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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. No more so than those who swallow and regurgitate Russian propaganda.
  2. Yes, let’s have Putin’s propaganda in full. German made tanks are not ‘German Tanks’. Russia can avoid being on the receiving end of munitions from German made tanks in Ukraine, by calling off their illegal invasion of the sovereign state of Ukraine and returning to behind their own borders.
  3. The right to NHS treatment is not based on tax/NI payment history, it is based on ‘Permanent Residence in the UK or Permanent Residence in the UK being established at the time treatment is being sought’.
  4. I wasn’t disputing the OP’s statements on waiting times, I was disputing the argument you you made in your post I was responding to. Let me leave it at that, I’m a little busy to engage further in your obsessive focus on my posts.
  5. BREXIT has gone from a great victory, something to be celebrated, an event in British history deserving to be memorialized with a public holiday. To something BREXITeers don’t want to talk about.
  6. Which is why it’s so much better to skip the claimed personal experiences and rely on verifiable date: https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-7281/
  7. Is that a link from an alternative universe where BREXIT occurred but COVID and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine did not? I’ve already provided a link to a credible source on the impacts of BREXIT.
  8. The most significant thing to your situation that has not changed is the NHS is still providing health care free at the point of need. The most significant thing to your situation that has changed is waiting times to see a doctor, get diagnostics and get treatment. You’ll meet a lot of foreigners in the NHS, they’re a significant part of medical professionals and and very significant part of NHS auxiliary services. Good luck with your treatment and keep us posted on how you get on.
  9. It’s not good news for the car industry: A bit of a blow to the BREXIT voting North East. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/01/25/cars/uk-car-production/index.html
  10. If Kyle Rittenhouse had an ounce of good sense, he’d quietly get on with his life and not throw stones at ‘City Hall’.
  11. Here you go: https://www.lse.ac.uk/News/Latest-news-from-LSE/2022/l-December-22/By-the-end-of-2021-Brexit-had-already-cost-UK-households-a-total-of-5.8-billion-in-higher-food-bills-–-new-LSE-research
  12. If your lap top went missing and turned up months later in the hands of people who had stolen it, or received it as a stolen item, and many of whom had accessed the laptop you would very reasonably deny any knowledge of anything nefarious on that laptop. As would anyone. The people handling this stolen laptop were political opponents of Hunter Biden’s farmer. By all means, put that in front of a Grand Jury, it’ll not get as far as. Trial Jury and if it does Hunter Biden’s legal team will explain ‘reasonable doubt’ to the Jury.
  13. I’m presuming you didn’t understand this bit of my post: Now what was it you were saying about Hyperbole?
  14. The issue with BREXIT is the fact that the UK choosing to erecting trade barriers between the UK economy and its most significant trading partner was always going to damage the economy. COVID and the Russian invasion of Ukraine have masked the impact of BREXIT. The impacts of COVID are receding, economies are adapting to the war in Ukraine, BREXIT remains and continues to damage the UK economy.
  15. No it doesn’t. It demonstrates high interest rates, it doesn’t demonstrate the cause. By example, Germany was far more impacted by the war in the UK than was the Ukraine but has lower inflation than the UK. There are multiple factors impacting inflation, BREXIT is one, denying this is facile. [edit: Correction of ‘war in UK to war in Ukrainian].
  16. He’s also establishing the fact the laptop and the ‘data on the laptop’ where in the hands of criminals in tge time since he last handled it.
  17. Baiting again. I believe a reminder of the topic of discussion has been give, I’m not it.
  18. Let me introduce you to the concept of ‘Institutional Racism’: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institutional_racism
  19. I saw it this morning, faint but visible and with a definite green hue.
  20. Well I do accept you probably don’t know what MAGA is.
  21. There’s a border, and the Russians crossed I then started killing people and destroying infrastructure and property. Let’s keep prioritize sympathy for the victims of Russia’s illegal invasion.
  22. I made the same observation last week. It’s all a part of the unitary circle Venn diagram within which so much of rightwing commentary fits.
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