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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. No, again I refuse to be baited by you into breaking forum rules.
  2. Whether or not you are a racist is irrelevant to the topic of discussion, and calling you a racist would be in clear breach of the Forum’s rules - I have repeatedly stated I draw the line at calling other forum members racists. So you solicit an irrelevant answer that may me precluded by the forum rules - I’m no dumb enough to walk into such an obvious trap. The topic of discussion is not ‘laws enacted as a result of Enoch Powell’s racist views’, your question is an obvious strawman, feel free to play such games by yourself.
  3. I’ve had it with Trump supporters claiming to be ‘True Patriots’. The people who attacked the Capitol in an attempt to overthrow the election. The people baying for the hanging of the Vice President for not breaking the law by halting the count. The people who signed their names as fake electors and submitted fake election returns. The people threatening election officials and their families for doing their job. The people Government agents and their families for doing their job. The people openly calling for violence and civil war because the leader they worship is being investigated for serious crimes. There’s not a patriot amongst them, not one. As for those that previously served in military or police, they gave their oath to uphold the constitution defend America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and uphold the rule of law. They have absolutely no argument that they did not know what they were doing and are doing was a crime against the US, an attack on the Constitution and an attack on US Democracy Away with this MAGA claim to be ‘True Patriots’, I’m sick of hearing this bare faced lie.
  4. Both are the Grand Jury and the Trial Jury disagree with you. And while it is of little real consequence, so do I.
  5. Alf Garnett was parody, here on this forum we have the real thing.
  6. I’m not willing to suspend the necessary amount of credulity to swallow that nonsense.
  7. He made a speech singling out immigrants that he thought would win him Power. He’s not the first to do so, he’ll not be the last.
  8. My views on immigration are not the topic of discussion. You will not make this discussion about me. Refer to the top of the thread to discover what topic of discussion actually is.
  9. That was not his argument. As I have commented before, at the time of his statements immigration to the Uk was predominantly, by a wide margin, from the Caribbean. He knew who he was referring to and so did those listening to him. His defenders and admirers certainly knew. I’ll say this again, so you don’t have to come back at a different angle. I am not in agreement with Enoch Powell on any matters of immigration, race, race relations and his predictions for British society. But I don’t discount him entirely, his Latin scholarship was remarkable.
  10. The Guardian is one of the journalism award winning papers I read. Care to share where you get your news?
  11. I’ve not seen much of that in the papers I read, but then they’re not usually on the top shelf.
  12. No, I do not agree with Enoch Powell’s views. The basis of restrictions he wanted was race, he was a racist, why would I agree with a racist?
  13. When did I ever suggest free entry to everyone was desirable? I have never suggested anything of the sort.
  14. An example of 1st generation assimilation that is characteristic of immigrants throughout history.
  15. His career was already over, that’s why he turned to rave baiting in the hope of saving it. I think he did see the writing on the wall, immigrants would replace old fossils like him in Parliament - he was right.
  16. Hit a cop in the street and he can legally shoot you dead. 10 years is not too long for the crimes he committed which also included attempting to overthrow the certification of the election.
  17. No. You’ve departed into hyperbole. I’ve backed up my statement with a credible link.
  18. No you did not, you departed from rational discussion. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-37999156
  19. All well and good until you add in the different treatment of people by the police and criminal Justice system according to their race.
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