn’t huge?
  10. Getting g back to Topic. Taylor Swift’s endorsement is a huge win for Harris. Swift has millions of followers in the young age group of voters that Democrats need to onboard to win the election too , a demography that doesn’t show up in most polls and therefore a wildcard. That Swift also brings her feminist reputation to the fight precisely when Republicans are actively undermining women’s rights is a double bonus. It’s huge.
  11. Thank you for your accolades. Anything to say on the topic of discussion? Here’s a clue, it’s not me.
  12. It’s not a stupid gotcha question. Cameroni has made statements that he can’t back up. I’m simply calling out his baseless and pejorative claims. Why that bothers you personally is a mystery.
  13. Says guy dragging some past grievance into the thread. Get over what ever it was already.
  14. It’s not stupid, it’s completely consistent with the ‘World News’ forum rules. Statements purporting to be fact need to be backed up with credible evidence/links.
  15. Let’s all give up then. Let’s all buy into the lie that the parties are the same, succumb to defeatism, apathy and lethargy. But before you do ask yourself this very simple question: If you do, cui bono? Because rest assured somebody benefits from voter apathy and they are the same people who promote it.
  16. You seem to have forgotten how the process of replacing a PM works, and that despite having been given so many recent examples. MPs go after a sitting PM when their own tenure is placed at risk. No Labour MP is looking down the barrel of loosing their seat, it’s not a thing for at least another 3 and half years , and only then if Labour under Starmer are failing to deliver for voters. It is also without question that some very difficult decisions are going to have to be made in order to improve the UK economy and UK public services. Even if we swallowed the nonsense that Starmer is on shaky ground, why would any Labour MP want to take over the helm while those difficult decisions have yet to be made? There is of course one reason, that of wanting more radical policies. Which is why I say wait until the budget, we’ll then get a clearer view of Starmer’s means to achieve Labour’s manifesto pledges. In the meantime we’ll just have to put up with the whining, whinging and bleating of those who still have come to terms with July 5.
  17. Just as well because she could never of won an election as leader of any party.
  18. You are saying Taylor Swift is ‘sleeping around’, something you have stated is not a likable trait in a woman. It is therefore incumbent upon you to produce the evidence that Taylor Swift is sleeping around Not your pejorative assumption, real evidence. Give it your best go.
  19. Can we see your evidence that each and all of Taylor Swift’s relationships was sexual?
  20. Can we see your evidence that each and all of Taylor Swift’s relationships was sexual?
  21. But can it be done without the vehicle being ‘hardwire’ connected to a maintenance console or is it something that can be done wirelessly and without the owner’s consent?
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