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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Obviously the fact that this is a discussion forum escaped you.
  2. The slaver I said should be imprison and deported? Or is that you posting a lie ridden slur?
  3. Reform of the SCOTUS needs to be put into the Harris election campaign. It has broad support across the electorate: https://today.yougov.com/politics/articles/50159-most-americans-support-term-limits-poll
  4. Your links never seem to be to actual court records, charged and convicted crimes. When presented with these you go silent.
  5. Your on form this morning Jonny. Kicking off with your customary lie about people being jailed for ‘stupid post on Facebook’ and it never got better after that.
  6. In the riots being discussed they were the victims of violence t attack, looting and arson. Or did you miss that?
  7. As I have argued, Edwards has, as a customer of child pornography, provided the market that drives harm to children.
  8. I take the view there are 4 purposes behind prison, your three and setting a deterrent. Edwards was not a passive recipient of these images, refer BK Brian’s post above, he was actively engaged in obtaining them. Behind child pornography are layers of abuse, it is a crime with real victims who are vulnerable children. Its a ‘business’ driven by demand, and Edwards has clearly been part of that demand driving the abuse. I take particular objection to ‘he’s lost his reputation and his career’ being considered in sentencing or what is an appropriate punishment. He had no right to that reputation or that career, he engaging in filth behind a cloak of decency, he was never decent. Moreover, it’s an argument often used (in the UK) when considering the sentencing of criminals who have ‘successful lives’ an argument not available to those who are not privileged with wealth and social capital. Now I think you and I might find a great deal of agreement on the failings of the penal system, there is a lot wrong with prisons and rehabilitation, but this isn’t about what is wrong with prison, it’s about a privileged, wealthy, connected man being treated very leniently by the courts. He’s a pervert, he belongs behind bars.
  9. I notice you make allegations but fail to produce evidence to back them up: I’ve not made a single statement that can be reasonably construed to be ‘on the side of the human trafficker’. I have very clearly stated I think she should be imprisoned and deported. Perhaps a little less of your emotive nonsense might leave you head space to construct an argument.
  10. From the article you are commenting on, I’ve underlined the bits you appear to have missed: “Her criminal past only came to light when a colleague received an old newspaper article detailing the crime she committed in 2008. Ms. Quainoo was convicted for her involvement in human trafficking in 2008, but she failed to disclose this when she was hired by the school. The incident prompted an investigation by the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA), which concluded with a decision to permanently ban her from teaching. “
  11. Venn diagrams not your thing? We know she was trafficked, we know she was enslaved. She also passed through into the UK through immigration, she was an immigrant.
  12. I agree, there should be a jail sentence. Perhaps there will be.
  13. No, not difficult for me Jonny. Definitely difficult for the victim, themselves an immigrant. So maybe blame the actual criminal rather than engage in dog whistling.
  14. That comment, ‘There are Good people on both sides’ gave the game away, don’t you agree?
  15. It’s difficult keeping up with the dog whistles these days. Thank you for at least trying to help out.
  16. Again, and for the second time, thanks for pointing out my typo. If anyone accuses you of being useless, send them to me I’ll put them right for you. Again thank you, your contribution is much appreciated.
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