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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Nonsense. Market regulation is a primary function of EU governance, it’s how the ‘EU free trade area functions’ within EU wide common regulations. I can think of numerous examples of the EU controlling what is ‘let loose on EU citizens’. The exclusion of toxins from foods, untested and unsafe medicines, untested and unsafe electrical goods, untested and unsafe motor vehicles… the list goes on.
  2. Living within one means is a lot easier when there are no idiots enacting dogmatic economic lunacy that directly causes a massive increase in mortgage interest payments. All Truss had to do was nothing. The electorate have noticed she couldn’t even do that. And why wouldn’t the electorate notice, millions are now paying significantly higher mortgage interest rates.
  3. Maybe the EU doesn’t want to let AI controlled by corporation loose on EU citizens or give corporations free reign to do whatever they please no matter the consequences.
  4. “The report itself does not substantiate these claims or implicate Mr Biden. It does not allege illegal conduct.” Next!
  5. It’s a direct consequence of selecting a lying fraudster as a candidate.
  6. Can you please explain how being critical of Truss going against UK Government policy on China is anti-Tory?
  7. I’m more how you conclude the audience was firmly on Trump’s side. There were obvious signs of sympathy, but it’s only natural when confronted with someone presenting such clear signs of mental illness.
  8. From the report: ” Reached for comment, an FBI spokesperson said the report requested by Comer’s committee “is used by FBI agents to record unverified reporting by a confidential human source.” “Documenting the information does not validate it, establish its credibility, or weigh it against other information verified by the FBI,” the spokesperson said in a statement, cautioning that providing such information could harm investigations and judicial proceedings and “unfairly violate privacy or reputations.”
  9. I accept the Jury’s verdict in full. I’ll accept each of the Jury verdicts in any Trump trial in full.
  10. Presenting evidence seems a bit of a challenge too.
  11. Well done CNN. Handed Trump the chance to show how stuck in his own lies he is, and he took it. Nobody likes a sore loser.
  12. I thought it was Mexico that were going to do the funding?
  13. Sworn testimony is evidence, especially when backed by sworn testimony from others. As in this case.
  14. Good for you. But if you’re out are hoping for a ‘Trumpist’ jury, keep in mind millions of Americans are so a-political, they don’t even vote. I’m quite certain Georgia can impanel an unbiased jury. I’m also certain that if a Georgia jury does convict Trump you’ll scream ‘rigged’, or words to that effect. For the record l’ll accept any jury verdict in any Trump trial.
  15. A welcome change from a constant stream of verbal diarrhea and hate mongering on Twitter and far more time working than playing golf. I also hear he reads and understand his daily briefings.
  16. Alternatively, if he’s found guilty and sentenced the Republicans lose one vote in the house and have to decide if they should expel him and go for the risk of a special election or stick with him and hand the Democrats the talking point of Republican convicts. In the mean time the public get treated to ongoing revelations of this particular Republican’s grubby criminality. ‘All the best people’.
  17. Odd thing to say given no details of the proposed regulations is given.
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