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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. So went there yesteray, entry price is or was 20 thb per vehicle and 20 thb per farang. Had the money ready, nope now us farang must pay 50 thb each. It won't stop me from taking fam there because it's nice but come on.
  2. I didn't realize he was gay, please post a link. Seems as though your bigotry shines.
  3. This was during a time when we (USA) had a troubling supply problem. Taking time off was a character flaw, regardless if it was legit. I don't see anything wrong with critisizing Pothole pete, but the left always finds something to cry about and start the name calling. That is their MO.
  4. As long as Scott doesn't take months off to breast feed, I don't see a problem.
  5. Vessel repair could be a reason for wanting a base in Thailand. It's not just the USS ships but the USNS ships as well.
  6. I usually tear about an inch off those big papers. The small papers are doable, I miss the orange zig zag papers in the USA.
  7. Are katoey the ones who's had the surgery, snip snip and ladyboys the one who still have the package?
  8. Shower and a toilet, wow, living the dream.
  9. Having a bong and pipe laying around isn't necessary, just more incriminating evidence. Cones and packing a joint, what's wrong with these folks. Just learn how to roll a joint, <deleted>.
  10. When Target's sales drops maybe they'll understand their mistake. I prefer Super Walmarts anyways. Unless I happen to be in tweaker land, then I go to Target. One has to ponder how this insane behavior has engulfed society so quickly. Leave the kids alone.
  11. In the USA we're not ready to give in to the nonsense the dems are promoting nationwide. Perhaps you've given up in your home country, we haven't.
  12. I never agreed to anything. More proof biden loyalists reside in another reality.
  13. Exactly, what biden rallys. Perhaps this time he'll be forced to explain to the American people how their lives are better during his 4 years vs Trump era. https://www.reuters.com/graphics/USA-BIDEN/POLL/nmopagnqapa/ U.S. President Joe Biden's public approval was at 40% in recent days, close to the lowest level of his presidency, with Americans unhappy about his handling of immigration and inflation, a new Reuters/Ipsos poll showed.
  14. You do understand my response was about low participation at biden rallys. But, you knew that. Deflect much.
  15. It will be interesting to see what excuses biden fans have this time around without covid for an excuse.

    Thai beef

    There was a foreigner store that sold mignon 280 bht for 250 gr. frozen. Awesome everytime, price has gone to 320 thb for 200 g. C'mon, that's pushing it.
  17. In 2022 i drove many miles between Sacramento and San Diego, $7.00 gal was average. Above Sac the prices increaed.
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