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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. That must have messed up your annual cost of living increases.
  2. Starmer is playing smart. Fight the next election on the most pressing issues facing voters. Anti Brexit, Pro Rejoin sentiment is steadily increasing. The next Government will settle for mending fences broken by the Tories.
  3. The next election will be fought on the most pressing issues facing voters. The economy, the NHS, public services, the damage done by over 12 years of Tory mismanagement. The damage Brexit is doing is now being discussed openly, political parties will follow public opinion, not lead it.
  4. He’s a member of the Cabinet, do you think he speaks on this without any agreement with the PM? Let’s see who’s next to speak out against Brexit.
  5. I’m sure many in the criminal fraternity agree with you. Especially those with the financial resources to be able to hire lawyers in order to delay investigations, challenge subpoenas is court and otherwise run out the clock.
  6. The problem for your denial argument is, the ‘opinion piece’ includes the poster and the guy promoting it. I’ve produced evidence of the poster and Farage promoting its message. Good luck with your ‘everyone I spoke to’. Back to topic. The Government’s secret Brexit meeting has been followed by a Government Minister openly stating Brexit is damaging investment in the UK. Difficult to deny these facts given Government Ministers are now openly admitting the damage Brexit is doing. So, deflect away.
  7. Nice try. But it has nothing to do with Pete Buttigieg.
  8. Because it’s a fact https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jun/16/farage-poster-enoch-powell-rivers-of-blood-racism-ukip-european-union
  9. What you refer to as ‘noise’ is the expression of growing public opinion against Brexit. Last week we learned the Government held a conference lead by Brexit supporting minister Gove, with members of the opposition and Brexit critics to discuss the damage Brexit is doing to the UK and how to work closer with the EU. This was shortly followed by Government Minister Mel Stride publicly admitting the damage Brexit is doing to investment in the UK. The ‘noise’ you are complaining about is getting louder and is now coming directly from members of the Cabinet Office. As I said some months ago, the truth of Brexit damage cannot be hidden forever. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2023/feb/14/rishi-sunak-tory-conservatives-labour-china-latest-politics-news-updates
  10. It’s increasing likely Sturgeon will get the last laugh out of Trump’s ‘farewell’ stunt. Keep your powder dry lassie.
  11. I hope that Gaetz does sue the DoJ, ‘Discovery’ would be very interesting, which is why Gaetz will almost certainly not sue the DoJ.
  12. Except Leave and Farage in particular, made use of non EU migration which produced a swing towards Leave. Non EU immigration was a central issue in the Leave campaign.
  13. That’s a very interesting thought you had, then wrote down and then tried to tell us you never had.
  14. Calm yourself. He hasn’t punished anyone, let alone committed a war crime.
  15. Poor you, you have my sympathy. Missing out on so much in life on account of your race, gender or sexual orientation must be tough.
  16. It for 10,000 he got you and many others talking about it. Thanks for doing your bit to spread the word.
  17. The UK was trading with African and Asian nations while a member of the EU. Who swallowed the lie that the Uk was not?
  18. Well I’ll go to the back of our house. ……… The dam’s broken, the truth is leaking out.
  19. Growing up in an environment that denies any gender identity other than the binary heterosexual view the religious right wish to foist upon the world helps how? There’s not a school or any classroom that doesn’t include people, staff of pupils that do not conform to the heterosexual ‘norm’ the religious right want to force on kids. Gender and sexuality is a spectrum, educating kids to understand that is absolutely the right thing to do. That this is even a question amongst people commenting on a Thailand, of all places, related forum is quite remarkable.
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