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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Apparently Johnson didn’t know anyone in the police or security services to report his concerns to.
  2. We’ve already dealt with your myopic utilitarian view of education. Now let’s deal with your ‘learning identity’. I wonder if that extends to learning about heterosexual identity, should all heterosexual images be removed from schools, should all heterosexual themed literature and art be removed from schools. Or is it just the non-heterosexual stuff that bothers you?
  3. If non of the events being investigated and exposed by the Jan 6 Hearings are criminal, then Trump and the rightwing supporters of those events have nothing to worry about. Likewise those eager to downplay the events of Jan 6 need only sit back and wait for the investigation to ‘fizzle out’. They can all relax and be as chilled as they tell us they are.
  4. You are obviously not paying attention to rightwing’s fixation on other people’s sexuality.
  5. It’s difficult to argue that the levels of gun violence in the US are not related to something about the US. Unless you are arguing the US has massively more ‘sick individuals’ per capita than every other developed nation on the planet. There is clearly something very peculiar about the US that gives rise to so much gun violence. Your arguments wrt the nationality of commentators here on this forum are the exact same arguments made by others who object to discussion of bare faced problems in their own home country. Fir sure there are many who hold ‘anti-American’ views, but don’t let that distract you from the obscenity of gun violence in the US. Rise above petty nationalism and address this sickness in US society.
  6. How do you know what she said on private were her honest feelings? Who was the text to? In what context was the text framed? Her statements to Congress were under oath and therefore framed in the context of criminal liability if she lied. She’s stated what others have reported to her, she has named who these others are. The veracity of her statements is easily confirmed by getting the sworn testimony of those she has referred to. That it is, subject to those individuals answering subpoenas and not taking the 5th.
  7. Another win for Nominative determinism.
  8. You are making a false equivalence . What’s said in a text message and what’s said under oath are not even close to being the same thing. If making such a false equivalence gives you some sense of comfort, then do enjoy it while you can.
  9. Looking for something to be offended over?
  10. Not a private message, so up for comment by all members.
  11. Nothing at all to do with the topic of discussion.
  12. Teachers will recognize this ‘news story’ for what it is, an example of a parent(s)* objecting to their little darling having to follow the self same rules as every other kid in the school. *Note The Sun doesn’t give the details of how many patents objected, typical nonsense from that rag. The real story is some kid objecting because he can’t get his own way and his parents feeding his sense of bruised entitlement.
  13. You need to look up the UK Met Office definition of a ‘heat wave’.
  14. Now explain how the school headmaster being authoritarian wrt enforcing a school uniform on which parents have been consulted is ‘woke’? It’s not of course, but you might have fun trying.
  15. It wasn’t woke, you chose to go off on your ‘PC’ thing. You were baited an you bit, ’School uniform’, the clue is in the name.
  16. Still not a heat wave, and definitely not the specific location to which this ‘story’ relates.
  17. We’ve already had an example of ‘good guys with guns, bullet proof vests, helmets and ballistic shields’ cowering outside while a killer guns down children. We’ve had enough of the ‘good guy with a gun’ myth.
  18. The accusation of any of this being ‘woke’ is an invention of The Sun, it’s triggered the intended faux outrage and I see you are now throwing in ‘PC’ and other layers of nonsense. There is absolutely nothing ‘woke’ about this ‘news story’, it’s a fabricated accusation designed to do exactly what it has done. You we’re baited and you bit.
  19. I’m in the UK right now, please tell me where this heatwave is, I’ll go get some of it. Parents were given the opportunity to express there thoughts on what the school uniform should be: https://www.wymondhamhigh.co.uk/docs/Letters/16_06_2022_School_uniform_consultation__2_.pdf Heat wave, ha!
  20. Your problems finding a job are not the topic of discussion.
  21. Well there you go. The attack of January 6 was a Democrat distraction show.

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